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17. Quick fix, and then a little m

16. At school

15. What if I could turn invisible

14. The next morning

13. Jon returns the favor

12. Karyn has some fun

11. Karyn plays with Jon

10. Fooling around

9. Karyn tries a different strate

8. Jon's not happy yet

7. Jon gets Karyn back

6. Too slow!

5. ... look out below

4. Karyn's Breasts

3. Body-Part Manipulator

2. Jon wishes up a device

1. You Are What You Wish

Fixing him up and playing with him some more

on 2009-09-19 14:29:09

946 hits, 60 views, 2 upvotes.

Age Anthro Herm MC MTF Magic SciFi TF Unaware

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They moved into the handicapped stall so there would be room for both of them to move around. "Okay Jon, drop the pants and lets see what you've got."

"What? Couldn't you just you know fix it? Do I really have to?" Jon whined as quietly as he could, so the other boys getting ready for gym class wouldn't overhear.

"Oh, come on now Jon don't be such a prude, here I am standing naked in front of you and all I asked was for you to drop your pants. It's not like I didn't see it yesterday. Heck, I did more than just see it."

"You... you're naked?" Without warning Jon reached out a hand for where he though Karyn was standing. She saw the hand coming at her and even though she had plenty of time to dodge Karyn just stood there and let his hand come toward her breast, even moving slightly to her left so that he would be sure to find her nipple. He hesitated and drew his hand back for an instant expecting Karyn to protest as he felt the warmth of her invisible breast beneath his fingers. When it seemed that no protest was forthcoming he boldly moved in cupping as much of her breast as his hand would hold. He tried stepping in for a kiss, which proved quite difficult since the only part of Karyn he had found was not particularly close to her face.

"Ow, my nose" Karyn said as Jon's forehead bumped it rather hard as he leaned too far forward. "Watch what you're doing."

"Easy for you to say at least you can see me."

Karyn kissed him quickly on the lips before stepping back as far as the limited space would allow. "You have a point there. Now are you going to take your pants off or not? I'm not going to wait around here all day letting you cop a feel." Blushing a little Jon let go of her breast and reached down to undo his fly. Karyn tried to stifle a giggle as she saw what was left of his tiny manhood. It couldn't be much longer than an inch. When she realized that it was hard and that's as large as it was going to get without her help she couldn't hold back the laughter anymore.

"Shh... Someone might hear you. Stop laughing, it's not funny, it's your fault anyway, stop laughing." Jon was starting to get angry and his voice kept growing louder with each statement.

"Quiet. Jon be quiet! I don't want to get caught in here and I'm sure you don't want anyone to see you looking like that." Karyn was glad when Jon seemed to calm somewhat and then sat down on the toilet with his pants pooling around his feet. "I'm sorry I laughed. Here let me make it up to you," with that said Karyn knelt on the cold tile floor and reach a hand out to caress Jon's diminutive dick. Though it didn't get any larger she felt it get harder as she wrapped her hand around it and stroked it as best she could.

For a laugh Karyn decided to make Jon's penis grow a little after each stroke. Soon it was four inches long and Karyn couldn't resist giving it a quick kiss on the tip. Looking down at his lap was a surreal experience for Jon, he could feel everything that Karyn was doing to him and he could see his penis moving as she stroked it, but he couldn't see her. "Oh God, I think I'm going to..."

Karyn sat back just in time for Jon's tiny spurt of cum to miss her completely and land on the floor. "Well I'm glad to see you enjoyed yourself Jon," Karyn said while realizing just how turned on she herself was. Jon's penis was already five inches long as it began to soften to Karyn's disappointment. "We'll just have to do something about that."

Karyn lifted Jon's penis and looked at the seemingly empty patch of skin underneath it. "Oh dear. It looks like you lost something down here." Karyn said teasingly. She reached out her tongue and ran it along the skin where his balls should have been. As quickly as they had disappeared his balls came back. The return of his balls was followed shortly by a return of his erection.

The sound of the last boy heading out to class let them know they were alone in the locker room. Karyn was so horny she couldn't take it anymore rising to her feet she straddled Jon's restored manhood guiding it into her eager vagina. She rose up and then back down enjoying the feeling of him moving within her. Bigger, she wanted him to be bigger and then he was. She made it so that he filled her to brim, she couldn't take anymore of him and that exactly how she wanted it.

The feelings in Karyn's loins were building to a crescendo of mythic proportions. As the waves of her orgasm came crashing down Karyn's looked down at the point where her body and Jon's met. She couldn't see herself she do to her being invisible though it did allow her to see something that nobody else had ever seen: she could see Jon's penis moving within her and as her muscles clamped down on his penis as her orgasm was coming to it's inevitable end she felt and then saw Jon cumming in her vagina.

