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16. Passing Period

15. Makeup Tips with Ted

14. Class time.

13. A Higher Level?

12. Reach out and touch somebody

11. It's rude to interrupt.

10. Clearing Up

9. Morning, Pop!

8. Controlling: Stupid Robe

7. Disrobed

6. Mom

5. Controlling

4. Controlling

3. Jon's Not Feeling Too Good

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Controlling: Passing Period

on 2016-02-25 15:53:29

2126 hits, 157 views, 3 upvotes.

Age Herm MC Myth NBM Omni SciFi Size Super Unaware

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Walking into the hallway Jon saw something that made him cringe and laugh at the same time. The former Steve 'Stud' Farber had walked into the building wearing the most outrageous outfit. He sauntered in wearing very high black stilettos that clicked with every step. His thick legs were covered in nylon pantyhose and a very tight miniskirt wrapped around his waist. The most 'normal' part of his attire was the tight pink shirt that said "Too Fabulous" across in glittered letters. Steve, now Candi, gave a cheerful good morning to every he passed, showing off his new clothes in the process. Jon chuckled seeing everyone treat 'Candi' as if they knew him as that. Jon was still invisible and undetectable, so Candi passed him right up. In a quick moment, however, Jon noticed the writing on Candi's chest was pushed out. While the former Steve had muscle mass and a large chest, this looked more like two small breasts starting to bud.

Jon wanted to follow 'Candi' just to check if he was seeing what he thought he was seeing, but it didn't seem too important. "He's probably got a bra on too..." Jon rationalized. There were less people in the hallway and not that many to mess with, but yet another victim showed up. His sister Zoe was a student as well and occasionally he'd run into her. Every time he did, however, she'd brush him off to talk to her goth friend Athena. They were at their lockers talking as usual, but Jon knew the conversation wouldn't be typical. He walked up to eavesdrop.

"Ugh, can you believe my parents took away my concert ticket. It's going to kill me if I don't get it back!" Athena complained.

"Big tits in a leather bra!" Zoe replied.

"I know how important it is, okay! I'm going to try to sneak into their room while they're working tonight."

Jon was amazed Athena could continue the conversation.

"Bend me over and spank my ass, cause I'm a dirty girl." Zoe stated.

"Oh that's a great idea, I know exactly where my dad hides his vodka!"

"Anal beads. Sucking off as many cocks as I can. Getting whipped with a ball gag in my mouth!"

"Okay, sounds like a plan. I'll see you after school!"


With that the two goth girls seperated. Jon was loving this!

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