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21. Jon experiences combat for the

20. Darin encounters the ugly side

19. Jon gets her fortune

18. Arcade Anomaly: A new characte

17. Athena's discovery

16. Jon's journey...

15. Arcade Anomaly: New friends an

14. Another person enters the game

13. Athena makes an interesting di

12. Karyn takes off...

11. Jon gets some rest, and altern

10. Jon is taken in by a nice litt

9. Instinct takes over...

8. Jon makes his move

7. Karyn enters the game...

6. Jon Goes into the cave

5. Jon wakes up...but not in the

4. The next day...

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

Arcade Anomaly- Combat

on 2016-05-26 17:11:15

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Age Animal Aware FTP MC Musc NBM SciFi TF Unaware

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Setting up camp with just talons is HARD. Jon had no problems with the bedroll, and actually found it surprisingly easy to pitch the tent. Jon smirked to herself 'Having opposables on my feet is actually kind of fun.' The fire, on the other hand, was where things got tricky. 'Why didn't I ask for flint or something?' Jon thought to herself, using her talons to rub two sticks together. Not only was the position awkward, she could barely see if she got a spark. Jon could definitely see smoke coming from the sticks, and wished more than anything that the phrase "Where there's smoke, there's fire" was true in this case. Jon stopped to take a rest, and laid on her back. "There's gotta be an easier way." Jon leapt to her feet, and was taken aback. It was strange, getting used to her newfound athleticism. Jon looked down at her talons, trying to come up with something. And then she remembered just how hard her nails were. She set about looking for a stone. When she found one, she set it in the center of the firepit. 'God, I hope this works.' Jon thought to herself as she began scratching the rock with her talon. Almost immediately, the rocked sparked, but the pit didn't catch. Jon had to keep careful control of how hard she scratched, as she didn't want to break the rock. She tried a second and a third time, but on the third try the pit caught, but the ember didn't hold. Jon thought for awhile on what she was missing. Then it hit her. "Oxygen!" She said aloud. She scraped the rock a fourth time, and the spark managed to catch. Jon lightly flapped her wings, pushing the air toward the fire. Like magic, the twigs finally caught fire, and Jon piled logs on to the fire before sitting down with an admittedly smug and self-satisfied grin.

Jon slept without a blanket. It was easier, and honestly more comfortable, to wrap her wings around her body as she slept. As she was reflecting on her time here, she found that of all the new experiences this had given her, flying was definitely her favorite. 'Gotta wish for that when I get home.' As she drifted off to sleep, she dreamed that she was back home. Or rather, she was over it. Jon was a guy again, but he was flying. No wings, just the air beneath him. The view was breathtaking, but Jon knew somewhere he could have more fun. He darted for the city, flying faster than he could as a harpy. He soared passed the skyscrapers, looking down at the hustle and bustle of city life. Never before had Jon felt to free. So alive. And then he heard a snap.

Jon propelled out of her bedroll. She heard squeaky voices outside, and rummaging. Jon got out of the tent and saw six little green creatures searching through his bag. "Hey! Get away from there!" The creatures all looked at Jon and drew what looked like primitive swords, hammers, and axes. The one in the lead yelled something, but it sounded like gibberish to Jon. "I don't want any trouble. But that's my stuff." The creatures were tiny, green, and had pointy ears. Jon immediately thought to herself that these creatures looked like Goblins in, well, any normal RPG. And she knew there was no reasoning with them. The lead Goblin yelled something, raising his sword, before charging Jon. Just as the Lead Goblin struck his sword at Jon, Jon jumped backwards, doing a backflip. "Whoa!" Said Jon aloud, as she had not expected to move like that. The other five goblins spread out, surrounding Jon. 'Guess I gotta fight my way out of this.' Jon bent her knees and pulled her wings in. Jon realized this was a fighting stance, but wondered how she knew to take it. A goblin with an axe attacked Jon. She easily moved past it and, with one talon, grabbed the goblin's face it flung it across the camp, before effortlessly returning to her stance. 'Oh right. It's an RPG. I must be some kind of unarmed class.' Jon chuckled as she thought about the other meaning of unarmed, when a goblin attacked her from behind. Jon dropped and grabbed both of the goblins legs with her talons. Pulling it to the ground. Jon jumped up and landed on the goblins back, digging her talons into its back. The goblin screamed in pain until Jon got off. 'Two down.' Jon thought. She didn't even have to think. Just let instinct take over. Jon saw one goblin pull out a crude bow and arrow. Jon spread his wings and twirled, quickly moving toward the goblin before stabbing him in the throat with her nail. 'Holy crap!' Jon thought to herself. 'Okay, maybe a little less instinct.' Jon turned to face the other three goblins. She used her wings to guard herself as all three goblins rushed towards her. Jon twirled again, slashing the one on the right on the chest. She used her wing to smack the one on the left, before she stabbed it in the gut with her talon. She then kicked the leader to the ground. She got on top of him and dug her talons in before flapping her wings. She guided herself up the forrest, grinning sadistically as the leader tried to escape. "What's that? You want me to let you go? You sure about that? Okay..." Once Jon was high enough, she dropped the leader to the ground, laughing as its scream was suddenly cut off when it hit the ground. Jon lowered herself to the ground, smiling wickedly. And then she got a look at the bodies, and realized what she had just done. "Oh my God. What did I--" Jon looked down at her talons, stained in red. Jon looked at the brutal scene. If she hadn't been there, she would have thought some kind of monster was responsible.

