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218. Iridescent Sun: reconciliation

217. Susan and Andy behold each oth

216. A helping hand.

215. Iridescent Sun: To change or n

214. Mikey ponders some more...

213. Iridescent Sun: Bad start

212. Mysterious masked man at the m

211. Jon and Karyn meet a friend...

210. Iridescent Sun: lonely hearts

209. The cops are puzzled...

208. Iridescent Sun: Crazy?

207. Andy goes home...

206. Iridescent Sun: Magic girl Fou

205. Jon ponders...

204. Iridescent Sun: start of the w

203. Andy's self-discovery...

202. Iridescent Sun: One of Kyles J

201. Iridescent Sun: Shock

200. Kyle explores her new environm

199. Iridescent Sun: events just be

Iridescent Sun: reconciliation

on 2011-06-19 22:06:06

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Rachel didn't need much sleep. Maybe it's because she was now a devil-girl, but she did get bored quite often now.

There was just so little these days that provided a source of amusement to her. Things that were interesting before lost their luster quickly. During the night she had listened to some music, read a few books, she even did a bit of her weekend homework... She saw the sun rise, with a little smile on her red-skinned face. She wagged her spaded tail, thrilling to the possibilities of today...

But then she thought of David...

... she felt ditched, and it hurt the devil-girl quite badly. It was the same story over and over to her with people. She wasn't sure ... why? Before she changed she was always the odd one.. just drifting from crowd to crowd, never really part of the group. Not even the Goth groups when she thought about it.

"Rachel, breakfast is ready," Her mother called.

"Coming!" She said. She washed herself quickly, and dried. She found water tended to evaporate rapidly. Which was strange, given she did not actually feel hotter then a normal human, or indeed anyone else that touched her. Perhaps it was a special property of her skin.

She went quickly to the kitchen, still naked. The windows were all shaded, to protect the two parents.

"My brother was caught out on the sunlight this morning," said her mother.

"Oh?" Rachel's father asked curiously. "Um- what did he turn into?"

"A chipmunk...about one foot tall. He's actually a little sensitive about his voice now."

"Oh... he didn't change gender as well did he?" Rachel quickly asked, eating her cereal .

Her mother gave it a little thought furrowing her brow. "You know, I couldn't tell... the voice was too squeaky. I never thought to ask."

THe door bell at that point rang.

"I'll get that," said her father walking to the front door. That was strange, he thought. Perhaps it was the post? "Who is it?" he asked before opening the door.

Rachel looked back to her mother. "Is he going to come visit?" She wondered about how her uncle could get around being that small... would he now jump from tree to tree? She had to smile thinking that sounded like fun actually.

"I hope he does." She glanced making sure she couldn't be heard... "Though it does make me worried about your father.. he still thinks stepping into the light might be a good idea. But if he turns into something like that, how can he possibly continue his job? Maybe you should remind him how... awkward it can be, to be changed?"

Rachel thought about it. It didn't feel awkward to her.. actually it was a lot of fun.

Their father returned and the conversation stopped abruptly. "That was strange..."

"Who was at the door dear?" Asked her mother.

"Some girl. Asking for a person named Adora? I said it was the wrong house."

Rachel dropped the spoon into the bowl. "Er- gotta go!" she said quickly practically leaping for the door.

David sighed. She thought this was the right house... but maybe she had it wrong.

All the sensation from her other sisters got very distracting on a Saturday.

One of them was playing a video game console, which caused her hands to feel vibration every time the controller shook, another was walking a dog- or had something on a leash anyway, yet another was taking a shower at this time- (did she really have to keep touching herself like that? She was thinking the shower had to be an excuse to look at herself) Yet another, for some reason she was going to never get an answer, was applying lipstick- lipstick that was occasionally washed away by whoever was taking the shower... only to get re-applied.

She was all for getting used to this new situation... but she couldn't imagine which one of her sisters was putting on lipstick! Or even... why?

Suddenly the door she was on opened, and Adora was in front of her.


She flushed suddenly...

"David?" Rachel said with some surprise seeing the angel girl.

"H-Hi Adora..." David smiled suddenly a little self conscious.

"What are you doing here?" She was annoyed at her..

"I um.. came to say I was sorry about yesterday.."

