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175. Iridescent Sun: Not a date

174. Anneza goes beyond...

173. Iridescent Sun: hope and hopel

172. Effie tries to break through..

171. Iridescent Sun: Changing Chara

170. Four is tested

169. Iridescent Sun: A Number One S

168. Iridescent Sun: Two into One

167. The angry father

166. Another take...

165. Dragons take flight

164. Alex ponders her situation

163. Seeing the principal

162. More aftermath...

161. The enemy has an idea... anoth

160. Anneza repents, Alex loses it

159. A choice, a betrayal, a virtue

158. Anneza studies...

157. Exploring the changed school

156. Anneza buys lunch...

Iridescent Sun: Not a date

on 2011-06-02 10:04:48

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The police officer carefully watched the goings on of the strange girl... A space girl with green her? Ridiculous looking antenna? She thought she had it bad.

The police officer's form was of a small wolf, definitely a young teenager. She was had been relegated to desk duty until such time she was deemed 'old enough' to do real police work. She was also the one sent to do the odd jobs. She didn't spend fifteen years training to be bringing coffee! So when an opportunity came by to do a little reconnaissance she jumped on the chance.

There had been initial resistance... but it was conceded the job was 'safe' enough for her. She still didn't get the police car though, and had to use a 'police bike'. What was worse, is that she retained all her knowledge despite her apparent youth. There was the occasional urge to do something a little childish. Perhaps her training as a police officer gave her a lot of power to resist? Well, at least she still had full pay.


"Sarge?" She spoke onto the radio.

"Reading you Will, what's the situation there?"

"This woman is completely nuts. She's burning things outside her house."

"Does it look like she's trying to get rid of evidence?" The bear sergeants voice replied back.

She put on some binoculars to get a closer look at the rubbish bin. "Unless she had something to do with the Da-Vinci code, I don't think so." Why was she burning all her books?

"Do you need backup?" asked the Sargent.

"I can handle it, sarge," The wolf-girl replied a little angrily. Honestly... worse then her parents- she cringed at that thought. Stay focused... "She seems to be throwing some photos... personal possessions..." The wolf girl looked a little sadly at her. If she were to guess, that woman was doing a 'purge' of her old life.

"I'm not sure I like this... We'll put out the fire and investigate the contents for anything incriminating. What else is going on?"

"She... seems to have fallen down... she's crying... um... Jesus..." The look of anguish on that girls face was almost too much for the cop to watch. "Sarge, you're going to need some psychologists here... or something. She's completely loosing it."

"Any evidence of drugs?"

"No serge. I'm going to go to her-"

"Stand down. I'm sending you back up."

"But-" The wolf girl started, but then she saw the strange girl suddenly shoot... straight up. She was going up... and up... her jaw fell at the impossible sight.

"What's the situation Will?"... "Will? Answer me!"

"Copy... sarge... she... she's gone." the wolf girl said staring up at the sky.


"... she... flew. Up. She just shot straight up.. I can just about see... no.. she's gone..."

Anneza felt the first trickle of cloud on her skin as she shot back down from the void of space. She wasn't really sure what kind of speed she had to be doing... While it was true there did not seem to be a limit to her acceleration, it was likely because it was not based on normal physics. This brought with it one minor concern... she was still a mass existing in space. If there was truly no limit to acceleration... she 'could' reach light speed...

What would happen then?

Maybe some instinct was holding her back from trying something 'that' dangerous...

it was then she realised, she was no longer thinking to end her life. She was among the clouds... and things didn't seem so bad any more. she ran her hand across the moisture of water and ice, finding it cold to the touch... Of course, this entire place was 'cold'. She really shouldn't be able to live or breathe here...

Being here... was nice though. She was far away from anyone else... She pierced through one layer of cloud and into another. She thought she could see... yes... a cloud was smiling at her. That was unmistakable. They were always so happy, she remembered that.

"Hello old friend," she said softly. "Do you recognise me?"

She had to wait a little, the clouds took time to form shapes. Ah, of course they recognised her! How could they forget? She smiled a bit more, letting her legs dance and play with them.

She drew various shapes into the white masses, like they were a giant canvas. She took a little sample of moisture, running it down her lips. It could almost feel like a kiss. Her nipples stiffened a little under her clothes, distracting her. She cringed a bit at being reminded of her form, but for the moment it didn't matter. She was among friends.

