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199. Iridescent Sun: events just be

198. Iridescent Sun: A strange awak

197. Susan confronts the truth...

196. Iridescent Sun: A wolf a duck

195. One trip ends, another begins.

194. Iridescent Sun: If it were a c

193. Everybody thinks a lot about a

192. Iridescent Sun: Flower Shower

191. An alternate take...

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187. Steven's checkup...

186. Iridescent Sun: going to the h

185. Agent Hawkins begins his inves

184. Not so secret anymore...

183. The secret of Steve's transfor

182. Iridescent Sun: pleasant eveni

181. Steven's secret...?

180. Iridescent Sun: memory of a st

Iridescent Sun: Events of the night

on 2011-06-11 22:52:12

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Aware Body Swap Herm NBM Super TF

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(During the night...)

He was alone again...

But at least he now knew the name of that girl.

"Jenny?" He called. Part of him was hoping she was still here...

He couldn't even see his body any more, it was all just light.. bright white light everywhere, dazzling his senses. He could still feel the chain on his wrist though, extending into the light. Was the girl still taking him somewhere? IF she was, there was no way to know. There was no feeling of movement in this void. It was all endless...

He had never been afraid... of anything... never. Or Had he been and forgotten?

Was he supposed to say something? Was someone waiting for him to say something? To explain himself and the way he lived his life to now?

"What do you want from me..." he asked, trying to make it sound strong but in truth, it was the whisper of desperation.

The taxi armadillo man was starting to get really aggravated at this passenger. he had gone into auto mode, just nodding as he concentrated on getting this idiot home. It didn't seem to occur to his passenger he was talking to a changed as he had spent the last five minutes blaming them on everything from wars to the economy to his keys being lost.

"You know what's w-rong with this c-ountry? Foreigners t-taking away our jobs."

"Uh huh," said the armadillo as he waited at the lights.

"Yeah. You work and work, and they come-long and.. heh.. now it's happ'ening 'gain with the monsters."

"Uh huh... yeah..." Sighed the armadillo. There has to be a shorter way... where did all this traffic come from! He was half tempted to just dump this guy here, but that went completely against the rules. He had to make sure he got to his house.

"See these m-monsters. Yeah. Now Its gonna be all- oh you aren't able to do this job cause you aren't as strong as that ox. Let me tell you some'thin though. I rather be human then look like a beast. That makes me sound like the bad one?"

"Oh.. yeah.. well.. you know..." Finally a break in the traffic, the driver put his foot down.

"My son became a girly thing. His life's over. And they went over to that slut bunny. Guess what you think they been teachin' it?"

Oh Hell... why did he get stuck with this lout? "I think we're at your place."

"yeah.. sure..." He paid the taxi driver. How long was it until sunrise anyway? He better get inside...

He looked at the house, thinking what awaited him in there? His children were monsters... his wife had been corrupted by them. They probably changed the locks on him. His head for some reason was really hurting him too.

He better go get some sleep.

Steve looked in shock at her mom. "W-wh-what's this?"

Her mother smiled. "It's your very own vase. You can use it to sleep in, my little flower.."

The flower girl screamed.

Steve woke up with a cold sweat. What a freaky dream! She swallowed glancing around... she dreamt that she was in a vase, living in there while watching the rest of the world go by. Shaking her head of the disturbing vision, she got up from bed. She was feeling a little thirsty, and decided to go to the kitchen for a glass of water.

she brought the cold water to her lips, quite aware of the petals resting on her forehead, as well as the petals brushing her legs. She couldn't believe that this was her own body now. She touched the flower on her head, feeling where it was growing, with some morbid curiosity. She couldn't feel a stem exactly, but there was some kind of connection to her skull. Probably the strangest thing is that those petals, were not just 'attached' to her. They were a living breathing, feeling part of her. As much as the petals around her waist.

She took another glass of water... and another... and.. one more.

Finally satiated, she returned to her bed.

Rachel's father returned to his house. His wife smiled at the door and kissed him.

"Hello sweety," She smiled.

"Melany," he smiled back with the kiss, though there was clearly something on his mind.

"Gary?" She asked. "I know that look... did something happen at the bar?" She looked very concerned.

"It... was nothing," He lied.

"Don't give me that. Tell me, what happened?"

"Is... Rachel sleeping?" He asked cautiously.

"As much as she ever does. I'm not sure she needs much sleep" She said glancing upstairs, to where her bedroom is.

"Someone.. said a few things. About her... I had to set the record straight, that's all." He said discreetly. A glance at his hands, told Melany everything.

Melany looked at her husband in concern... he was an incredibly wise, patient, and honourable man. The nicest guy she had ever known despite his dominating height. He had never got into a physical fight with anyone before... he always settled things with words. What set him off to go on the attack? It must have been something incredibly horrible... "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah... I will be. Sorry Mel, I didn't want you to worry about this. I just... lost my cool there. A man said a few things..." He shook his head.

Mel nodded. "Are you.. still thinking about exposing yourself to the sunlight?"

He nodded. "I... don't think it's something to fear, Mel... I just... have a feeling." He said calmly.

Melany looked uncertain. "What do you think it's about then?" She said. Honestly the two of them had discussed quite a few theories... between them they were sure they could solve the mystery, but not much made sense. It was not a scientific phenomenon.

Gary sat down on the couch, as he looked to his wife. "I... think it's about learning." He said in the end.

"Learning? What can we possibly learn from all this?" She asked.

"Think about it... whatever a person turns into, they are being forced to 'learn' something. Maybe that's the key to all this. Maybe the thing you turn into, is the subject you can learn most about?" Gary spoke this quite simply.

"But what would our daughter have to learn from having the shape of a devil?" asked Melany, a little annoyed.

"She would learn that evil, is not the skin we wear. Or that evil is but a label, a creation of man.. or perhaps she will learn things we can not fathom. These are good lessons for her and those around her."

"So you really think there's a plan to all this?" she asked curiously. "I did not think you believed in God."

he shrugged. "I don't... but there is something doing all this. And if it would help our daughter not be alone... I would allow myself to be changed."

"Well.. maybe you should discuss it with Rachel first. We don't want to shock the poor girl.. she's more sensitive then you think."

He smiled. "I know my daughter.. she's stronger then you think," he chuckled.

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