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3. KS: Jon tries to fix it!

2. Karyn's Sibling

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon Tries To Fix It

on 2021-06-05 11:19:14
Episode last modified by Hmm on 2021-06-05 11:20:52

1872 hits, 209 views, 2 upvotes.

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"I just wish that you'd get a younger sibling. That way you could see how fun and annoying they can be."


Jon looked over at Karyn startled. What had he done wrong?

"You just said I wish! And you said you had the stone so I just thought... but there's no way you could be that careless, right?"

Jon's hand that was gripping the stone in his pocket felt like lead. His stomach felt like it had dropped right out of him and was rolling away on the floor. He really had been that careless! In a panic he tried to remember exactly what he wished for.



"Wait, Karyn! We can fix this! I just said that you'd "get" a younger sibling. It didn't specify when. I could just, um, 'ask' the stone that you'd get one fifty years from now!"

He was trying to assure Karyn, but all this did was make her angrier.

"Stop John! Can't you see all the horrible ways that could go wrong! You never specified how I'd get a yonger sibling! I could grow up have a kid and die and then my mom adopts my child and it would satisfy your wish! Or she could adopt someone totally unrelated to us, or -oh no!- you're wish could have made my mom pregnant! Jon how could you! That's like rape!"

Jon's mind was spiraling. He'd really messed up. He'd wanted so badly to use the wishing stone! He'd patiently waited for a chance, but just like Karyn had yesterday, he'd messed it all up with an accidental wish. Only this time, it wasn't just them that was affected.

What would his wish do? Would it make Mrs. Black remarry? Or would it alter the past and make it so she never got a divorce? Or would she be forced to have a child out of wedlock from a one night stand? There were too many ways for the wish to be interpreted! Karyn was right! He;d really messed up!

Then an even worse thought came to him.

What if Mrs. Black, like Karyn, didn't want their family to have another member? Would the stone "force" her to get pregnant? Could Karyn be right?

He had to fix this before it got worse! Mrs. Black could be in danger!

"Jon, we need to stay calm and think about this. I'm sure if we just come up with the right wording we can fix-"

But Jon wasn't listening. He had to fix this! Still holding the stone, he said:

"I wish..."

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