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6. Last but not least!

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4. Testing it on objects AND peop

3. Role Exchanger

2. Jon wishes up a device

1. You Are What You Wish

Role Exchanger: Swapping up Zoe!

on 2012-08-28 20:11:18

4326 hits, 273 views, 2 upvotes.

Age Anthro FTM MTF Magic Super TF

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Now standing in the living room of the Madison residence were Jon and Karyn baffled at the underwear model with a little boy's head, a young nude Latina woman with an aging suburban woman's head, and a teen pop star with the head of a 37 year old man. While Jon and Karyn were looking through the magazines to fix the family to their original state Zoe, the 16 year old goth daughter of the family walked in. Both Jon and Karyn looked to her to see her reaction to the new family. Zoe simply walked in, saw the three swapped people and looked at Jon with disgust.

"Ugh, Jon how many times do I have to say it? I don't want to see your Linda walking around! At least puts some clothes on her. Just because you're the man of the house doesn't mean you can you leave your pornographic material laying about, and really? A Victoria's Secret model too? Don't you have enough to ogle already?" Zoe stated. "C'mon Mark let's go to my room and fix my makeup!"

With that both Zoe and Mark walked up the stairs leaving Mikey, Linda, Jon and Karyn in the living room.

"So how bout me and you go to my room big man?" Linda suggested. "Leave the big titted blond down here, she can't do what I can do for you!"

"EXCUSE ME?!" Karyn stated. "I've got half a mind to change you into a dumpster!"

"KARYN! That's're talking about!" Jon said. "Why don't you just change them all back to normal!?"

"Fine, just give me the stone and I'll wish Mark down here too." Karyn told Jon.

Jon handed over the stone, but didn't realize Karyn had a secret intent. She had on a sly smile as soon as she touched the stone.

"Firstly, I wish Zoe and Mark were down here." Poof, 'both' of the teenagers were in the room as well. "Second, I wish Jon won't be able to here this wish and the next. Third, I wish Jon would let me use the gun and stone however I wanted for the next week and won't do anything to change his family back until he gets the stone and gun back!"

Jon blinked a few times as the wish took effect. "Karyn, you better give me the stone back next weekend so I won't be stuck with this weird family!"

Karyn started to laugh and wanted to make more mayhem. She grabbed a men's fitness magazine and shot Zoe along with it. Now Zoe was in the mix with the body of a toned male swimmer in nothing but a speedo. She began flexing her body much to the pleasure of the other girls in the room.

"Well I'll see you in a week Jon boy!" Karyn giggled. "Have fun!"

She walked out the door as a new idea popped into her head. When she closed the door she whispered to the stone. "I wish that Jon's family would still act out their new roles, but also act out their role in the family and Jon would have to treat them like his family!"

Jon didn't know the bizarre week he was in for...

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