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16. The Battle Royale

15. Hall of Fame Checklist

14. Rin and Lam Vs. The Flames

13. Time Skip

12. The Incubi Vs. Alvin Million,

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1. The Future of Gaming

Boom Television Championship Battle Royale

avatar on 2020-08-18 14:18:03

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After the win, I was now 6-0. That was a pretty good start for me. If I could win my next four matches, I would get another criteria towards my Legend and Hall of Fame status. I already got the 3-Peat Champion criterion. It was looking up for me. I already had a good plan to get the ten win mark. I just needed to go and challenge the weakest fighters and beat them. That was what I set out to do. After Oscar Ramon interfered in the match, I wanted to get some revenge. Alvin Million was by far a weak fighter with no wins to his name. He was going to get it next. If that worked, I would be up to 8 wins. I bet I could rest on tag team matches to get the others. I went to the back and got the match approved. Benson was going to be with me at ringside. We briefly celebrated with Liam and Owen as they got ready for their match. "You brought home the gold and we are going to be the first title defense for them, right?" Liam said with more finality than a question. I said "Maybe in two months? I have some scores to settle with some people." He crossed his arms and sighed deeply.

I rose my eyebrow at that. I let it go as I really did not want to tempt fate. I needed some time if I wanted to get to ten wins. We watched some of the matches before the main event started. I was looking to be a good card to me. As the announcer called for the main event, Owen said "It's show time!" Liam said "Let's go then." He then looked at Benson and asked if he was coming out. He had taken a hard bump during our match. He nodded and said "I have to. Someone's gotta do it." The three left together while we watched from the locker room. It was a good match with lot of twists and turns. The ten men battled in the ring. John Uxon, the defending champion was able to eliminate three people. Liam was doing well until he was thrown over the top rope. He held on and Owen almost punched him off on instinct. He held back at the last second and the two breathed a sigh of relief. John drop kicked Owen into Liam. He was eliminated as he fell to the floor with two feet touching. That was an upset. Liam was furious as well at the result. He tried to get back in, but the refs stopped him.

He was sent to the back and Owen was also pissed. He eliminated someone in anger. That left five men in the ring. Owen got over his anger and held back at the corner of the ring. The others fought amongst themselves. The people were eliminated one by one until it was just John and Owen. They exchanged blows and and kicks between them. They then grappled against the times. Both of them were in the red health somewhere on their body. It was unsure how it would turn out. Owen, being a heel, did not have any problems stomping on John's foot. John let go from the pain and leaned against the rope. Owen had a signature he went with it in a last ditch effort. As they both spilled over the top ropes, Benson was there and caught Owen. They both ended up falling, but at a much slower rate than John. Both of his feet touched the floor, but only one of Owen's did. He won the match and he was given the title. John was pissed and started to beat on Benson. Benson and Owen ganged up on him and celebrated in the ring before the lights went out. The PPV ended there.

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