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3. Joanni, Karen's Pet Cat

2. I wish I made Karen happy

1. You Are What You Wish

Joanni, Karen's Pet Cat

on 2021-05-25 13:40:27
Episode last modified by Mr.Biggles on 2021-05-25 14:47:51

1139 hits, 126 views, 0 upvotes.

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The assault of sunlight brought John back to the realms of consciousness.

As he slowly opened his eyes, his mind re-engaged and he remembered falling and blacking out.
His eyes shot open expecting to see the floor under his face, however he was met with an unfamiliar sight.
He first noticed a pink duvet underneath him and some large wooden bedposts at the foot of the bed.
He shot up, realising he was somewhere unfamiliar and quickly looked around the room.

Pink walls, posters of boybands, a reasonable TV, a full length mirror, a desk with a laptop and a small amount of make-up.
He is obviously in a girl's room!

Turning to look behind him, John spied Karen asleep in the bed he was sitting on.

Thankful for the familiar face and realisation of where he was, John called out Karen's name.
Startled by the noise he had just made, John tried speaking again
Remembering his hasty wish the previous night, John slowly looked down with an increasing sense of dread.
As his vision lowered, he noticed a set of white paws where he felt his hands should be.
He began to look further down, when he was startled by Karen.

"Joannie", she groaned, half asleep "Leave me alone. It's not time to wake up yet!"

'Joannie?' John thought. Realising what that name implied, he jumped up and his head shot down between his front paws, trying desperately to gain a view between his legs.
There was nothing there. Well, alot of fluffy white fur, a set of hind-paws and a disturbing number of nipples, but definitely not what John was looking for.

He didn't have time to do much else as Karen was sitting up, groaning and expressing dissatisfaction of having been woken up by her cat.

Being the kind-hearted person she was, Karen was never upset for long with her favourite cat Joannie.
Somehow being around her always made Karen happy.
The moment she had laid eyes on Joannie as a kitten 3 years ago, Karen knew this was the cat for her, and would be her companion for years to come.

She reached out, picked up Joannie and placed her on her lap.
Starting to stroke Joannie's head Karen smiled.

After a moment, John started struggling for freedom. Karen was bemused but placed the wriggling cat on the floor, watching as she then ran to the mirror John had spotted earlier.
He shuddered as he ran at how helpless he had felt when he was picked up and stroked by a, to him, giant Karen.

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The sight that greeted him was not a welcome one, but it confirmed what he already knew to be true.
He saw a white haired cat staring back at him.
This definitely was not what he had in mind when he wished he made Karen happy!

It was at this moment that a glint caught his attention in the mirror.
His heart leapt as he saw the wishing stone attached to a collar on his neck.
'Strange', he thought, 'I hadn't felt the collar until now'.

Giving little more thought to the collar, he rolled onto his back, raising a paw to the stone that had fallen against his body and wished himself back to normal.
'Of course. I'm a cat, I can't talk. I'll just have to think it...I wish I was human again'

Absolutely nothing.

A crushing sense of dread hit John in that moment.
He couldn't wish himself back to normal. Karen thought he was her cat. Her female cat (although he refused to consider himself as such). He was stuck!

Hearing a door close startled John back to reality.
He spun around and noticed that Karen had gone, although she had left her bedroom door open.

Walking up to it he realised just how small he now was.

Once in the doorway he could see a set of stairs directly ahead of him and 3 closed doors to the sides.
'She must've gone into the bathroom' he mused.

Not able to do much about his situation at present, John considered what he should do now...

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