Finally, when all was done, she had become quite tired. "Do I really have to go back?" She asked the cloud. "I suppose I should... people will think I've gone mad otherwise!" she laughed a little. "Thanks... for letting me play with you one more time..."

She allowed herself to drop straight down, seeing the Continent... now how exactly was she supposed to narrow it down to exactly where she left? This wasn't exactly like going down a street. Being off by a fraction tended to make one go miles off course! her antenna guided her... she could hear where she had to go. The feeling was very clear. She wasn't sure just how fast she had to go... but she suspected she would slow down as she approached the ground.

She thought about her experiences with wearing other clothing, and the way they 'weighted' her. Clearly, she could not employ any force on normal masses... which meant, she could not actually be hurt by a 'fall' in the same way. It was all very strange... she had great speed, but no way to actually use it to 'push' things. Other then herself and the strange fabric of her clothes.

She would return soon, a nice bowl of mushrooms waited for her.

Harry looked unsure. "Er.. wear? I thought just the stuff you got me." she said.

"Oh honey, I went shopping again!" She smiled.

The three eyed oriental girl looked alarmed. Her mom went shopping? Again? She also had that enthusiastic look to her...

"You must look your best sweetie. No point doing these things half way."

"I-its just the movies," Harry replied. "It's not a date either. If you're thinking that."

Her mother just smiled. "I know. I just want you to look your best when going out. Now then, we really should do something nice with your hair-"

"My hair? What's wrong with it?" Harry looked a little worried.

"Nothing at all sweetie. But you do need to brush it a little. It's all tangled... see?"

In an instant Harry was in front of a mirror in the bathroom, the strange three eyed girl looking back at her. Her mother started brushing her hair. Harry wasn't sure if to object, after all it 'was' a little messy... "Um... you're not doing this because I'm a girl now.. are you?"

Her mother shook her head. "I would fuss over you if you were still a boy sweetie. It's what mothers do."

Harry relaxed a little at that. She knew it to be quite true.

"Now then, I went to the more 'trendy' shops for you. I think this is quite 'hip' as you kids say."

"Mom!" Harry cringed. "We don't say that any more."

"Oh.. cool then?" She asked.

"No!" Harry repeated.

Her mother giggled. "Well... this is whatever you say now." She took out various sweaters, dresses, tops, jeans... quite a few different undergarments too, which made the oriental girl cringe slightly. She still didn't like the idea of wearing a bra, but her mother insisted it was best for her.

"Mom? How much... did you spend?" she asked in the end.

"Everything I could." She smiled. "You're still my child sweetie, and I wanted to show you that. Consider it an early Christmas and birthday present,"

Harry didn't have a good idea of cost.. but if she were to take a vague guess, this was at least in the hundreds. How could she possibly say no?

"Now, I think this top will go really well with this dress. If you feel a little daring?" She grinned.

Harry blushed. "Mom? I um... I don't know. I don't think I can wear dresses," she said softly.

Her mother nodded understandingly. "You can wear anything you like sweetie. You're actually very pretty you know."

Harry blushed deeper at that.

"I mean it," her mother insisted. "You don't know how lucky you are. I hope someday you do realise it... and how proud I feel to have you."

Harry (or is that Haru?) smiled hugging her mother... "I.. I don't really know anything about fashion..." she admitted.

Her mother nodded. "Hm... do you trust me?" she asked.

"O-Of course I do Mom," Harry replied.

"Well then, I'll pick what I think is best.. you tell me what you think. If you don't like it, we'll try something else." She took out the undergarments first. "This is for foundation. We want you to look your best!"

The twin dragons left their house to go next door.

"I'm worried about mum..." Said Sally.

"Me to," replied Alex. When things happened, she was the one blamed in the absence of them. Their father seemed really pushed... and really angry at them, but especially Alex. What he said to her... she didn't know how much hurt those words had. She couldn't even think about it without getting angry. However she had to keep that anger in check...

They knocked on Maples door.

"Come in," The rabbit girl said inviting them.

The twins marvelled at the house... it was all just so... welcoming? They rarely got to see other houses so this was a little treat.

"This is my husband, Theo" The rabbit girl smiled.

The children looked surprised to see her married to a human.

"Nice to meet you," said sally.

They each shook hands.

"We have a lot to talk about..." Mrs Maple explained. "I prepared a little food as well if you wish to join us..."

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