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3. Jon needs some new clothes

2. Zoe interprets the wishes

1. You Are What You Wish

Zoe Interpets - Jon needs some new clothes

on 2020-11-20 08:49:00

4293 hits, 283 views, 5 upvotes.

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Jon arrived at school prior to his first class. He hadn't met up with Karyn yet, but planned on it at lunch. The stone was safely in his backpack where he couldn't accidently make a wish. It was the thoughts of the stone that stopped him from noticing the two football players approaching.

See, every school has bullies - its usually the jocks, and their high school was no exception. One of their favorite methods was something called a Slushie - stolen from Glee, but they loved it. Of course, it was actually assualt, and the teachers who caught the bullies followed through with detentions and threats of expulsion, but it just made the bullies smarter.

They never threw the Slushies at kids. It was always "an accident" and never the same kid during the same week or sometimes month. Part of that created a sense of dread amongst the students, but it kept the jocks clear.

Of course, this all meant that today, for some reason, was Jon's turn to be the target.

Jon nearly shrieked as the ice dripped down his head and his back. He froze, figuratively and literally, as jocks laughed behind him. "Sorry there Jonny boy." Biff said between guffaws. "Didn't see you there." His defense, despite students giving Biff a wide berth down the hallway. Randy just laughed along with his friend, the discarded cup tossed to the side.

"What's..." A teacher pushed their way through the crowd and sighed. She wasn't going to get anything from the boys or the crowd, but still asked, "Did you two throw those at Jon Gibson?"

"No ma'am." Jon could picture the matching grins on their faces. He wiped some of the ice off his face even as he felt some drip into his pants and underwear. Not good.

"Get back to class," she said, shaking her head. As the students filed away, she approached and Jon could finally see it was his English teacher, Ms. Jordan. "Sorry about that Jon."

"Its okay," he said with a shrug. "You did more than some teachers."

"Still, you're going to have to change. I'll need to call the janitor too it seems," she said, looking at the mess on the floor. Jon finally noticed how much he was hit with. "Do you have a change of clothes?"

"No," he said, "I'm not taking PE this term."

"Okay, then come with me. Maybe we could find you something the lost and found." She lead him to the office before he could protest. He was just going to wish something up, he didn't need the lost and found. The secretary nodded at them over the phone as they entered. Ms. Jordan directed Jon to the closet where they apprarently kept the cloths. "You should be able to find something in there to change into. Once you do, head to the locker room to shower and clean up. No sense in staying sticky in dry clothes. I'll get you a pass to your first period."

"Thanks," Jon said. He freezing cold clothes were starting to get to him, and he had no plans on letting this go.

The closet was barely large enough for him, filled with school supplies and paper work. Under a shelf, he spotted a large box filled with clothes. Dropping his backpack, Jon sighed in relief that it had been spared mostly. He dug around to find the stone.

"I wish I had some clean clothes."

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