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3. A Few More Changes~

2. Karyn's Totally Normal Morning

1. You Are What You Wish

Karyn Likes To Text~!

on 2020-08-11 18:46:18

1732 hits, 178 views, 1 upvotes.

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I smile a tad as I stand up, as I give myself a quick look-over in the mirror. Pigtails, check! Shorts, check! Shoes, shirt, yada yada, check~! I was ready as I'd ever be. Grabbing my phone off of my bed I slip it into my back pocket, before hearing it buzz once more. Taking it back out, I find that Jon had sent another text! Right, I had forgotten to tell him about the doctors appointment.

'Hey Jon-boy, change of plans. I have a doctors appointment today so let's meet at your place after school yeah?' I hit send, though I'm surprised at how quickly Jon had responded.

'I know, you told me remember?' It said, as I feel yet another wave over me. I did tell him, yeah I remember now! It was right before he told me about the stone!

'Oh sorry, I forgot. I've got a lot on my mind right now.' I send back, though I get a reply withing seconds once more!

'Oh? I'm here if you need to talk. I've known you for how many years now? I gotcha'!" I raise a brow at this however. Jon was my best friend, though he was never one to speak up about something like this. Normally the situation is reversed and I was trying to get HIM to talk to ME!

I begin to text back, wanting to say 'Oh I know, got to go though so talk later.' However, as another wave of warmth washed over me, I found myself smiling. He was just trying to be nice right?

My fingers begin to move, as I begin to type. 'Awww that's sweet Jon-boy, well I mean you already know about the first thing. It's kinda driving me crazy.' I type, before looking at the words long and hard. Wouldn't it be easier and faster to abbreviate and shorten some of these? I hit send as once again, Jon replies withing seconds.

"Right, I'm trying to think of a way to fix that. Though if I make any changes you'll be the first to know." He says as once more, another wave of heat washes over me.

I begin to type, 'Kk, probs won't be able to talk while in- office tho." I say, finding it a bit easier to type with worrying about proper spelling or anything. I smile a tad, before beginning to type once more. 'Tbh I'll probs just nap on the way up to it.' I hit send again, as Jon doesn't respond for about a minute or so.

He eventually does, as I look back down, another wave of heat washing over me. Huh, I'd need to bring these heat flashes up when I talk to the doctor. I look down at my phone, my long, light pink nails clacking a bit on the glass. I had gotten them done yesterday to try and relax a tad, and I was really happy with the results! 'Oh ok, sounds good. You need anything? I do mean anything.' He sends, as I can't help but smile.

'Lol u don't have 2 wish up stuff 4 me. Lmk if u need smth tho! Idk wut I can rlly do wtho the stone but u kno." I type, not noticing the way I was typing was getting worse and worse, getting closer to 'slang' rather than anything! 'Gtg, ttyl' I type before sliding the phone back in my pocket as I hurry downstairs. Mom was probably nearly ready herself!

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