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7. Breakfast time!

6. The Television?

5. he finds his mom.

4. seeking a target to test it on

3. Role Exchanger

2. Jon wishes up a device

1. You Are What You Wish

Role Exchanger: More at Breakfast

on 2012-08-09 10:57:13

2199 hits, 154 views, 0 upvotes.

Animal Inanimate Magic Musc NBM Omni Part Swap Unaware

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Jon and Karyn walked into the kitchen to see that the breakfast the mother had prepared was quite immaculate. It had nearly anything you could think of eating at breakfast and filled the entire table. Jon and Karyn sat down as the rest of the family joined in as well. Mikey, Zoe, and their father Mark had all sat down around the table. Their mother Linda, now in cartoon form, kissed her husband on the cheek. She left a large bright red lip print on his face and fluttering cartoon hearts appeared over her head.

"Eat up guys! I made a ton!" She said as she walked around placing cups. She went for the orange juice in the fridge and upon taking it out she slipped on a stray banana peel. She fell back completely and the orange juice flew right into the air. Amazingly all the juice found it's way into everyone's cup without spilling a drop. Linda got up and little birdies were circling her head while she was dazed.

Karyn tried to hold back laughter while Jon was just stunned.

"Hey can you stop spacing out and pass me the syrup??" Zoe asked Jon rudely. Jon was about to hand her the syrup bottle when he got another idea. He took out the gun and fired at Zoe and the bottle of syrup. Now on the table was a miniature Zoe that looked completely stiff. "Could you pass me the Zoe please?" Jon looked up to see that his sister was now a giant bottle of Mrs. Butterworth. Jon laughed as he saw she still had the nozzle attached to the top of her head. "Oh I'll get it myself!" The syrup woman said. She could even move. She grabbed onto the tiny Zoe and put her over her pancakes. Squeezing hard a purple jelly like substance shot out of the old Zoe's mouth. The Mrs. Butterworth spread the mixture all over her pancakes.

"Uh I think we'll just use butter on ours." Karyn said.

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