Morning came, but Jon didn't sleep. They were only Goblins, she had killed hundreds by now playing video games at home, but there was something so... cruel about what she had left here. Jon went to a nearby stream and cleaned her talons in the water, while taking a minute to think. 'So obviously, this body knows how to handle itself. I don't even need to think to fight.' Jon studied Greek Mythology at home, and knew that Harpies were generally a violent and cruel species. 'If I don't think, my... animal instincts come out and I turn into a monster. How do I use my skills without giving in to the beast in me.' Then another, frightening thought struck Jon. 'What if, as time goes on, I begin to surrender to my nature, and then there's nothing left of me.?' Jon shook with fear. Could this body take away everything she is and turn her into a monster? Will she still hang on to her identity if she stays in the body too long? Jon shook her head. 'Can't think about that now. Gotta keep moving. I can't get out of this world and body if I'm being all introspective.' Jon got out of the stream, packed up camp, took one last look at the bodies, and took off. 'At least I can enjoy flying.'


Biff felt sand beneath him. There was a weight on his chest, but he really didn't pay attention to it. The sun felt so good. 'Where was I again? Oh right. The arcade. Sarah.' Biff wanted to get up, but his body refused. Then he heard a deep voice over him. "Get up. Now." Biff opened his eyes. Standing above him was a green, baldheaded giant of a man with big teeth, a bald head, and orange and blue facepaint on the right side of his face. Orange covered half of his face, while the shape of a blue axe was painted just over his eye. Biff did as he was told, but struggled. His center of gravity was off. Biff looked at his arm and couldn't believe what he saw. His arm was green and muscular. Biff then looked down and almost screamed. Green breasts, covered by plate armor. His hair felt long. He touched it and felt dreadlocks. "What's your clan, whelp?" The stranger asked. Biff looked at him as he... she... stood. What surprised Biff was that she was eye-level with this giant. "Uh... Tannen?" Biff was both surprised and not surprised by his female voice. He had the body, why be surprised at the voice? The Orc across from him remained stoic. "I know all 67 clans on this continent by name. The 'Tannen' clan does not exist. Why do you lie?" Biff looked around, unable to form a response. "What kind of Orc are you? You fall asleep in hostile territory, you have no weapon, and you're barefaced. And you lied about your clan, which can only mean one thing." Biff backed away as the Orc drew a sword. "You're clanless." Biff put her arms up in defense. "Wait! I'm not from around here! I'm from another place." The Orc put the sword down. "Do you intend to attack my clan?" "No!" "You speak the truth. I have no quarrel with you." The Orc put away his sword. "I am Drekl Hardak, chief of the Hardak clan. And I hereby place you under my custody. You will accompany me to my clan's village, where your fate will be decided. Come, whelp. I slow my pace for no Orc." Hardak turned and walked away. Biff looked around and followed him when a thought struck her. 'Oh no. Athena was right. I owe her twenty bucks now.'

The pair walked for what felt like hours. Biff wasn't sure she wanted a conversation, and Hardak never turned to look at her. As a village came into view, Hardak suddenly spoke up. "What were you doing here, whelp?" Biff struggled to form an answer. She doubted Hardak would believe she was from a world where all this was just a video game. "I'm looking for someone. A..." And then Biff paused. 'I'm a woman right now, and Hardak already hates that I have no art projects on my face. If he thinks I'm a lesbian, he may just kill me.' "...friend. My friend. She disappeared." Hardak nodded. "A noble cause. Is this friend an Orc?" "No, she's uh... human. And so was I until I woke up." Then Hardak stopped and looked at Biff. "You were born human?" "Yes." "And you were transformed into an Orc?" "Yes." Hardak looked at the village. "I recommend you keep that to yourself. The only thing my kind hate more than clanless Orcs are humans. And the only thing my kind hate more than humans is sorcery. If word got out, I would have no choice but to put you to death. I don't want to do that, so I'll pretend I heard you say you grew up among humans and your friend was kidnapped by bandits, and you're searching. Fair?" Biff nodded. "Fair." Hardak smiled "Very good. Now keep moving." "Oh, and there's another thing." "What?" "I'm actually a man. And my girlfriend was the one kidnapped." "I'll hold that back as well." The two continued onward to the village. As they arrived, a horde of Orcs greeted them. They had the exact same face paint as Hardak. They all stood up straight, and pressed their fists against their chests. Hardak did the same. "Live with honor. Die with honor," said Hardak, and the Orcs repeated, before looking at Biff. She smiled and said, "Yeah, what he said."

