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3. The Old Man

2. In The Corn Field

1. You Are What You Wish

The Old Man

on 2006-12-02 00:39:56

2693 hits, 130 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Aware FTP Inanimate Myth Part Swap Part Theft Size Super TF Unaware

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He walked along the side of the road, for at least twenty minutes, then stopped. Looking around himself, Jon saw that the landscape looked exactly the way it did when he left the corn field. No houses, cars, or powerlines.

"Are ya lost?" a voice said, out of the blue.

Jon turned around, but didn't see anyone.

"Over here," the voice said again.

Jon looked to his left. There was an old man, dressed like a farmer. Which made sense, since there was nothing but farmland all the way to the horizon.

"Yeah, I kind of am," Jon said.

"Not sure how ya got here," the man said.

There was a pause, after which Jon said "Yes? But what?"

"No buts. Sorry, son. You can't leave."

"Can't leave? What are talking about?" Jon wasn't liking what he was hearing.

"This is the Place."

"What's the Place?"

"It's where you go."

"You're not making any sense."

The old man looked straight at Jon. "Be careful, son." And then the man disappeared right before Jon's eyes.

"Hey! Wait a minute! What's going on?! What am I doing here?!" he shouted to the man that was gone. But he received no answer.

Jon looked down at the road. It wasn't dirt anymore. It was gravel. It wasn't like that when he stopped walking. This whole situation was too strange for Jon. All he wanted to do was figure out where he was and how to get back home.

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