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3. Change of Plans

2. Cheerleader Camp

1. You Are What You Wish

New Plan

on 2020-07-23 16:58:47

1206 hits, 111 views, 2 upvotes.

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Emma’s mind raced as she tried to figure out what to do. She didn’t feel ready to face a camp full of girls. It wouldn’t take long for her to appear to be a fraud. Her hand slipped into her purse and she took hold of the stone. The wishes that were made kept getting screwed up. She would have to be careful not to do something which would cause permanent damage.

“Aren’t you excited to be going to camp?” Karyn teased. “Just think of all of the hot girls you will get to see in the shower. First to the car gets the first choice of bunks.

Karyn launched into gear but Emma lagged.

“I wish we weren’t going to cheerleading camp?” Emma muttered quietly. Only when the stone started to tingle did she realize what she had done. Wondering what to do she asked, “Ah, where are we going again?”

“Did all of your brains go to your boobs?” Karyn shook her head. “We are going to Candi’s beach house for the summer. At least the airhead is good for some things.”

The entered the vehicle to the warm smile of Candi, “Are you girls ready for some fun in the sun? And don’t worry if you have any boys over I won’t tell your Dad, just remember to use protection.”

“You hear that we can have boys over,” Karyn nudged Emma.

“Great,” a thick sarcasm filled Emma’s voice but Candi didn’t take any notice as she sped off down the road.

At least it was better than a camp of judgemental girls, Emma thought. She had to admit the house was nice when she saw it. It was two stories with a long staircase down to the beach. Even on this overcast day, there were plenty of people down there.

“So what do you girls want to do first,” Candi asked as they unloaded the car. “Do you want to do some shopping. I think Karyn is about ready for a new bikini with your recent growth spurt. You wouldn’t want to pop out of your top on accident.”

Karyn blushed, “My clothes fit perfectly.”

Her stepmother leaned in closely and pulled Karyn’s sweater open to look at the bra inside. Candi shook her head. Karyn stood frozen for a moment before jerking back from her.

“Your bra is too small,” Candi responded. “With a sweater, you can get away with it. but if you try that with a bikini you are likely to pop out with the first jump. If you are looking to give the boys an eyeful of your goodies, I won’t stop you.”

Emma knew she had to do something before Karyn exploded.

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