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3. In a Strange Lab elsewhere

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

A new app hits the market!

on 2020-09-04 19:49:25

1330 hits, 137 views, 3 upvotes.

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Jon made the wish, and immediately regretted his decision. What the heck was he thinking? He could have made the planet explode, or gravity flip upside down. With the stone in hand he decided to wait and see wasn't gonna cut it.

"I wish I knew what I just made happen"

Suddenly, like a vision, he saw a strange lab, with men in coats working on computers.

"How's everything going on with the bug fixing?" A tall lanky older man called out, he walked around the examined his coworkers typing away.

"Going well Mr. Rutherford. We should be able to meet our Q1 deadline."

"Q1? Oh, did you not see the email the boss sent out, we're pushing it up to the holiday season as a release." Mr. Rutherford mentioned.

"But sir!" A fat pudgy scientist called out. "With all due respect this is very complex work, and honestly, is this app something that is meant for the holidays?

"Listen, Charlie, when my bosses tell me it's going to be pushed up. I don't ask questions, I simply guide my team to the finish line. Now you and Eric chop chop. Can you at least get it to a testable beta state?"

"I mean with current projects that was gonna be a few weeks, but we can push it up." Eric spouted.

"Excellent, now, where's the new recruit, Michael?"

In came a young looking African American scientist. He seems rather smiley with a coffee in hand."I just gotta say, I'm so excited to see how well this app does!"

Mr. Rutherford smiled. "See, you could all learn a thing from young Michael here, he is caffinated and ready. He's gonna make sure we get this thing out by Thanksgiving!"

"Thanksgiving?" Michael's eyes widened. "But, I thought we had to release it. I already sent it out..."

The tall older leader of the group sighed. "Well, unsend it, its far too unstable, it'll be horrendous if it came out in this state."

"Yeah...see that's the thing, it's already been approved and released on the market....I thought that was my assignment for the day.

The two other workers gasped, while Mr. Rutherford looked angry. "Michael, have you any idea what you've done. If someone gets this app and sets it off itll be an uncontrollable domino effect! You know its far from typical! I can't believe you sent out...."

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