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10. Karyn decides to expand her op

9. Karyn and Jon head outside to

8. Jon and Karyn begin with the c

7. Karyn scrambles Jon

6. Jon swaps Karyn's bottom half

5. Stopping To Smell The Flowers

4. Neighborhood Swap Meet

3. Role Exchanger

2. Jon wishes up a device

1. You Are What You Wish

Role Exchanger: Advanced options

on 2020-12-10 17:01:44

2486 hits, 239 views, 5 upvotes.

MTF Musc Myth Omni Part Theft SciFi

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Karyn could see from the fluttering of Jon's eyes that she was out of commission for the time being. Her “arms” were splayed across the table, her dainty little toes twitching every now and then as she breathed heavily through her now exhausted and thoroughly satisfied facial pussy. The “Drool” coming from her face had that familiar scent of freshly masturbated cunt she remembered from her own explorations at night.

Her brain had gotten used to the unfamiliar sensations and responses coming from her new lower body, just like Jon seemed to have experienced. Karyn had grown long passed caring about how extreme their changes had been becoming since the second transformation with the wished up gun. She in fact was curious to just how far she could use this device and how many times she could use it on the same subject, just like she did with the cashier earlier.

These thoughts made her lower mouth start to audibly pant, mouth gaping open as slight moaning could be heard from below. Karyn blushed, noticing a few people giving her a side eye in response. She guessed it would make sense that the face that had replaced would now actually start to verbalize her arousal when she got horny. She wondered if she would have to look into wearing a ball gag in order to keep her other mouth from declaring how hot she was for all the world to know. This thought alone made her lower tongue lap at the building “saliva” now dripping down her lips and gasping, her pussy now making extra use of the set of lungs and esophagus it was attached to.

She needed to settle down so as to not make a scene, and think about exploring her body later. She overlooked the few people that Jon swapped earlier, the woman with the horse cock and testicles for a head dipped her shaft into a pitcher of water and was using it like a straw to drink from it directly. Her boyfriend, whose head was on backwards on the lower body of a big assed black woman's waist was happily munching away at the plate situated on his sizable ass cheeks like a makeshift table. She wondered where the recipient of the man's body was, and spied the sight of a woman walking away from the Cafe, her voluptuous upper body now terminating into a younger white man's body, only backwards. And a police horse trotting down the street with blonde haired white woman's head dangling between its legs, the heads hair braided to match the tail.

Karyn spotted another young couple sitting just across from the previous pair, she remembered them from school. A typical football jock and his cheerleader girlfriend. One of the lower rungs of Sarah’s cheerleader clique. Jacob and Pearl were their names, if she remembered correctly.

Karyn smiled, using both mouths. These two would be a perfect opportunity to test the limits of the swapper gun.

From Jon’s original wish, the device was capable of swapping pretty much anything with anything and making the subject none the wiser, and swapping the roles of said objects and subjects as well... Just how far could that reach?

She searched the memory of the device, it seemed to keep a catalog and description of each of the changes so far. There were also other options that she and Jon hadn’t been aware of. There was a copy, and paste function, as well as merge and delete, resize and refit, crop and cut. Could she do more than just swap and replace? The possibilities were nearly endless if that were the case. She could manipulate entire bodies and objects in any way she saw fit.

Jon wasn't even aware of how powerful of a device she had created. Karyn thought it was odd that Jons personal pronouns seemed to have changed along with her body. Looking at her saved profile confirmed it. Although it looked as if every option had a toggle, gender and sex could be toggled between an large drop down menu as well as her current awareness. Karyn filed away that little tidbit for later.

Karyn glanced down at the empty vapid eyes of her “pussy”, unfocused and glassy. They were half lidded, and her second face grinned sloppily. It was funny to see her sex now being a fully emotive organ, something she didn't think only guys had to deal with. Although Jon’s new alignment now faced a similar predicament.

Karyn had Pearl in her sights, highlighting her but was not sure what to do with her new options. She selected her body below her neck, for a cheerleader of course it was overly endowed and appropriately curvy. She tended to dress a bit more risque of the pack, shorter skirts than standard for cheerleaders on the field, and very tight crop tops with plunging “V” necklines. Her boyfriend was rumored to have a pretty massive cock as well, according to pearl at least.

Karyn was mulling over her options when she accidentally fingered the “cut” button, instantly erasing everything below Pearl's head as it hovered momentarily in the air before her boyfriend grabbed it and set it down on the table in front of him.

“Heya babe, almost fell on the floor there” Jacob laughed, smoothing out his girlfriend's hair as he set her head on the place-mat.

“Thanks sugar! Don't know what I’d do without my big beefy knight in shining armor” Pearl giggled airily.

Reality seemed to adjust accordingly, and her former body was stored in the device's memory. Her boyfriend didn't think anything odd about being in a relationship with a bodiless girl, maybe she was just that good at oral. Although Karyn considered, she’d probably be just as good with her new lower half.

She fiddled with the settings for a bit and entered in her changes, pointing the Role Swapper at the couple and letting it do it’s magic.

There was an interesting new arrangement in the couple now, for one the boyfriends head was now situated on his girlfriend's former body. He kept his Letterman jacket, now sitting gingerly atop his now slimmer shoulders and being kept from zipping up past his new generous cleavage. His girlfriend wasn't spared from any new changes either. Seeing as below her neck was now his former penis and balls attached to where her body once was. True to the rumors, Jacob did have a particularly massive cock and equally large balls, although they didn't belong to him anymore now.

Karyn felt that she needed a bit more mass, and tapped the “resize” button a few more times and watched as the balls and cock increased in size and girth. By the time Karyn was satisfied, her head was perched upon a pair of balls the size of grapefruits and a cock that was about as long and as thick as her arm and that was considering it was still flaccid. Her boyfriend was busy feeding her by hand some bits of buttered bread, oddly enough she could see the testicles visibly swelling with every gulp and swallow pearl made while eating. She wondered if her new digestion just turned everything she ate into semen or cum.

The other changes made to the boyfriend were not noticeable from her perspective, but she was comforted knowing that his new nipples, anus and belly button were each replaced with a copy of Pearls former pussy, and resized quite a bit to make room for her massive organ.

By the time their ordered food had arrived, Pearls massive dick neck had begun to harden as her balls visibly pulsed. It started to snake it’s way to the edge of the table and poke into her boyfriend's cleavage. He rolled his eyes as if this was an everyday occurrence. And fed her bits of her burger and fries while beads of precum began to drip down his tube top and smear across his now moistened pussy nipples.

Karyn was amazed at how extensive she could change people and was eager to find new test subjects on the people around her.

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