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117. Iridescent Sun: Honest Duties

116. Iridescent Sun: Light Classroo

115. Further class developments

114. Iridescent Sun: Tiffany return

113. The morning continues...

112. Iridescent sun: New day

111. Iridescent Sun: Other Morning

110. All just a dream...?

109. Iridescent Sun: A day of Night

108. Night comes...

107. The end of the afternoon...

106. Iridescent Sun: A Mother’s Pai

105. Iridescent Sun: Awkward moment

104. The last of the day?

103. Iridescent Sun:End of another

102. More events of the afternoon..

101. Iridescent Sun: Becca’s First

100. Iridescent Sun: Becca’s First

99. Iridescent Sun: Becca’s First

98. Iridescent Sun: Becca’s First

Iridescent Sun: Honest Duties and Fears

on 2011-04-25 02:12:19

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Age Aware Body Swap FTP Inanimate MTF Musc Part Theft

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[Author Note: I am going to automatically presume that the previous chapter either passed the Homeroom's period or that Homeroom come after the first class. In either case, I think the situation can be handles without much, if any, problems if anyone want to use Nadine. Oh, by the way...heh, I hope you like the cliffhanger with Mrs. Crawford's side of the story, and don't worry, it'll make sense soon (though, not right away).]

Mrs. Crawford's Point-of-View

After Sarah and Mrs. Crawford arrived at the school, they say their goodbye and split ways, each feeling a bit happier than they had before. Mrs. Crawford walked into the room that connected to the other offices, where the anthropomorphic Shisa Dog secretary greeted her. She knew who this woman was; she was a good friend and lived in the same neighborhood as Mrs. Crawford did, but since her former evil persona kept her identity hidden, she never learned that Mrs. Crawford was really the Vice Principal until yesterday. "Hello, Mayan, it's nice to see you again. Is Mr. Erin accepting anyone into his office right now?"

Mayan smiled back and replied, "Emily, it is nice to see you as well. Mr. Erin didn't informed me not to, so go on ahead."

"Thank you and I hope to see you personally around the house soon, me and my daughter would like some company."

"My schedule will be a bit busy in the weekday, thank to the sun, but I'll check up on you on the weekend," Mayan noted, before going back to work. It was strange how effective she was at typing, even with those stubby fingers that belong to those large paw-like hands. But, then again, her thick claws were the reason why her thicker fingers never gave her any problem with it.

Mrs. Crawford walked in the Principal Office and noticed something was in the air, like it had been since Mr. Erin's changes, the substance that had known to crawlingly put someone to sleep. She felt sorry for him, and his wife, since his sandy form prevented him from traveling as freely as he used to, and considered how busy he get, it was tough for him to see his wife much. And, while it was rarely known about his wife's condition among the area, Mrs. Crawford personally saw Mrs. Erin's new form as an anthropomorphic earthworm, with an alluring sealed-shut eyes, a naga-like tail, and a grown-kid-like appearance (only in appearance). Mrs. Crawford didn't know the overall issues that the two had to deal with; she doesn't think Earthworms actually live in or feed on sand and she knew that she had to keep moist and out of the sunlight for a long length of time, but who know what other possible problems popped up.

She saw the peaceful Principal, and laughed inside considering how unusually calm he was. She met him a few time, and while he was a peaceful man, he never been this peaceful. It almost as if he reached a Zen-like state, something a few monks or individual people that had searched for enlightenment have rarely found.

"It is nice to see you, Emily! How is your daughter, by the way?"

"She is doing much better," Mrs. Crawford started with a satisfaction tone, but it lowered into sadness as she went on, "Unfortunately, she going to have to go through life now...w-with scars all over her b-body."

Mr. Erin leaned closer behind his desk, his curiosity and concerned was now peak at this info, "You told me that your daughter was in bad shape, but I didn't know it was that bad."

"Yeah, I'm a-afraid so. It is a long story, but I think you deserve to know what happen, as well as something else that you should know about. So, you may want to sit back a while. It all started on the third day of the Iridescent Sun Incident...!"

