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2. interpersonal ramblings

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To Xyzzy:

on 2012-10-05 09:09:01

907 hits, 9 views, 0 upvotes.

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Dear sir/ma'am,

I am a long time fan of yours, having first encountered your writings here, then discovered several stories authored under the same pseudonym on fictionmania.

This post is in part to express my appreciation for your talent and the life it breaths into the story-lines graced with it, but also to inquire if there is anyplace else one might find your writings, as well as to ask if there were another full-fledged bit of fiction that might be forth-coming at some point in the near future.

It's very presumptuous of me to ask any of this, I know, much less to make use of such a public forum to do so, but this is the only place I know of where you are at all active. And, lacking any other contact mechanism, it still seems somehow 'right' to voice my appreciation for your skills and contributions in a more public manner for all those of like mind who lack the temerity to voice their feelings on the topic.

As for anyone reading this who isn't familiar with Xyzzy's work, I highly recommend it, easily locatable here with a brief search or his three stories written and submitted to under the same username: "Xyzzy". Anyone who appreciates ladies with able curves, the intricacies the loss of size and physical strength should imply, or just excellent character relativity and detailed transformation scenes and imaginative plot should find little left wanting.

Very respectfully;

P.S. The author apologizes deeply for any grammatical or spelling errors, attributing them to copious searching for veritas in his vino.

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