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3. Personality Swapper (2)

2. Jon wishes up a device

1. You Are What You Wish

Personality Swapper

on 2008-11-04 21:51:06

1793 hits, 102 views, 0 upvotes.

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"I wish I had a device that causes the personality traits of the user of the device to swap with the personality traits of whoever is selected with it."

After Jon said that, an odd looking gun appeared on his bed. It looked like something out of an old 50's sci-fi serial. He picked it up and looked at it.

"What exactly does it do again?" Karyn asked.

"Well," Jon explained. "Whoever I shoot this at will swap personalities with me. It's a great a way to try different personalities out. And when we're done, we can use the device to swap back."

"Swapping personalities? That's kind of a weird thing to wish for. Isn't it? Why not make a time machine or maybe a body part swapper?"

"Body part swapper?" Jon asked, raising an eyebrow.

"What? It's not as weird as what you wished for."

"Anyway," Jon said, dismissing Karyn's comment. "Let's try this out."

Karyn sighed. "Fine. Who are you going to use it on?"

"Well, it will have to be someone that has a distinctly different personality than my own."

Karyn smiled. "How about Sarah?"

Jon nearly gagged. "Yeah right," he said, sarcastically. "I really want to act like that ditzy bitch."

"You did say distinctly different," Karyn pointed out.

"Then you swap with her. At least you're both girls. It'll be an easier transition."

"No way."

"Well, we have to test it on someone," Jon said, after a short pause.

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