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3. Personality Trait Eraser and C

2. Jon wishes up a device

1. You Are What You Wish

Personality Trait Eraser and Cloner

on 2011-05-18 13:45:53

3089 hits, 196 views, 1 upvotes.

Age Animal Aware FTP Inanimate Omni SciFi

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"I wish I had a device that could scan a person's mind and list the person's personality traits. I wish that this device would also be able to erase one or more personality traits of the person who is scanned. And I wish that this device could also clone a set of the personality traits belonging to the scanned person, allowing the user of the device to choose one or more of the traits and insert them into other people's personalities."

After Jon said all that, an odd-looking but also futuristic gun appeared on his bed. It had a small view screen on it, displaying one word: READY.

"Wow, that was a mouthful," Karyn said. "But what does that all mean? What are you going to use it for?"

"To improve people. You heard what this device can do. I can remove bad personality traits from people. You know, make them friendlier ... that sort of thing."

"You mean people like Sarah."

"Yeah, actually. With this device, I could scan her mind and then erase her bitchy attitude. Just imagine Sarah McMillan not being a bitch for once."

"I can't. She's always been that way."

"Well, not anymore," Jon said, holding up the device and smiling.

"Shouldn't we test it out first?" Karyn asked. "You don't want to try to figure out how it works when you're using it on Sarah, do you? What if she notices you and comes over and destroys the device or something?"

"Good point. But who should we try it on?"

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