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3. Tell the Truth

2. A dire warning

1. You Are What You Wish

Tell the Truth

on 2009-02-18 01:35:58

932 hits, 32 views, 0 upvotes.

Animal MTF Myth Omni Part Swap Part Theft

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"Making wishes on the stone could have consequences the like of which you could not possibly imagine," Morgana said. "Nothing in this world is free. Making wishes with this stone may have huge disruptive powers."

Jon rolled his eyes and said "Yeah, right. Try this on for size. I wish that you'd just tell me truth." The stone glowed. "Now, why do you really want to do research on the stone?"

"Because I want to use it. I want to grasp its power and use it any way I like. And if I have to lie to you to get my hands on it, then so be it." As soon as she said it, she gasped. She couldn't believe that she just told Jon that.

"That's what I thought," Jon said, turning away from Morgana's table. "Come on, Karyn. Let's go."

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