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3. Karyn Gives Jon The Same Fate

2. A body to match

1. You Are What You Wish

Take That!

on 2006-11-05 22:37:06

2764 hits, 143 views, 1 upvotes.

Animal Body Swap FTP Herm Inanimate Magic Myth Omni SciFi Super TF

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"Change me back!" Karyn yelled.

"I can't. The wishes are irreversible. Remember?"

"I can't live like this, Jon. It's even worse than before."

"Well, I can't think of anything."

"Oh yeah. Well I can," she said angrily. How dare Jon change her like this. She was gonna teach him. She grabbed the stone from him and said "I wish Jon would become as fat as me." The stone glowed.

"What?!" Jon yelled, before he started to change.

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