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170. Four is tested

169. Iridescent Sun: A Number One S

168. Iridescent Sun: Two into One

167. The angry father

166. Another take...

165. Dragons take flight

164. Alex ponders her situation

163. Seeing the principal

162. More aftermath...

161. The enemy has an idea... anoth

160. Anneza repents, Alex loses it

159. A choice, a betrayal, a virtue

158. Anneza studies...

157. Exploring the changed school

156. Anneza buys lunch...

155. Thy gynoid works out what the

154. Anneza visits the tailor...

153. A few more tests

152. Things do not go as Anneza exp

151. Aneneza goes to the doctors.

Iridescent Sun: The temptation of four

on 2011-06-01 08:01:13

630 hits, 13 views, 0 upvotes.

FTM FTP Herm Inanimate Magic Omni Part Swap Part Theft SciFi

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He didn't know what this place was.

Actually, he was having trouble thinking on just who he was.

This place was difficult to understand, difficult to think, to exist.. to be in. There were moments of disembodied consciousness, and a feeling like someone else was directing his actions like a puppet. Was this some kind of Hell? He had done a lot of bad things, he never paid much attention to the idea of there being any higher power... But at this point, he was willing to reconsider his beliefs.

He wasn't alone here though. There was the girl, chained to his wrist.. a set of police cuffs that ended to her bracelet. Try as he might, he could not pull it of, or find any kind of lock to pick. currently, the snow white haired girl was sleeping. He tried to move, but found that he couldn't. The girl might as well be a boulder or slab of stone. At the moment, he went where she went... The girl seemed just as confused as he was, when she was awake. It was easier for himself to be sleeping, but right now something was keeping him awake.

He sat in the eternal darkness, wondering what had happened... did everyone exposed to the sun suffer this? Every moment he felt another piece of himself just disappear. There was only one tiny piece of hope, given by that girl... She said he wouldn't disappear... if he was 'good'. But he was used to lies. Could he really trust their word? And who was she? What exactly was going on?

You are the other?

He blinked... was someone else here? "Who's there?" His hand went for his gun, as he pointed it at the darkness towards the intruder. An old instinct told him to be wary. There was something not human at all in that voice.

Contact... achieved. Isolate...

There was a curious gust of wind around them, and The man felt a little claustrophobic. It was like he sensed they had just been cut off from the rest of the world.. not that they had many visitors since that other girl.

You are an anomaly... nothing like you is known... explain yourself?

Great... he was going mad. "I'm-" Oh.. hell.. what was his name! He couldn't was taken from him? He swallowed. "I... don't have a name... any more." he said with an almost defeated look, the gun in his hand shaking. Life taught him to keep fighting though... he had to fight... It was like a mantra in his head.

We do not have the power to name you... yet The voice was neutral, it didn't seem to care about this one way or the other.

The man considered those words. What did that mean? What was the deal with a name? What was he dealing with here? "Who are you!" he repeated.

Something you can never name... it replied back.

Great. Nobody. So they were both Nobodies... He shifted his arm to a more comfortable position as the girl moved to her side as she slept. Snow white hair... hm.. weird girl indeed. For that matter, how could they see each other when there wasn't any light here? Maybe she would know who they are?

Do not let her wake... the voice warned.

It almost sounded... scared of her?

You are the one that aided her... she used your knowledge... why did you give it?

He frowned a bit. "I don't understand what you're talking about."

A flash of an image came to him. A door.. that had to be opened. A simple lock, easily broken. He had practised such a skill many times when he used to work for a few gangs. He always had a raw talent in dealing with doors. One way or another. He was a bit confused by this memory... not much of it made sense. He had the feeling he was seeing it through the eyes of another...

Do you wish to escape this place?

The man raised his eyes. "You.. can do that?" He said carefully.


He would give anything to leave... but didn't want to show that desperation. "What happened to me under the sun? What exactly happened to me!" He said angrily.

Your body is one of our enemies...

The man blinked. Enemy? This didn't make sense... "If that's the case, why are you not trying to kill me?"

Because... you do not have to be our enemy...

The man raised an eyebrow trying to make sense of this. Something happened to his body... it had made an enemy... What enemy? It added substance to the theory that his body was no longer his own any more. Some outside force was pulling him around.

*we present to you this offer. If you subdue this girl, we will place your perception in the body... you will have access to all her powers...-

*"Wait... her Powers?" The man asked. "What are you talking about?"

Use your weapon, on that girl you are chained to... we will arrange things, so you retain full consciousness and awareness. After she is gone there will only be you...

"You're asking me to kill a little girl?" he said his voice turning a little icy.

She is... not real. It would be no loss... and you will gain her power. The power of Four... in return, you are to fight for us... become our agent. Fight our enemies...

The man looked at his gun, and at the sleeping girl... Not real? She was breathing. She looked alive in every way he could perceive. But.. he wanted so much to be out of here! It felt like he was loosing himself... how long had he been here anyway? A few minutes? Hours? Consciousness was so fleeting here, he was more awake right now then he had ever been. This is the only time he could take an action!

He looked at his gun, and the girl he was chained to again... who was she? did she have family? Why did these beings want her dead? His finger rested on the trigger as he pulled it...

A single shot ran through the darkness..

...aimed squarely at where the voice was coming from.

You... attacked us?... There was pain in the voice... it really was hurt!

The man sat up, still chained to the girl. "You know what I think? I don't know what the hell you are... but I've dealt with worse then you. I've dealt with the lowest of scum you can imagine... I won't kill this girl... and if you ever come here again, I will kill you... beat it."

The voice spoke slowly, struggling with pain. Then... embrace your meager existence... nameless...

The man looked down again, feeling his consciousness drift away. He holstered his gun, dusting his top, resigning himself to his fate. He then glanced to the girl he was chained to. The sound of the gunshot had roused her, and she was waking up. Part of him wanted to assure her it was all okay... but he just couldn't bring himself to, not knowing how to express a tender act as that. He wasn't good with children.

"Well kid... I don't know who you are... guess I'm sorry you wound up in this mess. Don't worry if they come here again, I'll shoot first. Now that I know what they want..." He looked as a light started to rise, the darkness slowly evaporating. It was so close to them now. his own form started to go translucent, though the girl's body remained.

Did he just lose his last chance to leave this place? Well... he didn't regret it. The girl needed him. It was... just a shame he didn't get to spend the money on his last job...

There was a human figure in front of him now. That other girl again... she looked worried but suddenly relieved to see them- or maybe just the chained child.

The nameless man gave a final roguish smile. "She's okay, don't worry... I'll protect her."

"Wake up sweetie," Muriel said. She smiled seeing Jenny had fallen asleep in her car. "We're home now."

Jenny woke up slowly. "Huh? Oh..." She got out of the car smiling. She was glad to be back.

We have learned something.
They call it 'pain'
Pain hurt...
The number four?
Yes... within the mind it was learned.
The species do not always make rational choices
The number's form, could not be learned. Our perceptions were.. blocked by the nameless.
coercion failed. Continue attacks

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