"You mean for ditching me?" the devil girl huffed, her tail turning slightly sideways.

"I..." The angel girl looked down. "I couldn't help it... there was something I had to do."

"Look... I get it, okay?" Rachel said. "You have weird powers, and get to have adventures and stuff. I'm not invited. I get it."

David bit her lip. "I- I really don't know what's going on."

"Like hell you don't," Rachel said crossing her arms and turning around. Her devil tail and rear in full view to the angel girl.

David wasn't sure what to say- not to mention seeing her completely naked like this, was freezing up her brain.. she wasn't sure if they really achieved or did anything anyway. Why was Ratchel so upset? She came to see her didn't she?

Rachel filled in the silence sharply. "Okay you said you're sorry.. fine. Is that all?" The devil girl said about to go back to the house.

"Um... Well..." David wondered. Was there really anything more she wanted? Rachel didn't look to be accepting the apology straight away... and she still felt bad about it all. "Maybe... we could hang out?" she asked in the end.

Rachel looked at her blankly. "... yeah... okay. Maybe. I mean I had a few things planned today..."

"Or tomorrow maybe?" David asked.

"Today's fine. We'll just... see how it goes. But if you fly off, I'll take more then one feather when I next see you," she gave a little half smile.

David gave a little laugh at that... but when she blinked, she gasped as suddenly the devil girls face was so close to hers... looking with those deep, red eyes...

"... are you wearing lipstick?" Rachel asked leaning forward ever so slightly.

"Um- Y-Yes?"

"Hmm... cute."

Steve held her mothers hand as she opened the doors into the sun...

Her mother was nervous... though quite at peace with herself and this decision. she strongly believed it will work out fine, and hoped it would over without pain. She didn't hear a transformation being painful yet. Shocking perhaps... but her daughter turned out well, could she?

The sunlight felt warm on her skin, and she stepped out onto her messy garden. The nicest flower here was of course, Steve.

She stood there counting each heart beat, relaxing herself... and waited.

Effie tried to use the same native ability they had in cyberspace to call her wings.

However for some reason, it just didn't work. The wings shimmered into existence, in a translucent sort of way. She felt a little lighter, and could apparently glide down very gently with no harm to herself. However, she could not seem to gain any lift or fly.

Dennis was able to recall his black block. However, it had a limited range in the real world. Hardly very practical, although maybe enough to get them out of awkward situations.

"Why are we so limited here!" Effie shouted very annoyed.

"Perhaps because this is not our native environment any more," explained Dennis gently. "Effie... you have to face it."

"N-No! I am not going to live in cyberspace for the rest of my life!"

Dennis shook his head. "Nobody is asking you to... but we can't do much here."

Effie sighed. All those times she did so little with her own life... and now she was trying so hard to interact with the real world, and was unable to.

Effie glided down to the floor of Mickey's bedroom, with Dennis. The two digital fairies were aware of some of the dust under the bed by this perspective. Effie wished they retained their height here... why were they so small? It made no sense! Couldn't they just... code themselves larger? Or would that constitute a change in their appearance?

"Well... let's get something to eat, I'm starved after all that," Said Effie.

"I picked up some snacks in cyberspace," Said Dennis taking out some... very curiously shaped items, recalling them from his editor. "Linux Icons. Mint flavoured. given they were from Linux Mint I guess that's why."

"Seriously?" Asked Effie with a ludicrous expression.

Dennis grinned. "They taste like mints to me. Try some."

Effie gave one of the objects a taste... it was very minty. Was this part of their special sense? did programming languages exist as part of their five senses now? It might make sense, given the program is calling itself 'mint' and her brain, now a program is associating 'mint' with this taste. Is that what she was doing? She tried not to think about it too much.. it was giving her a headache.

Then she wondered, just how could a program get a headache?

But then... a program shouldn't feel... the things she was feeling when she had Dennis close to her... was it wrong? He was young.. and.. so was she... her old life was just a dream... so far away, and even more distant each day. She was no longer that person.

"So, what now?" asked Dennis.

"Hm.. well I guess I'll introduce you to the family here. I don't think I've shown them all to you..."She wondered about that other girl... she had not seen her in ages. "There's another kid.. er.. becca. So far as I can tell, nobody aside from Mikey can see us."

Dennis nodded. It sounded interesting to go see.

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