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10. Because he needs to get someth

9. Meeting the newcomer

8. A trip to the beach

7. Jake gets a call

6. Jon sits back to watch what un

5. A Bikini

4. A Gift

3. Jake

2. The Magic Shop (For those who

1. You Are What You Wish

Magic Bikini: Protection is Important

on 2021-04-01 12:52:17
Episode last modified by Enjeubleu on 2021-04-15 10:50:10

1238 hits, 127 views, 2 upvotes.

Anthro FTM Magic Omni SciFi Super Unaware

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“No! I, uh… Forgot something? Yeah, I forgot something! And there’s absolutely no way I can do a beach day without it.”


Dude-bro tilted his head, eyes drooping like a sad puppy’s. “Damn, no kidding? And l was so excited for today…”

“It’s a real tragedy. Maybe another—eep!” Jake squeaked as he swiveled about, sauntering back to the purple mini convertible.

…Except his shapely legs didn’t parade him to the driver’s seat. Instead, Jake was led to the car’s trunk, popping it open to find several things that would indeed be quite relevant to a beach day.

A beach umbrella.

A cheap bottle of sun lotion.

A wide, floppy sun hat.

And a pair of braided platform sandals.

He felt his mouth drop open at the sight, but it was already to late; his body lunged for the accessories.

“This is such freaking, bullshit,” he mumbled under his breath, helpless as he slipped the sandals on. Were these the ‘something’ he’d allegedly forgotten? He mentally kicked himself for not specifying where he’d forgotten them.

“Baaaabe!” Dude-bro said upon catching up. “I can’t believe I keep falling for these little jokes of yours. But good call, don’t want you getting another sunburn.”

“Uh-huh. All just one big freaking joke,” Jake shot back, his glare obscured by the sun hat.

It was nice out, in that way the cozy warmth of the sun meshed beautifully with the singsong tides of the ocean. On any other day, Jake would’ve likely spent it indoors, either sleeping off a nasty hangover or catching up on crap from work.

As much as as he hated to admit it, the change of pace wasn’t terrible.

Jake lazed drearily along the fluffy towel, noting how his new form experienced the world differently than his original. It was so much more sensitive.

The faintest breeze left him trembling. The touch of the sun and towel felt more vivid, somehow, as if his bare skin was more vulnerable to processing information. And then there was the hair tickling his back, the soft bobbing of his breasts in tandem to his breathing; the body was smaller, but it was also a whole lot busier.

He smiled at the two shapely thighs extending from his hips. At least the view was nice.

“Oh baaaabe~”

And that momentary bliss came crashing down, dude-bro diving unto the towel next to Jake—he’d been swimming, and droplets of salty ocean water were flying everywhere.

Jake made no attempt to answer.

Dude-bro was entirely unfazed, his vapid grin widening at how cute his faux-girlfriend’s pout was. “You sure you don’t wanna come swimming? The water’s, like, so perfect.

Again, Jake kept his mouth shut.

“Oh… I get it. You need my help with the sunscreen!”

That got a reaction from Jake. He quickly met dude-bro’s gaze, sneering incredulously. “What? Why would you think—”

“Alright, on your stomach.”

Jake let out a girlish squeak as his body obeyed, demurely rolling over and squishing his breasts into the sandy ground.

Two firm, masculine hands worked their way along Jake’s soft, supple body. They started at the back, expertly unclasping his top and toiling away with the masterful tenderness of a massage expert—it felt really, really good, and Jake’s face reddened at the dainty breaths forcing their way through his lips.

The body was sensitive, alright, but it was especially so to its boyfriend’s touch. Jake wanted to gag. He was stuck swooning like an idiot instead.

Dude-bro’s palms migrated to Jake’s perfectly plump, bountiful bottom. They kneaded the buns like bread dough, slowly and sensually and a tad too enthusiastically.

Knock it off…” Jake managed to force out, his damn singsong melody of a voice turning the order into a playful tease.

Next were the legs. Dude-bro worked his magic fingers up and down, in tandem to Jake’s lilting squeaks.

He finally pulled away. Jake was panting, flushed and utterly unsure how to process the array of wild signals his body was sending up.

At least it was over, right?

“Done! Let’s do your front side, now!”

Jake mewled in frustration.

It was over. Finally. Jake was covered head to toe in sunscreen. There was no possible way he could get a burn now. Dude-bro, in his staggering himbo-ness, made sure of it that.

“So babe, now that you’re all nice and safe, you ready to go swimming?”

Jake gave tired grimace. He needed an excuse to do exactly not that. “No way! I can’t swim right now, because...”

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