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23. Mikey's day out

22. Mikey sets his master plan in

21. Karen's Point of View

20. Mikey's Wicked Side Revealed

19. MIkey enjoys Veronica's situat

18. Home and back again

17. Mikey wants to know what is go

16. Jon is a sign of the times

15. Mikey likes making freaks

14. From Mikey's Point of view

13. Something truly wicked

12. Mikey makes a break for it

11. Role Exchanger: The Toy Store

10. Role Exchanger: The Mall

9. Road of Role Fusions!

8. Role Exchanger: Outside

7. Role Exchanger: Enter Mikey

6. Role Exchanger: Broken

5. Role Exchanger: Two People

4. Test it on two objects.

Morphology 101

on 2013-05-10 14:03:03

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With the use of the stone, Mikey now had nearly infinite morphing abilities. He could not only fuse and exchange, but directly morph anyone and anything he wanted. In addition, he had absolute control over his victims minds. He decided that the nearby park would be his first choice to test out his new powers.

Upon entering the park he noticed a small group of high schoolers in the field. A few boys looked to be doing jumping jacks while a coach watched. Off to the side of them a small team of cheerleaders were practicing a routine.

Mikey walked up to the coach. The tall bulky black man was wearing joggers, sneakers, and track jacket. His bald head was covered in a cap and his eyes hidden by sunglasses.

"Can I watch you guys?" Mikey asked.

"Get outta here kid, you'll get in the way." He said. Mikey decided to try out his new powers. He altered the man's mind to be more accepting. "On second thought, stay and watch as long as you like!"

The coach, paying no more mind to Mikey, walked around the line of high school boys doing their exercise. His attitude quickly soured as the boys showed to be too tired to continue. "IS THAT IT?!" He yelled. "I thought I had a team of tough men, not pansy girls!"

Mikey felt like this coach was far too harsh. As the football coach walked around he looked as if he was getting shorter. Mikey was slowly altering him to lose mass and height. Eventually his joggers fell off his hips, but what was underneath was quite different. His legs were now that of a teenage white girl's wearing a very tight and short plaid skirt, knee high white stockings, and black heels. With the track jacket still on his male torso, the half coach half school girl continued circling the boys, egging them on. "If you all don't give me 30 more jumping jacks, I'm gonna like totally not be impressed!" The coach said, slowly slipping in his mentality. "Gosh, it's like too hot for this jacket!" He said in his old voice. He unzipped his jacket and revealed his upper half from the neck down had too been altered. Now it was matching his/her new legs. The black man's head rested on the slender frame of a girl about 17 years old, with large breasts in a pink bra. Over that was the tight white blouse with a red tie. Even his arms and hands were feminine. "C'mon boys, the first one to finish gets ta see my boobies in da locker room!" The coach's voice and mentality was changed to that of a promiscuous teenage girl's.

Mikey motioned some of the boys getting erections. He laughed at the idea of them trying to hide it, so he morphed their cocks to be at least 12 inches long and 3 inches wide. With their enormous cocks throwing them off balance their jumping jacks became worse. The coach teased a few of them by flicking their engorged members with her fingers, causing many of them to blush hard.

Laughing it off, Mikey moved over to the group of cheerleaders. They looked to share the same age as the new coach. There were four girls, one leading and the other three practicing a routine. They all shared the same blue and yellow uniform, with the head of the team wearing white leggings under her skirt.

"Ladies! Get it together!" The head cheerleader demanded. "If any of you mess up I'm gonna put you in the mascot position!!" Suddenly, the head cheerleader began to feel her head. She felt a very powerful headache as she was unaware of Mikey changing her head. After the transformation the other cheerleaders saw that the cheer captain's head was now replaced with the head of the school's mascot, a cheetah. The mascot headed girl mumbled, as her mouth could not open now. Somehow the girls understood was she was saying.

"Becky! It's too hard to pick Ashley up!" One of the cheerleaders said. Ashley was the one almost being picked up by the other two, but had trouble keeping balance. Mikey wanted to help, so he imagined her as light as a balloon. The two cheerleaders on the bottom now had a much easier time picking up this girl who was now light as air. Unfortunately Ashley was too light. A heavy wind breezed and picked Ashley right up.

"Heeeeeeey! Someone help meeeee!" Ashley screamed as she blew off in the distance.

Mikey made it so the girls left behind would ignore Ashley's plea for help and continue on with their routine. He knew he made the right choice with these wishes...

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