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5. Mental Hospital II

4. Waking Up Elsewhere

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Mental Hospital II

on 2011-12-06 16:10:21

1251 hits, 39 views, 1 upvotes.

Animal Body Swap Inanimate MTF Musc Part Theft SciFi Super

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When Jon woke up, he appeared to be in a padded room, similar to what he imagined a padded room at a mental hospital looked like. He walked over to the door and began to bang on it.

"Hello?" he asked. His voice seemed to sound... wierd. And his body moved differently as well. "Is anyone out there? Why am I here?"

Jon opened up the small window in his door. He saw three women coming towards him. The door opened a moment later.

The middle woman, whom Jon assumed was the leader, said, "Now, Ms. Gibson, what have we said about disturbing the other patients at this time of night? Would you like some sedatives to help you sleep?"

"Ms. Gibson?" Jon asked. "I'm not a girl!"

The nurse sighed. "I really thought we were making progress, Ms. Gibson. but, yes, you are a girl. We've been trying to find the root of your delusion that you are a male. Now, you really need to get some sleep if we are going to be able to help you tomorrow."

One of the other nurses grabbed Jon's arm and the leader injected Jon with a clear liquid. Jon suddenly felt tired and let himself be guided back to a small bed in the room.

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