Biff was dragged to a tent. He got thrown in. Hardak walked in and said, "Wait here. I will address the Elder Council to discuss your fate. Don't try to leave, or you will be shot by my archers. The only way you leave this village alive is if you become a member of this clan." Hardak left, leaving Biff on her own. Biff looked around and noticed a mirror. 'Time to see the ugly truth,' Biff thought as she walked toward the mirror. What she was amazed her. She was tall, and, as she expected, green. Her canines were growing out of her mouth. She had black hair doing down to her shoulders, and were styled to look like dreadlocks. And she was covered in muscle. Even her breasts seemed as firm as muscle, and seemed to support themselves. She wore plate armor that covered all but her cleavage and belly button, with the arms stopping at her elbows. She was wearing leather greaves, that fit her shapely legs and butt very tightly, to the point that they looked painted on, and she was wearing fur boots. Biff looked in the mirror and did muscle man poses, and grinned. 'I can get used to this.' Then a female orc entered the tent. She placed her fist above her left breast. "Live with honor. Die with honor. That is how you will address the council, or you will be beheaded on the spot. Now come. It's time."

Biff followed the Orc lady to the center of the village. A massive tent stood above them. The Orc stopped and allowed Biff to enter. He heard shouting and growling. And she found herself in the center of a circular room. A bunch of Orcs sat around a U-shaped table, with Hardak in the middle. Hardak didn't even turn to look at her. "Clanless!" Hardak yelled, "Stand by my side." Biff nodded and walked over to Hardak's side. She looked around, then placed her fist against her left breast, "Live with honor. Die with honor." The Orc in the middle, who looked very old, spoke first, "You learned our phrase young one. That phrase is the guide to which our people live their lives. It is where our laws, battle strategies, and personal actions find their root. So I ask you a simple question, clanless. Do you understand the meaning of the phrase?" Biff nodded, "Yeah. It means live and die doing what's right, without thought of personal gain." Hardak smiled and whispered in her ear, "Good answer." The council paused to talk amongst themselves. The center Orc spoke again, "Where are you from, and why are you here?" Biff looked at Hardak whispered "Tell them what we agreed on." Biff looked at the council, "I grew up in a human village. My close friend, Sarah, was kidnapped by a group of bandits. I set out to look for her. Then I came across a machine, and I guess it... sent me here." On the word human, the entire council erupted to growls and discussion. Hardak placed a reassuring hand on Biff's shoulder. The Elder spoke again "Humans. You grew up among humans. And you would join our clan!? You know nothing of what it means to be an Orc!" Then Hardak stepped forward, "Perhaps not, Elder. But she understands human culture. She could be an asset to us." The Elder glared at Hardak. "Assets, logic, pragmatism. Your leadership of this clan has broken so many of our sacred traditions. And now, you have overstepped your boundaries Drekl! Bringing a clanless here, petitioning her to join us..." "My father was clanless!" yelled Hardak, "And now he is remembered as our people's greatest hero! His accomplishments allowed me to become clan chief at the youngest age in our tribe's history! He was hated, spat on, and treated as less than dirt. And yet he sacrificed himself battling the Horde! It is because of a clanless we live today!" The council once again talked among themselves. The Elder looked at Biff. "Very well. You will be given a chance to join our clan. However, you must compete in Trial by Combat. Succeed in the tasks you are given, and you will be one of us, with full rights, privileges, and responsibilities. Live with honor. Die with honor." Everyone in the room followed the Elder's statement. The Council members left, leaving Biff with Hardak. Hardak looked at Biff. "That went better than expected." Biff looked at Hardak. "What's Trial by Combat?" "To tell you beforehand is not my place. Your skill in battle will be tested. If you succeed, you are one of us." "And if I botch this up?" "Then your head will be placed on a pike as a warning to outsiders."


