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3. To the opposite extreme

2. Parent as Best Friends

1. You Are What You Wish

To the opposite extreme

on 2007-03-27 03:53:03

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Panicking, Jon looked down. The stone wasn't there. He retraced his steps and returned to his room, seeing the stone having dropped just outside the door.

"I wish that happened the way I meant it--that Mom and Dad are best friends because they like the same sort of things, not because any of them is merged with someone else."

Jon suddenly felt very strange. There was something on his chest.

And of course, it was breasts. "What in the world?" said Jon.

He felt his hair, which was clipped as short as usual. His clothes were still masculine, though he now sported earrings and had a purse. But he had just wished for his parents to get along. What was going on?

S/he went downstairs to see how his parents had been changed. Art wasn't there, and his parents looked as they did... almost.

"Hi, Gina," said his father. Or at least, it sounded like his father with a higher voice. Jon/Gina's father had been somehow transformed into a woman, just like Jon had been. A somewhat butch-looking woman who had shorter hair than his mother and not much makeup. Her shoes were feminine and she did have a dress on, and she was still easily recognizeable as the same person.

Gina immediately turned around and whispered to the stone, trying to figure out how this wish could possibly have gone wrong.

"I wish I know why my parents are female, and I'm a girl," said Gina.

A voice rang in his head. "Your parents are lesbians, and are interested in many more of the same things than they were as man and woman. You are a girl because they used an experimental egg fusion technique to have children with each other. This procedure produces only girls."

"I wish I know why the wish made me conceived that way, when that technique doesn't even exist!"

"Being conceived this way rather than by sperm donation minimized the change to you since you have the same biological parents as before. Although the technique didn't exist, someone could have invented it in a few years and having it already be invented was a small change."

This was complicated. Gina hadn't asked for things like 'small changes' and 'same biological parents'... she should be able to wish them away. But then, she didn't want to have different biological parents... Fixing this wish and becoming a guy would take some thought.

Gina looked around the room. The TV was showing some soap opera--her Mom and his other Mom must both like it now. Her parents' wedding portrait showed two brides. Some words printed on the bottom said "Ricki and Katherine"--when she was Jon, Gina's parents used to be named Rick and Katherine.

"Is your friend Karyn going to be over?" said Katherine. "Tell her your moms don't mind cooking for another person."

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