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3. Karen's favourite bra

2. I wish I made Karen happy

1. You Are What You Wish

Karen's favourite bra

on 2021-05-25 14:41:47

1433 hits, 169 views, 1 upvotes.

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John awoke in the darkness.
Remembering the previous night, and the rather hasty wish he had made he felt a tad foolish.

Trying to get up, he found he couldn't, so he tried moving an arm.
Again, nothing.
Becoming distressed as his inability move, John tried to look around.
He couldn't move an inch.

Really becoming quite worried now he tried to call out for help.
No sound escape him.

He listened, trying to determine where he could be, but couldn't hear anything.

A crushing sense of defeat began to engulf him.
He'd made a stupid wish, the same as Karen before him, and had ended up goodness knows where without the ability to move or contact anyone.

An unknown amount of time passed before he heard a shrill beeping followed shortly after by a groan.
A few seconds later the beeping stopped and he was once again in silence.

Straining to listen for any other noise that could inform him of where he was, he again heard nothing.

After a minute or so music started.
He had no idea what it was, not following the trends, he had no idea about popular music.

Suddenly the ground beneath him hurtled forwards and there was light above him.
After the daze had passed he saw Karen, but she was enormous!

Her hand reached in, lifting him up into the light before placing him on a large wooden surface.
He tried calling out to her, but again, no sound was heard.
She was looking down past him seemed to be to rummaging in something, before he saw her hands come into view above him holding some clothes and dropping them onto his face.
The impact pushed him down against the surface beneath him and blocked out the light.

He was truly bemused at what was happening. Why was Karen ignoring him and why couldn't he move or talk?

A short while later he felt himself being lifted once again and was being carried somewhere, although he could not see where.
About 20 seconds later he heard a door close and was then lowered onto the floor.
The object obscuring his face was moved and he could once again see Karen above him, although this time he could see all of her.
She was clad in her pyjamas and seemed to be crouched down in a bathroom.

John, again, tried to look around more, but was unable to do so.

Karen disappeared out of sight.

A moment later, he felt himself begin to fall forward, bringing Karen's legs into view.
She was a few paces away and had begun to undress.

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He saw Karen reach down to pick up the clothes she had removed before lifting them above his field of vision.
She then walked off to the right out of sight.

The sound of running water was soon heard and the sliding closed of what John presumed to be a shower door.

He spent the next few minutes trying to puzzle what had happened to him.
Why was he here?
Why was Karen still ignoring him?
Why had she taken him into the bathroom?

Before he knew it, the water had stopped and Karen's legs were once again in view.
She appeared to be drying herself with a towel.

After a few minutes her hand appeared in John's vision and lifted him into the air.
He would've blushed if he could as his vision was directed upwards and he realised she wasn't wearing anything.

He was lifted towards her face, stopping a short distance away.
'I must've shrunk if she can lift me like this' John pondered.

Before he had much time to think on it further he was turned to face away from her.
His arms stretched, first the left, then the right
He was pulled backwards slightly by the legs, a soft warmth suddenly present inside his body.
His legs were pulled back and forth for a moment before she let go and they flew back against something that also felt warm.

John's vision was rotated towards a mirror.
He saw Karen standing there in nothing but a red bra with white spots.

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His world fell out from beneath him as he realised his vision was level with the centre of the bra, the red plastic heart holding the 2 cups together.

"I'm so glad I bought this bra last month" Karen said to herself "It's the comfiest one I own by far, and I really needed it after the girls grew a few sizes recently. It's the only one that fits properly now! I'll have to get some more at the weekend."

'What did she say?' John thought. 'Bought this bra last month? Comfiest she owns? Grew recently?'
'She's forgotten me!' John despaired. 'She didn't hear my wish, reality has changed and she doesn't remember!'

Before he could think much further a shirt of some sort was pulled over him, obscuring his vision.

'What am I going to do?' John thought. 'What can I do?'

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