Time passed onward inside the office as Mrs. Crawford told everything that happened, only all that she knew from the implanted knowledge she got from her transformation. How the dark creatures in the pocket dimension exposed her to the sunlight and planted the seed of darkness inside her. She tearfully told him of her slow corruption into Shadoe Fae, a sadistic monster that took joy in causing pain, and how terribly she treated her daughter. She also told him why Shadoe Fae became Vice Principal, that 'she' was took the job so that she can find special number-themed girls, who has these magical forms.

Mr. Erin listened to all this and remembering a rumor he heard about somewhere nearby that got attacked by these 'ink' monsters, which came out of 'tears' in the sky. He asked her about it, if it was related to her story, and she nodded her head. She paused a moment afterward, trying to use the time to straighten her emotions. She later told what had happen yesterday, how she discovered and lured Becca into a fight for her life, and how Becca beat her evil persona and snapped her back to her senses.

Mr. Erin took everything in and sighed, the only sound that was heard in the room. The room was so quiet that they could hear a pin dropped in it, a perfect analysis for this silence, if a bit overused. He finally responded; his tone gave her the impression that he was still thinking about something, but there was no antipathy or any ill in it.

"So...Mrs. Crawford, are you sure that you are back to your 'original' self? I mean no disrespect, but I want to be sure if the children are going to be safe."

"It's okay, I was expecting that question, and I don't mind answering it. I am not 'entirely' back to my self; I can still unfortunately feel some of Shadoe Fae's sadistic nature still resting in myself. Nonetheless, I can easily managed it without any difficult, and all trace of her evil is completely gone, so I won't be a threat to them at all. But, if you want to end my employment, I won't hold it against you and will fully understand."

Mr. Erin let out a laugh; surprising Mrs. Crawford in the process, as she did not expected that from him. He leaned back into his seat with a warm smile on his face, "What for? You were been completely honest to me and took responsible for something that you didn't even have any control over. You say that you won't present a problem to the children, so I trusted you to honor that. Beside, I can tell in your eyes that there won't be any issues in keeping you as Vice Principal...heck, you are the only one in this building so far that stay wide awake around me, and I personally think it would be a waste to lose such a fine employee like yourself."

"However," he said after a long sigh, "I am a bit concern about your...former associates and the threats they could present."

"Yeah, they could be a problem, but right now they are stuck in their dimension, so far only capable of observing and trying to figure out how to get out. I'll see about finding a situation to prevent them from causing any problems on school ground, but I'm not sure that it will be foolproof. The only other thing I can suggest is to help the Magical Girls with their training. While I personally hate to get children involve with this mess, these girls are going to be far more useful than the police, possibly even the whole U.S. military themselves, against these creeps."

"Hmmm," Mr. Erin simply said before he groaned, putting his right-handed fingers on his temple, "One thing after another. The sun really seems determine to cause problems for me, let alone this whole world, one way or another."

Mrs. Crawford wanted to point out that this issue wasn't entirely the sun fault, but she figured it would be a moot point anyway, so she just didn't bother telling him that. However, she did feel that she could ease his problems a bit. "I would be happy to take some of the pressure off your shoulder, if you don't mind, give you some time with your wife during the night. And, during the next school meeting on Monday, I think I might have a situation to the clothing issue."

"Thank you, Mrs. Crawford; that would be nice. I might not get as stress out as I once had, but this whole sun is still eating at me. And, my poor Trinity get so lonesome, forced to spend her time deep in the dirt to stay alive. The night time is the only moment I can be with her, but I have been so busy that our time together isn't long. Beside, your human appearance will give the unaffected children better comfort than my own, especially since it won't put them to sleep." He let out a few simply laugh at his last remark.

Mrs. Crawford laughed as well, feeling a bit more cheerful than she ever had before. She felt a huge pressure off her back and feel so free. "Now, if you excuse me, Mr. Erin; I got an appointment to keep, involving the Magical Girls' situation. Thank you for being so understanding," she paused and gave the warmest smile she had ever gave, and added, "I'll promise to fulfilled my duty to the fullest."

"I know you will," Mr. Erin stated before Mrs. Crawford left the room and headed toward Becca's class, planning to picking up Trident so to discussed a few things.

As she moved more and more toward the room, Mrs. Crawford mentally began to ponder. She was going to discuss with Trident and hopefully helped them. But, there was one more matter she need to dealt with, but she wasn't sure how or when. She knew she got some time to worry about it, so she deal with other things in the meanwhile, but she knew that she needed to do it soon.

