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98. Iridescent Sun: Becca’s First

97. Iridescent Sun: Stranger and s

96. Things happen...

95. Iridescent Sun: Athena and zoe

94. Jon ponders, David ponders

93. Iridescent Sun: lets be friend

92. Harry's dilemma...

91. Iridescent Sun: Fox hunting

90. More of the day...

89. Iridescent Sun: identity clari

88. The morning continues...

87. Iridescent Sun: One mixed up t

86. The next day...

85. Iridescent Sun: After school p

84. The remains of the day...

83. Toby and Terri, later that nig

82. Iridescent Sun: break time

81. More of Zoe's class...

80. Iridescent Sun: Zoe's class

79. A little wine makes the heart

Trouble with the Vice Principal

on 2011-04-14 23:39:08

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Animal Aware SciFi Unaware

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[Author Note: This is part one of four episodes. One of the character's bizarre transformation might not make sense, considering that her evil transformation is not natural in term of the sun's transformation (the sun can not make anyone evil), but it will in time, so be patience and wait for the explanation come out in one of the episodes (most likely in the final part). Thank you.]

Time was getting farther along, as Trident was waiting patiently for the day to be over, so that she can resume Becca's training. She didn't like the bad feeling from the first day of school; it gave her the major creep. Nevertheless, she knew that Becca needs to get her education and learn like a normal child should, and hope that the ballet should be enough for her physical training. As she sighed silently to herself, Trident got a strange feeling for a moment that something was watching them, but she shrugged it off as just being paranoid and keep an eye on her pupil.

A dark figure sat patiently in an equally dark room, as something crawl by the figure's feet. The entity stared downward as it reached the feet and merged into the figure's being. The being chuckled lowly as a finger pressed down on an intercom. "Attention, Rebecca Anne Meadows to the Vice Principal Office; repeat, Rebecca Anne Meadows to the Vice Principal Office."

Curiosity had completely consumed Becca as she slowly and timidly entered the Vice Principal Office; watched by the curious eyes whose was a bit confuse themselves. She remembered going to the Principal Office at her High School from time to time when she was a guy, mostly because she got into trouble for bullying and getting into fights. She knew that her original self wasn't really a bad person or anything like that; it just came with being a football player and a testosterone-filled guy. If it wasn't for the dire situation at hand, she would had laughed knowing that she could remember the word 'testosterone' but unable to say it, let alone the fact that she had just used it to describe her male version.

But, as Becca, she hadn't yet caused any trouble, and it would most likely seem near impossible that she could even be capable of causing trouble. Also, ever since she went to school on the first day, rumor had it that the mysterious new Vice Principal had never once called anyone into the Vice Principal Office. Even the school staffs, with the exception of the Principal (who was pretty mysterious in his own right), had never set foot inside the room, so it took her by surprise when she was called to the office.

The room was a bit dark and creepy, causing Becca to feel a bit frighten, especially after the door was shut. She hated that uncomfortable feeling, it was more intense than any fears she had felt as a guy. And, when the two entered the office, the room almost seems to silently hiss at them, as if they walked into evil itself. Becca noticed that this odd atmosphere was making Trident highly nervous as well.

Before she could sit down, a voice came from a figure sitting away from their view. "Welcome, child! If you would be a darling, can you leave the 'doll' outside, so that we could talk like proper adult?" The voice was polite and kind, but it almost seems somewhat fake to the duo, and if they didn't know better, there was bit of icy coldness to her tone. Becca stared down at her companion, wondering if she should do as she was told, but Trident shook her head. Trident couldn't put her fingers on it, but there was something she didn't like about this figure, which she figured was a woman.

Trying to make up an excuse, Becca replied with a slight intimidated tone, although she tried her best to stay polite, "I-I'm sorry, but e-ever s-since I change, I don't f-feel comfy without her. Is it okay if I have her with me?"

The figure said nothing for a while, and then she turned around with a smile on her face. "Very well, you can keep her with you if you really wanted." The figure was wearing a dark blue button-up business blouse with white internal material. She was also wearing a business knee-length skirt and black pantyhose underneath it. She was wearing black two-inched heel shoes that fit with the professional theme that she was going with.

Becca gasped in surprised when she saw who this woman was, and more surprised to see her unaffected by the sun. The young matured woman was Mrs. Emily Crawford, the sweetest and kindest person that Becca could have ever known from her neighborhood, maybe even the whole world in her opinion. Yet, this Mrs. Crawford didn't feel right; she was actually giving her the creep, and noticed that the smile was just as faked as the sincerity of her tone.

