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3. A magician

2. A tricky new foe

1. You Are What You Wish

A magician

on 2007-01-24 22:00:23

1026 hits, 25 views, 0 upvotes.

Myth NBM

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"I am a famous magician. I had my powers taken away years ago. Before you ask, yes, I'm immortal. I was playing Las Vegas to make some extra money since its frowned upon to conjure it. But then, another magician said I was abusing my powers, and put all of my magic in that stone." the magician explained.

"Fine, that explains alot. So, whats your challenge?" Jon asked.

"Well, how about a little...magical showdown." the magician said.

"Okay, how?" Jon asked.

"Well, we'll each take turns doing various magical acts on people. The first to submit loses." The magician said.

"Okay. Fine." Jon said. As soon as the words escaped his lips, he was standing on what appeared to be a stage. "What the " He looked to his right and saw his mother and father, his sister Zoe, his brother Mikey, and Karyn all standing their, unable to move.

"Jon, whats going on?" Karyn asked.

"That's what I want to know." Jon said.

"Why, these are our volunteers. We will do our magic on them." The magician said. "You first, Jon."

"Fine." He looked at Mikey, and focused. Using the stones power, he made Mikey float. "There." He said.

"Is that all? You have nearly unlimited magical powers, and you make him float? Watch and learn." The magician said. He raised his hands toward Mikey, and they began to glow. Jon watched in terror as his little brother was transformed before his very eyes into a 5'10" blonde bombshell.

"Mikey?" Jon asked.

"Yes Jon, it's me." Her eyes were filled with sorrow, and she walked over to the magician and began to kiss his neck. "Well, look at my magic. Seems a bit more impressive than floating." The magician said.

"Why did you do that? Wishes can't be reversed!" Jon yelled. The magician merely laughed. "Ready to give up?" he asked.

Jon's eyes widened as he realized that this guy would do that to every member of his family if he didn't give up. But if he did, then this freak would get full control of the stone.

"I "

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