Spent she laid her head on his shoulder and sighed in contentment gently nuzzling his neck and kissing it softly. They stayed like that wrapped in each others arms for several minutes. Though she could feel it softening within her Jon's penis was now large enough that even completely flaccid he didn't slide out of her.

She looked up into his face, knowing that he couldn't see her somehow made this even more arousing. She felt that need slowly building up within her once more, but after two orgasms would Jon even be able to get hard again? She was certainly willing to find out. Being careful not to let him bump her nose again she leaned into him and kissed him firmly on the mouth flicking her tongue across his as yet unparted lips. When he opened his mouth to allow her access she had her answer: He had at least one orgasm left in him.

As they kissed she felt his hands roaming all over her invisible body doing as much to arouse her as it did to let him know exactly where she was in relation to him. He spent some time alternately cupping her breasts and gently flicking her nipples, then he risked breaking the kiss to try and lick a nipple which he managed despite not being able to see them.

Karyn reach a hand below both of their bodies to stroke Jon's balls mischievously considering shrinking them away to nothing again. The sudden sensation of her cold hand on that sensitive area caused a small spasm to shoot through his body resulting in him biting her nipple rather painfully instead of the erotic nibble he had been try for. Most likely it was the pain that caused her to react the way she did, perhaps mischief was a more driving factor in her life than anybody knew; but, whatever the reason Karyn decided that it was indeed a good idea to shrink Jon's balls back to the microscopic size they had been when the two young lovers had first entered the bathroom stall.

Jon didn't notice the sudden disappearance, he was far to involved in suckling at Karyn's hidden tit. He felt himself once more growing stiff, his penis still contained by her vagina never having fallen out after their previous lovemaking. He began to work it in and out as much as he could with the poor angle he had available.

Karyn knew that she didn't have enough energy to do all of the work this time so she stood up, surprised that she was nearly standing all the way up before she felt him slide out of her. Turning away from him she placed both hands on the wall in front of her and bent at the waste wiggling her butt at him daring him to take her from behind. A gesture that was completely worthless since he could see right through her.

"Karyn? Where did you go?"

"I'm right over here. Why don't you try and find me. If you do I'll give you a present."

"Oh really? What do I get?"

"You get to slide that big hot monster of yours into me."

"Holy shit! Is that? No way! I know exactly where you are!" he said, reaching out and slapping her on the ass.

"Ouch! Hey how did you do that? You can't see me can you?"

"No your absolutely right about that: I can't see you. What I can see is my cum from when we had sex a couple of minutes ago! It's just sorta of floating there in midair." Jon reached out to poke what looked like a small white blob hanging unsupported in mid-air. What he managed to poke was he right buttock.

"Oh... Close. Why don't you come a little closer with the big ol' thing of yours and poke a little to your left." Not needing any further encouragement Jon got up off of the toilet and purely by feel guided his rock hard penis back into Karyn's hot wet vagina.

Already having cum twice it took quite a while for Jon to reach his third and, at least for now, final orgasm. Meanwhile Karyn had had several orgasms of her own after fine tuning the size of Jon's penis to deliver just the right amount of stimulation on each stroke. As she felt him cumming she once again looked down through her body at the incredible sight of his cum actually spurting within her invisible body to seemingly hang there in midair.

They both collapsed to the floor in utter exhaustion both trying to catch their breath. Karyn looked at Jon looking at the spot where he was sure she must be and said, "My God. I never thought you had it in you Jon. That was by far the best sex I've ever had. Where did you learn how to do that?"

"'Best sex you've ever had'? I thought you were a virgin."

"I am. Um, I mean I was, I guess I can't really call myself a virgin anymore now, not after what we just did."

"So I was your first?"

"Both times. Last night you were the first person, other than myself, to ever give me an orgasm. Today you were the first person I ever had 'real' sex with."

"So when you said 'best sex you'd had' what you really meant was only sex you'd ever had?"

"Oh just forget about it, I'm sorry I even mentioned it. Anyway you'd better get dressed, this class is almost over and I've got to get back to where I stashed my clothes before class lets out and there are too many people around to safely get them."

Jon watched as the stall door opened and then closed itself and then he heard the locker room door open and shut signaling Karyn's departure. He pushed himself up to his feet and pulled his pants up passed his thighs and admired the large penis that Karyn had left him with. When he pulled his underwear up all the way though something felt off. Pulling them back down some he looked down at his crotch again. It took him a second to realize that his balls were gone again.

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