"M-may I a-ask what y-you need from me, Mrs. Crawford?"

The woman cocked her left eyebrow and replied gently, with a somewhat hidden disgusted, "I see that you know of me. Must be from my 'past' life, I presume."

Becca was especially confused now, why did she just say that? It was almost as if she didn't even consider herself to be Mrs. Crawford anymore. Unknown to Becca (and to even Trident), a dark shadow of darkness was spreading from Mrs. Crawford's feet to underneath Becca's feet, and slowly began to spread over the whole floor.

"It doesn't matter how you knew the 'old' me, I think it is time to 'answer' your question," she added, this time with a more sinister, if a bit alluring, voice that doesn't sound like the original at all. Trident finally picked up on the darkness spreading around the room, but it was too late as it finally wrapped around the room completely. "You see, what I need from you, Number Three, is to die a most painful and delicious death ever conceived possible!"

"M-m-mrs. C-craw-wford?! I-I-I don't g-get i-it," Becca stuttered with terror and disorientation, "W-Why are y-you saying t-that?!"

The woman let out a wicked laughter as her body was being shallow up by the dark shadow coming from her very being. "Tsk tsk tsk, I thought by now you would figure it out. But, I guess that goes without saying for you dim-witted brats! Let me reintroduce myself, I am known as Shadoe Fae now, a living shadow if it isn't already obvious with the name and all, and I'm also the First Commander of what your useless insignificance miniature 'toy' would call the 'Enemy'! What we really called ourselves is actually none of your business and none of your magical brats will live long to find out!"

Shadoe's body had now been completely covered up in darkness, with more shadowy mass adding to it, and it appears that the shape of her body was changing. Several hands made out of darkness slowly rise from the shadow that had been spread over the room, moving fluidly as they seems to be waiting for an order from her. Her new shadow-skinned body was a light shade of black, blending in with her background, but just enough lighter enough to be noticeable.

Her figure began to shifted its mass around, redistributed proportionally to her breasts, hip and rear-end, her thighs and calfs, her shoulder-length hair, and her physical sizes, until she have a taller perfect lustrous body that a nymph would have. Her new size gave her around six inches boost from her original five feet and 2 inches, which added the intimidation that this new woman was giving Becca, and she was already intimidated by adults like any children would. Her new silky hair was moving like dark wisps with every move that she makes, as if her very hair could be alive.

Her shut eyes reopened with a more seductive and sadistic slant, completely glowing blood red with a burning sinful evil. And, as she opened her mouth to grin a villainous and creepy open-mouthed smile, a weaker red glow articulated her expression to Becca. She took a moment to glance downward to feel her body, feeling both pride and lust at how beautiful she became, before glancing back at Becca.

She closed her mouth, though for a brief moment took out a creepy-looking dark gray tongue and licked her lips, taking in a forbidding pleasure from the thought of killing this little girl slowly and painfully; from the thought of dominantly taking a life away, knowing how sweet the death would be when her parents found her dead and crying in pain. She held up her left-handed pointy index finger up and shouted with delighted, "ATTACK!!!" The shadow hands that were waiting suddenly charged at the now panicking girl and her little guardian.

"EEEEEK," was all Becca could scream as she leaped sideway out of the way of the attack, and almost lost balanced for a moment in the rush. Thankfully, she regained her composure and returned to a proper standing pose.

"Becca, hurry; count to three and transform," Trident yelled as the hands began to do a U-turn and charged at her again.

She quickly did as she was told and counted up to three, doing a little trance-like dance in a process, before a large burst of energy destroyed the shadow hands and her Magical Girl's outfit reformed from her normal clothes.

"Hehehe, don't get comfortable with that cheap maneuver, I got more tricks waiting in the shadow. And, don't bother about calling for help, this shadow veil prevents both sounds from coming out and the negative energy from being detected by other Magical Girls. Forget about getting lucky enough of someone discovering us as well, this veil has other abilities that would have gone over your small peanut mind."

"Now, how about we play hide-and-go seek, though to let you know, the price of losing will be worse than simply hurting your pride." She grinned even wider before she did a Cheshire Cat imitation and disappeared, leaving only her glowing eyes and evil smile for a few second, and then that too disappeared. The room took on a dangerous silent, so quiet that you couldn't even hear a pin drop.

Becca could only stand there in shock, wondering how someone as angelic as Mrs. Crawford would transform into this vile monster. It just doesn't make sense, not at all. As she waited for something to happen, despite not being capable of using any ugly words, she mentally cursed the sun for doing this to poor Mrs. Crawford.

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