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3. Morty the Janitor

2. The next day before school

1. You Are What You Wish

Morty the Janitor

on 2006-06-17 14:34:54

1233 hits, 34 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Anthro Myth NBM Omni SciFi Unaware

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Morty the janitor saw Jon drop the stone so he decided he would put it in Jon's locker later. With Morty's bad leg he'd never catch up with him.
Everyone in the school always thought of Morty as a harmless simpleton. He was always dirty due to his job but he was also childlike and mentally stunted.

Morty started heading back to the Janitor's Closet to get the locker keys.
Sarah and her friends liked picking on Morty and as he passed Sarah dropped a drink on the floor which spilled everywhere.
"Better get that handsome." She said mockingly as the girls around her laughed.
"Right on it." He said just before slipping and landing hard on his back.
The laughter errupted.

Ryan, head of the science club, came to Morty's rescue, helping him up.
The girls laughed at that too. Ryan turned sharply to them as they laughed, "Just shut up!"

The immediate silence was stunning. The girls just looked in silence.

"Ok, that's creepy. Find something better to do." Ryan said.
"Yeah, do me." laughed Larry the class clown as he passed around a corner.
The girls followed him and Ryan dusted Morty off.
"I wish those girls knew what it was like to be picked on and treated like crap everyday." Ryan said.
Morty absently rubbed the stone in his pocket. "Me too."
In the background Larry's voice could be heard "Get away from me you ugly whores. Like I'd ever touch you."
The girls walked by crying in the background.
Morty continued rubbing his sore leg, "But what I really wish is...."

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