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18. Getting some help with the sun

17. It was an...

16. Day by the Pool

15. Spending the day with Sarah

14. Jon's a Tomboy

13. Jon wants to change his room

12. The Next Morning

11. Talking to mom

10. The date

9. Getting ready

8. Shopping

7. After school

6. Mom "helps" out more

5. As the day went on Jon saw Kar

4. First Class is Gym

3. Jon came back for the stone.

2. Mom interprets the wishes

1. You Are What You Wish

Mom Interprets: Some help with the sun tan lotion

on 2020-09-28 23:31:54

2123 hits, 189 views, 3 upvotes.

Anthro Inanimate MC NBM

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Jon followed Sarah through the maze of halls to what had to be an industrial sized kitchen (at least she pointed out the bathroom), and then out to the pool. He froze when he saw it, surprised that it took up more space than he thought possible and still looked like there was enough of a backyard to play a game of baseball.

"Right here," Sarah said, pointing at the lounge chairs. Jon jogged over to her as she was laying out the towels on them. She sat down and motioned to the other chair. "Unfortunately, its just going to be you and me today. Ashley had to cancel - something lame with her family. And Casey, well, she had the chance to get busy." Jon blushed as Sarah waggled her eyebrows, causing her to burst into giggles. "You're so easy." She held out a bottle of sun tan lotion. "You'll want ot make sure you get everywhere - and I do mean everywhere." Jon held out his hand, letting her fill it up with a cool white liquid. She then filled her own hand and started to rub it into her skin.

Jon followed suit. Between his smooth skin and the cool liquid, he found his mind push forth the arousal again, even as his body didn't respond how he wanted it to. He felt the warmth spreading through him as he rubbed up and down his legs and arms. When he thought he was done, Sarah gave him some more and told him to get underneath the suit. He started at her, only to watch her do the same. He did, his hands brushing the hard nipples and finders just edging along the bottom of his bikini. As he shifted in his seat, he felt the bikini slip further into his ass crack. He resisted the urge to reach back and pull it out, even as Sarah held out the bottle again.

"I've gotten everywhere I could reach," Jon whined. Sarah giggled and shook her head.

"This is for my back, silly," she said, "you do mine, and I'll do yours." Jon didn't need to be asked twice. He held out his hands and stood up at take a seat on her chair. He sat down at her hip, his bare skin touching hers. He grew hard as he worked his hands over her back, starting with her shoulders and neck and down to her hips. He hesitated at her butt, but managed to hopefully it before doing her legs. He felt like he was going to burst as he finished. He had to cross his legs when he sat back on his chair. He grew softer, but that arousal was still there. A few drops even spurted out. "thanks. I can never get an even coating by myself." She waved at him. "Your turn. Now lie down."

Jon was quick to comply, moving his purse beside his chair so he didn't crush it. As he was getting comfortable, Sarah called out, "Hey Kevin."

"Kevin?" Jon squeaked. he froze in his spot. He hadn't forgotten his date, or that he touched the boys - nope, not thinking about that. He had forgotten that Kevin was Sarah's little brother.

"What are you doing here?" Her voice was loud as if called at him, but grew a little softer. Jon didn't dare turn to look at him, not wanting either of them to see his blush. he couldn't believe he was in a bikini in front of this boy.

"I wanted to know if I could ask some friends over, but it looks like you've claimed the pool," Kevin said somewhere by Sarah.

"No, it's fine." It certainly wasn't fine. "We're just going to tan. You remember Jen, right?" At this, Jon at to turn. His face felt like it was on fire, and at least he stopped feeling like he would burst in his bikini bottom. He waved at the taller boy, surprised at how muscular he was for his age. Certainly more than Jon had been at 14. He wore a tight t-shirt, showing off his physique. Jon glanced back down at his towel to try and hide his blush.

"H-hi," Kevin said with an awkward wave back. Sarah's smile grew mischievous and she winked at Jon before turning to her little brother.

"This you can do me a favor?"

"Sure," Kevin said, finally glancing away from Jon to look at Sarah.

"I need to run inside real quick. Mind if you finish helping Jen with her suntan lotion? She just needs her back," Sarah said, handing him the bottle. Before either of them could replay, she was up and off her seat and headed back into the house. They watched her leave in silence before Kevin turned back to him. He took the last few steps and sat beside him, his short covered hips touching his bare ones.

"This okay?" He wiggled the bottom. Jon just nodded and turned back to stare into the towel. There was a quiet moment before he felt something very cold hit his back. He bit his tongue not to squeak as the coldness was replaced by two very warm hands.

As Kevin's large hands worked their way up and down his back, it took everything Jon had not to moan. He couldn't believe he wanted to moan, but he held it in. the hands left a trail of fair in the their wake and his dick kept getting harder and harder. He wiggled at the brief coldness but tried to remain as still as possible. Kevin's light touch rubbed in the lotion and covered every inch of his back. As he worked lower, he felt the fingers dip along his side, and underneath his bikini top briefly before moving to the small of his back. Then, the fingers moved to hips hips and just the edge of his bikini. There was a pause before Kevin's fingers pushed beneath the fabric and he felt one dip in between his ass cheeks.

Jon wanted to say something, but he was too busy biting back a moan and fighting the urge to buck back into the touch. He did spurt in his bikini, not all way the way, but definitely the start of something. There was probably going to be a damp spot underneath him if he moved right now.

Kevin played around the edges of the bikini before moving down and up his legs. The fire followed his hands, and another spurt came out as Jon bit his tongue. But as Kevin's hands reached the bottom of his ass on their way back up, this time, Jon could not stop the moan.

Kevin's hands snapped away at the sound. "Sorry." It was then that Jon noticed the hard warmth pressing against his hip. Not like his leg but the tip of the boy's dick. "I'm just going my friends. Yeah." He stood up and rushed away in a gust of wind. The cool wind was a sharp contrast to the warm hands playing with his body.

Jon tried to think of everything he could to stop the hard on in his bikini bottoms. He wasn't supposed to feel like this with another boy. Sarah, he understood, but not with Kevin. Tears filled his eyes and he quickly brushed them away. He took a couple quick breaths to calm his racing heart.

"Have fun?" Sarah asked when she finally showed back up. "I saw Kevin running back inside so it must have been." Jon turned to see her wink at him as she held out a pair of large sunglass. "Wear these to help." Jon slipped them on his bright red face but stayed on his front. He turned to see Sarah fiddling with her phone before laying on her stomach as well. "We'll stay like this for about half an hour before we're switching. If you get too warm, you can hop in the pool." Jon wasn't flipping anytime soon. His dick was still hard at the phantom touches roaming his back.

Shuffling a bit, he moved to grab his purse and lift it up under his arms. He thought about making a wish. About changing things so that none of this happened, but with the way his wishes were turning out, he didn't know how he would end up. He took the rock out of his purse and hide it beneath his towel. With the rock in his hand, his thoughts all over the place on Sarah's warm body next to his and Kevin's warm hands on his ass, he tried to figure out what to do and the only thing he could think of was try and not cum right there on the lounge chair.

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