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8. Fat Sarah meets...her girlfrie

7. Far Sarah learns more of her N

6. Sarah wakes up fat.

5. In the Morning

4. Sarah Wakes Up

3. Elsewhere in Town

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Fat Sarah meets...her girlfriend?

on 2010-01-22 22:29:03

1222 hits, 60 views, 0 upvotes.

Animal Anthro Aware FTP Magic NBM Omni Part Swap Super TF

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(This one didn't so much get away from me, as it evolved naturaly. I like the strange place it went ;>)

She needed help getting out of the car. She shifted and ass-walked to the edge of the seat, then she held out her hands and grunted as her mother gave her the leverage to pull herself up. Only after she'd gotten her bags situated and started waddling to the door did she realize that practicly everyone was looking at her. Not the worshipful or admiring looks she was used to either. The eyes were curious...amused...gloating...

She tried to ignore them, but it was hard. Girls who'd once been jealous of her smirked as she lumbered buy. Girls who'd been casual friends glanced - whispered - then looked away, giggling. A few people continued to stare at her like she was in a sideshow freak, and someone made snorting sounds as she opened a bag of Doritos and started to eat. In her memories she'd been the undisputed queen of the school just yesterday. But now - and in the minds of everyone but her - she'd spent most of the last three years as a slowly swelling blob of jiggling blubber. The butt of jokes and an object of ridicule or pity.

She finished the nacho-flavored chips, and...unable to resist the desires of her body...she opened a back of snack cakes and stuffed one into her mouth. Someone laughed, and she snapped "FUCK YOU! It's not my fault!" before heaving herself up and trundling as quickly as possible inside the school. She saw the cheerleaders. She saw them looking at her. She saw Sandi and Beth and Brittiny and Amber - all her friends since grade school. They looked at her, then looked away.

She put her books in her locker (which she noticed had the words "Double Wide", "Fatass" and "Jumbo" etched into the metal) and almost burst into tears when she noticed that Biff - whose locker was right next to hers - held back and waited for her to finish putting her books away before he came up and gathered his. He didn't make eye contact with her, and never spoke a word. The evidence was clear...they were not on speaking terms. In fact, she guessed he'd taken some serious razzing for having dated her in the first place.

This was unfair. This was totally unfair. This was...

"Hey, Sarah! So hows your morning going?" said a cheerful voice behind her. A voice that she knew, yet also a strangers voice. After all, she and Zoe Merlin didn't move in the same circles. Zoe - one of the schools small contingint of Goths who hadn't surrendered and become Emo - was a child in Sarahs eyes. Sarah was a senior, and Zoe was a freshman. In the outside world, a difference of a few years didn't matter. In HIGHSCHOOL though, it was night and day. Sarah had just turned 18, and creepy little Zoe was barely 15...and worst of all, she was the little sister to someone she shared classes with. Just the thought that Zoe Merlin - little sister to Jon Merlin - seemed to feel comfortable mocking her was just too much! Was Sarah McMillan THAT FAR DOWN on the school totem pole? NO! She refused to let this go. She turned to say someing harsh and stinging. Something that would be so cruel yet so cool, that maybe some of these people would understand that there was still a spark of the old Sarah under all this fat. It suddenly occoured to her that she might be able to build herself back up to SOME level of acceptance by her old friends.

She looked at Zoe. She opened her mouth, ready to fire off a verbal slam that would crush the stupid girl.

Zoe Merlin was smiling, her face open and full of friendship. She went straight to Sarah and gave the stunned obese girl a friendly squeeze about the middle, then a kiss on the cheek. Sarahs words dryed in her mouth, as Zoe - dressed in black from head to toe - started chatting casually with her as if they were the best of friends. Well...more than friends...

"Man, look like you've had a rough day. I know what that's like. It's not easy outsider. Well, I'm just glad that we've found each other. Not many people get the chance at our kind of happiness in this sick, fucked up world. Oh, shit...the first bell. Gotta run, tons o' fun..." she giggled at that, though she obviously didn't mean it in a bad way "...catch you at lunch. okay? Kisses..." Zoe put her hands with their long, black nails, on either of Sarahs shoulders. She pulled her forward, leaned in and planted a deep, long kiss directly on Sarah McMillans lips. Sarah was so stunned ("OH MY FUCKING G--! I'M ZOE MERLINS GIRLFRIEND!!!") she didn't even struggle. In fact...though she couldn't explain way - she kissed back. Her day had been filled with shock and horror, and to have someone be so nice to her - obviously and publicly care for her - was like water to a dying man. Sarah closed her eyes to block out the disgusted face that gaped at her and Zoes public display of affection - and she tried to at least imagine that Zoe was someone else. A boy. Biff, perhaps...

Sarah's tongue entered Zoes mouth, and Zoe giggled and returned the favor. She drew Sarah's face in tight, and the kiss turned into a genuine makeout session right there in the hall. Sarah couldn't stop herself! Zoe was just so cute and kind and wonderful and delicious and...

The second bell shrilled, and Zoe pulled away, gasping "Oh, goddess....Sarah, you are an epic-level kisser! I gotta run, but I'll join you at lunch. See you later, babe."

Zoe ran off, leaving Sarah to think "Babe? I'm the fattest girl in school, AND Zoe's my girlfriend? This is too much! I can't accept this!"

But as she waddled into homeroom and opened her goodie bag to snack on some sweets, she kept thinking about Zoe. About being naked with the girl who she outweighed by almost 400 lbs. About having Zoe suck on her massive, floppy boobs and bury her face in Sarahs wet snatch. Zoe had an AWESOME tongue, and would give the best head...

"Sarah!" snapped Mister Paulson "I called your name! Now, are you hear or aren't you?"

The whole class laughed, and Sarah turned crimson with shame. She said "Here" and realized she'd been daydreaming about having that repulsive little goth-dyke in bed with her. Hot, salty sex with lots of toys and a huge box of bon-bons that Zoe could feed her before she pistoned her whole fist into Sarahs vage and shoved a dildo into her massive butt. Sarah would grunt and squeal while Zoe...

"Stop it!" she shouted, and the whole class turned and looked at her. Sarah brushed a tear from her eyes, and wished that someone (Zoe) were with her right now, to hold her and tell her that she wasn't ugly. To tell her that she was unique and cuddly and soft and beautiful and everything any girl would want in a girlfriend. Hating herself for feeling this way, another tear rolled down her cheek.

Without looking up, Mister Paulson said mechanicly - as if he had to all the time - "Whoever's picking on Sarah this time, please stop it."

Meanwhile, in first period Art class, Zoe - who thought she'd been in love with the obese ex-cheerleader since first seeing her on televion, and even more so once she saw her in person - was painting a watercolor picture of Sarah. Sarah was her most common subject, and as the teacher saw the lush, rounded slopes and swells of Sarah McMillans bloated form, she said "Very nice, Zoe. Your passion for your subject sines in your work. This is very good."

Zoe smiled. "It should, Miss Redvern. I love her. Sarah's the most perfect and wonderful girl in the world, and I love her with all my heart. I can't wait till I turn 16 and we can be legaly married..." she gushed, as she painted the obese nymph in her picture with Sarahs perfect features. The Sarah in the picture wasn't conflicted at all, and she gazed out at Zoe with raw 'come hither' quality that made Zoes loins quiver. She loved Sarah so much!

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