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12. A different point of View

11. Role Exchanger: The Toy Store

10. Role Exchanger: The Mall

9. Road of Role Fusions!

8. Role Exchanger: Outside

7. Role Exchanger: Enter Mikey

6. Role Exchanger: Broken

5. Role Exchanger: Two People

4. Test it on two objects.

3. Role Exchanger

2. Jon wishes up a device

1. You Are What You Wish

Another day, another dollar

on 2013-06-13 21:14:17

1454 hits, 106 views, 1 upvotes.

Age Animal Anthro Aware FTM FTP MC Musc Part Theft Super TF

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Maggie hated her job. At the age of 18 the only place that would hire her was the toy store in the mall. Being a cashier wasn't glamorous, and adding the fact she dealt with kids all day made it worse. Not an hour went without some baby crying or some kid throwing a tantrum. In the break room she avoided her shift with a passion.

The door to the small room opened and Maggie immediately sighed with discontent. Her boss came in, most likely to yell at her. The stubby balding man looked directly at Maggie and grew a face of disapproval.

"Maggie how many times do I have to tell you, you can't hide in here all day! Get out there!" He said to her.

"Okay okay, I'm going..." She mumbled. As she walked by she almost sensed his eyes on her. Ever since she started he had been checking her out time to time. He thought he was getting away with it. She only kept quiet to keep her job. Never would she even touch the old geezer.

She slouched over the counter, processing sales when needed. Up to the counter came Jasmine, the other worker on her shift. She placed a display next to the register. It was an old toy: "Rubber Monkey Launchers". Maggie picked one up and idly played with it.

"Mr. Frederick says you have to make sure all these are gone by today. They just aren't selling." Jasmine said.

"What?!" Maggie replied. "Who the hell would want these?"

"Hey, not my problem!" Jasmine replied. "And watch the language will ya? There's kids around. If you want to switch you can stock every in the store."

"I'll pass...." Maggie told her.

"I don't even see how I can get to the top shelf without a step ladder...old man can't even get one of those for me..." Jasmine said as she walked away.

During a slow period Maggie felt an odd chill. She looked around and only saw a father and son as customers, and Jasmine stocking toys on the self. She figured her boss was hiding in the break room again. From outside, she felt as if she heard laughing...from a young person. There was a quick flash from the outside and she turned her head. All she saw the paper cut out security guard they stationed outside her store. Maggie wanted to ask the cutout but knew she had to stay in her store. Then came in a young boy, alone. She guess him to be about 12. He looked as if he already shopped in the store as he was carrying a ray gun. He pointed the gun at the father in the store and pretended to shoot. "Kinda rude to point things..." She thought. "...where is his mother?" The young boy continued and pointed his gun at Jasmine. For the third time there was a flash, but Maggie paid to mind to it. She was more concerned of this kid disturbing her business.

"Hey kid, you got a parent or something?!" Maggie called out to him.

"I don't need one!" The young boy replied. He pointed his gun towards her and pulled the trigger. "Hey watch where you..."


"Oh my head....Hey young man, would you like to buy me?" Maggie, now Maxie replied.

"Eh, maybe later!" The young boy said as he left the store.

"Super duper weird!" Said the cashier, now mostly rubber...

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