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3. Mental Identities (Celebrity E

2. If Everyone Were The Same ...

1. You Are What You Wish

Dice Roll: Mental Identities (Celebrity Edition)

on 2020-12-08 14:22:29

1253 hits, 146 views, 1 upvotes.


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Karyn looked closely at the 6-sided die Jon was turning over in his fingers. Each face simply had a name - a name of a well know celebrity, to be exact. There was Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, Megan Thee Stallion, Justin Bieber, Dwayne Johnson, and Kylie Jenner.

"What's that one?" Karyn asked, "It just has peoples' names on it."

"Oh this should be a fun one. It has to do with mental identities."

"Wait, mental identities? What the heck does that mean?"

"Once this die is rolled, everyone in town will have the mental identity of the person it lands on. They'll have their entire personality and memories replaced with the other person's, and will think it's totally normal even though their bodies stay the same. Their clothes and personal possessions will change to match their mental identity, though."

Karyn shot Jon a puzzled look, "That's... a weirdly specific change. Are you sure it's a good idea to make everyone in town act like one celebrity? And why not just change everyone's bodies too?"

Jon shrugged, "I thought it sounded like a funny idea. I made dozens of dice with other effects, though. We can try a different one if you want..."

"No, let's give it a shot," Karyn insisted. "It's supposed to be about random chance, right?"

Jon nodded, "Sure is!"

He drew back his hand to begin shaking the die a bit before casting it. But just as Jon flicked his wrist forward to cast the die, Karyn blurted out something.

"Wait, did you make sure we'd remember who we are when the changes happen?"

"Uhh..." was all Jon could say as the die bounced across the floor, quickly coming to rest and displaying the name...

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