Athena could hear birds chirping. She spelled the dew of morning. The sun lightly shone on her skin. She smiled. 'This feels nice,' she thought to herself. And then she remembered what she was supposed to be doing. She opened her eyes and leapt to her feet in a single motion. Then athena realized what she had just done. 'I couldn't do that before. Guess my theory was right.' Athena looked around the forest. It was comfortable, just warm and humid enough. She looked at her hands and saw they were a golden hue. She began walking, and heard a stream nearby. She followed the sound and got a look at herself. Her skin was golden, and her ears were long and pointed. She was surprisingly thin, and she had long red hair, in a ponytail that ran down her back. She wore a green tunic, cut roughly the same as a tank top, and tight, brown leggings. She then realized that she was completely barefoot, but her feet weren't bothered at all. Athena touched her ears. She saw it, but she still couldn't believe it. 'I need to find someone.' Athena looked around and decided to follow the stream. 'Where there's water, there's people.' And with that, Athena set off.

Athena continued to follow along the stream. She looked up, and couldn't believe the beauty that surrounded her. There were colors she hadn't even known existed, and even the insects were exotic colors. 'This place is a paradise.' Athena couldn't help but be moved by what she saw. It was as if her previously gothic tastes had melted away. 'Zoe and Zelda are gonna freak. I gotta show them this place when I get back.' Then she found what she was looking for. A golden city lay on the horizon, surrounded by rainbows and what looked like stars. Athena quickly began making her way toward the kingdom. And then she heard the clops of a horse. she looked up and saw a man riding a black horse. The man had long, black matted hair and wore obsidian armor with a red cape. He stopped and looked over at Athena. He jumped off the horse and made his way to Athena. The man yelled "I know that look! You're new here." Athena looked around. "How do you know that?" The man laughed "I once shared your position. I too am from Earth. My name is Dr. Miles Kane. I'm so glad I found someone." Athena couldn't believe her ears. But she had to hear it right, since her ears could pick up everything in a two mile radius. "Dr. Kane? But you look so..." "Young? I was smart enough to come in the body of a child. Tell me, how did you get here? I thought Mystic Quest was destroyed." Athena answered, "Whoever was supposed to do that missed one. There's a version in our arcade." Kane nodded his head, "Pity. So you have fallen into our foolish trap. Were their others?" "Five others. Maybe more since I started." Kane looked down, almost ashamed. "I had hoped I succeeded. Adam was a madman. When I knew what his true purpose was, I knew I had to expose him. What happened to him? And Alistair?" "Adam died in prison. And Dr. Morlun disappeared." "Then he is after me." "Excuse me?" "I tried to convince Alistair to help me blow the whistle, but Alistair was one of them. If he's here too, then he's looking to kill me." Athena's blood ran cold. Kane and Morlun had been here for over thirty years. "How do I get out?" Kane laughed. "It's an RPG, isn't it? Complete the Main Quest. It's that simple. When that is done, you'll be free to come and go as you please." "Did you finish the quest?" "I haven't even started. I have a life here. I knew my life on Earth was over when I exposed my colleagues... Satanic intentions. They're very powerful you know. It's not terrible here. You may soon decide you don't want to leave either." Athena nodded, "I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. But I can't speak for the other five. I need to find them and bring them the news." Kane looked at Athena, studying her. "Well, my dear. I shall escort you to Masthalla, that city over there, for supplies. Then I will set you on the path to Ardour City. It's the game's hub town. You should start your search there." Athena nodded. Kane got on his horse and started guiding Athena to the city.

As they travelled, Athena and Kane talked alot. Kane was amazed that the original ideas for Mystic Quest were incorporated into other RPGs. Character Creation, hub towns, race selection, all those were pioneered in the games development are now basic fare for even the most mediocre RPGs. Athena then asked, "So how did you do it? Pull people into this world?" Kane smiled proudly. "I thought you would never ask, Athena. You see, magic exists in our world. It's rare, but if you know where to look, you can find it. Now, here's what I have discovered. Magic is the binding element of the multiverse. It controls what makes reality reality. See, if you used magic to give yourself the body of a man in our universe, you would be transported to a universe in which you are one. Magic doesn't alter reality, it connects to others. Adam and Alistair liked my theory and hired me to find a way to connect our universe to a fantasy universe, such as this one. It took so much time, ritual and spell after ritual and spell. Magic is like any science, all you need is to study, experiment, and hope something works. When I had succeeded, I learned that Adam and Alistair were part of a cult. Satan worshippers. See, demons such as Lucifer are powerful the closer they are to magic. They wanted to bring their cult into this world and summon Satan into a physical shell here, and then bring him to our home universe to conquer it. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bore you." Athena shook her head, "No that was very interesting. You saved so many people." Kane nodded, "I couldn't be complicit in their plan. I'm happy I saved a few lives. And who knows. Maybe my vision of a truly interactive experience, for all people to live their fantasy whenever they choose, may just be coming true." A tear fell down Kane's face, "I wanted so much for a world where any can be a hero, if only for a day. Thank you, Athena. You returned my dream to me."

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