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6. Luke looks into it tonight

5. Luke turns Beverly down

4. Luke goes into the Immersion C

3. Luke

2. Immersion Passes

1. The Drafting Board

Immersion Passes: Luke looks into it tonight

on 2021-04-25 04:27:48
Episode last modified by Beta on 2021-04-25 04:46:01

659 hits, 46 views, 2 upvotes.

Inanimate Part Theft Super Unaware

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He glanced at the magazine on his desk and figured he had to look into what he had been putting off since getting home. After looking at various adds and programs he saw something that made him raise a brow as he smiled and selected it.
Somewhere else someone's phone went off but they were likely sleeping and would just dismiss the email as some random spam. Luke would normally stay up late and game, but since he had no appointment he would probably need to get to the Immersion Center pretty early in order to get his pass sorted out. He sighed getting off his PC and heading to bed so tomorrow he could head over and start what he had signed up for.

The pass he had requested was...

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