Soon, she needed to make an appointment with Jon...

Meanwhile, before the start of Homeroom

There was excitement in the hallway with busybody students, either talking to their friends or going to their lockers to put some stuffs away, hoping to lighten their loads right away. As they went onward, a tall figure entered the entrance of the school, causing many of the students to immediately stopped what they was doing, in order to stared in awe and confusion. The figure appeared to be very tall woman, around seven feet and three inches, with a structure many could actually describe as something from a goddess.

There are many versions of what many thought in term of a perfect body, but this woman can easily fit most descriptions without a problem. Her body texture seems inhuman, no fat or muscle, but something far more advance, beyond the normal imagination of what could be expected from reaching a higher evolution stage of a human being. She has a very voluptuous and glamorous figure, though unlike Tiffany or Shadoe Fae, this figure has an extreme motherly charm and wasn't too extreme in the chest area. However, her hips and rear end was another matter, which strangely added to the motherly charm, and while her chest wasn't gigantic, it was inhumanly firm with no impression that there was anything on it.

From her face and skin tone, many could tell that she could easily fit inside the Indian aspect demographically, including a red dot on her forehead. However, her style of clothing seems to fit more from what an conservative American Baptist would worn, surprising able to fit her body perfectly. She wore a white collared blue blouse over a white undershirt with blue knee-length skirt and white knee-length sock, as well as black shoes one might expect to see in church. The most amazing feature she has, nevertheless, was five pairs of arms, which was hung outward from her blouse and shirt as if the clothes was made for them. Three of them was in the front and two other arms was behind them, though only her 'original' arms was at motion, trying to keep them still.

As she walked up to a locker and unlocked it, a student walked up to her, the only one that was brave enough to do so, and asked, "Miss, what are you doing in a student locker?"

The figure turned to the owner of the voice and found a white anthropomorphic mouse teenage boy. She was a bit nervous about responding to the boy, too embarrassed about the whole situation, but she knew that it wasn't good to hide the problem. "Well, darling, you see," she started out saying in a very motherly tone, before cringing her face and try to straighten out her voice a bit, "Ahem...sorry about that, my material instinct hasn't been acting normally since my 'changes' and been affecting my behavior greatly. Anyway, as I was trying to say, I know my body seems like I am a grown woman, but I'm actually still as young as I was before I was change."

"Huh, what do you mean? What are you," he curiously asked, realizing too late on how rude the question was.

"Well, it is kinda something I am not comfortable with. I know many people had dream of this, but for me, it is like I am a walking contradiction to my belief." She paused and sighed, hating this part, and whispered answer to the boy, "I am a Hindu Goddess."

The boy was stunned, he wasn't expecting that answer. He thought that she was joking for a moment, but there 'was' a strange form of aura around her.

"Please don't tell anyone, okay," she begged, making sure to keep her tone down and trying not to draw any attention to her, even though her beautiful form was doing that fine enough by itself.

"If you really are what you are, then why is it a bad thing? I mean, being all powerful doesn't seem all that terrible to me," the mouse boy replied.

"Well...actually I'm not. You see, I don't really represent anything; I'm just a general Goddess. I don't any limitation, but I didn't get any boost in my abilities and have to work hard like any other normal being to get stronger. But, I don't want to, it feel like my very being is going against my Baptist's teaching and the Lord himself."

The mouse raised a brow at this, wondering what the deal with this woman, or girl if she was actually telling the truth, but then realized something. He couldn't believed that he didn't see it earlier, but he guess that this 'girl's' form must have been distracting him. He expected the person-in-question to be either a high-class angel, or in the ironic fate, a devil; but he never expect her to changed into this form. "Wait a minute; you're that uptight Baptist girl, Nadine Ferguson, aren't you?"

Her face turned from concern to full panic, and suddenly speeded up the process she was doing, by using all of her arms now. It was amazing how well she used them, never getting them in each other ways. Nadine shut the locker door and hurried onward, never feeling so embarrassed in her whole life. The mouse boy stared in puzzlement as he watched her rushed onward to her Homeroom. She knew that it was going to eventually be revealed who she was, but she wanted to keep it to herself as long as she could and mentally asked God for forgiveness.

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