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3. And away we go...

2. A Hero's Hero

1. The Future of Gaming

Epic is the word

on 2003-07-20 18:20:18

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That was the first thought that came to my mind as I emerged from the 'transition' and opened my eyes - to find myself in a city that would pobably have put Atlantis to shame...
"'Epic' is right," I whispered, as I absorbed the hustle and bustle of the first FOG city I'd ever seen. Epic City was, in many ways, the capital of the game world - and when that world is one of fantasy, that meant one could find practically anything one could imagine there.
And it was quite clear quite a bit of imagination had gone into building the city itself... The architecture was nothing short of amazing... But even the sheer fantasticness of the designs were overshadowed by a greater achievement -the fact that the world itself looked, sounded and felt so... real. Squint as I did, I couldn't see any pixels anywhere, and when i stooped to run my finger along the 'cobblestone' floor, it felt exactly the way I had imagined old stone to feel.
The reality of the world didn't stop with my surroundings though - as I moved I realized how, well, healthy I felt... I was fairly fit in real life but here... here I felt as if I could move mountains! I felt the wind tousel my silver hair and found myself grinning ear to ear... This was going to be some adventure!
I mentally pulled my feet back to the ground as I realized I'd been standing there gawking like an idiot for five minutes. It wouldnt do to get side-tracked. I was in... Now to find Suzie.
I had hardly gone a few steps though when I saw a crowd gathering in a spacious square... "All interested in being recruited to the Order of Lancelot please step forward..."
Hmmm... On second thought... Maybe there was time for a little side-tracking after all...

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