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4. Warning Karyn

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Take Your Place: Warning Karyn

avatar on 2020-10-19 15:27:08
Episode last modified by Maddie on 2020-10-19 15:35:33

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Jon sat on the wall swinging his legs as he waited impatiently for Karyn to show up at their usual meeting place. As soon as he spotted her, he jumped off the wall and ran up to her.

“Woah, steady on Jon-boy,” she said, backing up a little. “I came as soon as I could.”

“I know, but I made a stupid wish last night and I couldn’t really tell you over the phone.” Jon looked down at his trainers sheepishly. Karyn raised an eyebrow then, when Jon didn’t elaborate, prompted him again.


“I, uh…” Jon stammered. He was a bit embarrassed but he also knew how Karyn would react. “I wished for something interesting to happen.” As Jon had predicted, Karyn was not very sympathetic.

“God, Jon!” she exclaimed as she slapped a hand to her forehead. “You can be a real idiot sometimes.”

“I know,” he whined. Jon hung his head and stuffed his hands in his pockets as he idly kicked a small stone. “I was bored last night and I wasn’t thinking.”

Karyn shook her head. “Clearly, now anything could happen.”

“Which is why I wanted to tell you about it,” Jon explained. “So that we could keep a look out for anything.”

Karyn shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know, Jon... I didn’t hear the wish, so I won’t be able to notice if anything is different. Maybe you could make a wish so that I would notice?” She suggested.

Jon shook his head.

“Sorry Karyn, I can’t. After the mistake I made last night, I didn’t want to bring the stone with me in case I made another stupid wish.”

Karyn sighed, but nodded.

“Probably a good idea. Alright. We’ll do our best to keep an eye out and then, if we spot anything, we can make a wish to fix it later tonight.”


The two friends shook hands, sealing the deal, and then headed off toward school. Neither of them knew what was in store for them.

The problem, Jon realised as he and Karyn parted ways towards their respective lockers, was that although they had agreed to keep an eye out, neither of them knew what to look for.

Jon’s wish for something interesting to happen was pretty vague, and it could literally mean anything—from someone winning the lottery to Biff, the school’s quarterback, suddenly growing boobs. And, Jon admitted, Karyn was right. It was going to be a lot harder for them to figure it out, seeing as he was the only who had heard the wish. Maybe he should have brought the stone along.

Oh well, Jon thought. There wasn’t a lot that he could do about that now. He just hoped that whatever it was, he would be able to get back home and fix it.

Jon had reached his locker. Fortunately, his combination worked, and everything inside was as he expected it to be. He breathed a small sigh of relief. It seemed that his errant wish last night wasn’t affecting him.

The bell rang, indicating that the day’s first classes were about to begin, so Jon grabbed the books that he would need and headed off to English.

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