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220. The grownups talk.

219. Iridescent Sun: Mrs. Daguerre

218. Iridescent Sun: reconciliation

217. Susan and Andy behold each oth

216. A helping hand.

215. Iridescent Sun: To change or n

214. Mikey ponders some more...

213. Iridescent Sun: Bad start

212. Mysterious masked man at the m

211. Jon and Karyn meet a friend...

210. Iridescent Sun: lonely hearts

209. The cops are puzzled...

208. Iridescent Sun: Crazy?

207. Andy goes home...

206. Iridescent Sun: Magic girl Fou

205. Jon ponders...

204. Iridescent Sun: start of the w

203. Andy's self-discovery...

202. Iridescent Sun: One of Kyles J

201. Iridescent Sun: Shock

Iridescent Sun: An no-so-modest proposal.

on 2011-06-20 01:08:46

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Hawkins helped Muriel into a chair. "Take it easy Ms. Walsh. I understand the shock. But everything is okay. The "entity" is taken care of, and Jenny came out without a scratch. I assure you that I was helping to keep her safe."

Muriel held a chitinous hand to her temple, breathing deeply. "It's okay... It's okay. It's just... She's still just a little girl and-"

Hawkins nodded, sitting across from her at the table. "Absolutely. It's a prospect hard to swallow for any caregiver. But despite her seemingly unsuited status as a world protector, it appears to be the role set aside for her in these interesting times."

Hawkins seemed to put a strange emphasis on interesting times.

"And it's a role she has so far proven quite capable." Muriel hadn't been looking directly at Hawkins, focusing on getting her nerves in control. When she looked across at him, she noticed that there was a pair of steaming cups of Starbucks coffee on the table.

"How did-"

Hawkins took hold of his cup. "I placed the order after I called you. Taking into account the speed of a woman worried about the safety of a child, driving from her home to this location." He took a sip. "So they were ready at the precise time a cup of coffee would be needed."

Muriel stared at Hawkins in dazed shock.

He seemed not to notice it. "Have some, it'll help. I find this a particularly soothing blend."

Muriel took a tentative sip. He was right about one thing, she needed some damn coffee. After the first hit of caffeine reached her brain, the realization that she was talking to a government agent, who had witnessed Jenny doing her magical girl act dawned on her. The nerves came back.

"Wait! So, you know that-"

Hawkins held up his palm. "Yes. I know what Jenny is. In part at least. And you have some understanding what I am. Professionally at least. But you needn't worry. I see no reason to interfere with her current placement."

Muriel caught her breath. "So you mean that she's okay to... stay with me?"

Hawkins shrugged/ "Absolutely. She appears to be in safe hands, and any attempts to take her for study or place her in a different custody would not only be ethically murky, but they would most likely only harm her well being, and logically her capacity to fulfill her "duty" as well."

He motioned for Muriel to look at Jenny, who was busy chatting with Tetra happily. "Most importantly Ms. Walsh, she needs something that cannot be easily provided by governmental administration." His voice had gone gravely serious.

"What she needs most is not a guide. Not a liaison."

He paused, turning back to look Muriel squarely in the eye. "She needs a mother."

Muriel nearly spat out her drink.


Agent Cecilia cursed at the red phone in her hand. Dammit Hawkins. Whenever he'd go "incognito" as he'd call it, his connection with her phone would just... fuzz out and take forever to reconnect. Whatever he was doing had better be damn important.

He REALLY needed to hear what she had to tell him.


"Wait- Look I- It-" Muriel stammered, trying to explain her self to Hawkins. As well as trying to figure out what she wanted to say. "I'm just a cop-"

Hawkins raised his hand again, signaling for her to stop. "Ms. Walsh. Some stranger merely assigned to watch over a child does not care for a child enough to blast through today's exceptionally busy traffic and arrive a few scant minutes after she'd learned it's whereabouts."

Muriel struggled to find something to respond to that with.

Hawkins continued. "I am exceptionally good at reading people Ms. Walsh. When I called you, you were about ready to tear this town apart bit by bit looking for her. Am I correct."

Muriel couldn't help but nod. She'd never felt so... desperate until that moment.

Hawkins laid his hand upon hers, consolingly. "I kept an eye on Jenny while sh searched here for the "entity". She spent a lot of time watching the people in the mall. Families, mothers with their children." The mask that was his face took a very concerned expression. "I am to understand that when you found Jenny, she remembered nothing of her life? That there was no one in this city able to account for her?"

Muriel nodded, sadly. She'd remembered the look on Jenny's face when she asked her if she had any family.

"Jenny feels alone. Intensely, incalculably alone. She needs a family, and you are the person who can provide one for her."

Muriel looked at Hawkins. Why was this government man taking such an interest in something like this? And why was he so damned right about it? Finally, a dam broke in her mind and she let her feelings out. "She's... she's something special isn't she?" Muriel took a huge swig of now cooling coffee. "Even without this... magic. She's, she's great." She dabbed at her eye. "She's just so pure... so-"

"Innocent as a kitten in church?" Hawkins supplied.

Muriel chuckled. "Yeah. You think... You think I can be what she needs?"

Hawkins made an exaggeratedly surprised expression. "Why Ms. Hawkins, aren't you a fine member of your community? Haven't you taken an oath to protect and serve the public good?"

Hawkins seemed to be getting to something, but Muriel had no idea where he was going with this. He scratched his chin, "Hmmm"-ing exaggeratedly.

"Perhaps there's something to your question. Child care is not the easiest task. Quite a lot of expense and effort involved." He placed his hand on the table, firmly. "There's only one choice I have! Ms. Hawkins, you'll simply have to accept some degree of financial buffering."

This time Muriel DID spit out her drink. "WHAT?!"

Hawkins now seemed to have an exorbitantly smug expression on his mask. "Expect a check from the government some time later this week Ms. Hawkins."

Muriel cut him off, pointing at him. "Look Agent Hawkins. I appreciate it, but I'm not just taking so much charity like that. I can take care of Jenny perfectly fine."

Hawkins seemed to smile. "I understand Ms Hawkins, but it's my pleasure to assist. Just try to think of it as the government insuring the well being of an asset to the safety of the public good." He calmly sipped his coffee. "That's going to be how I explain it to my superiors at least." He put down his coffee, and seemed to make an invisible grin.

"And it seems I've answered your question for you."

Muriel puzzled at him. "What?"

Hawkins spread out his hands. "You've said it yourself. You can take care of Jenny just fine! Consider the offer Ms. Walsh, at the very least, it will make sure you can afford to take some time off to spend with her."

Muriel sat back and tried to take this all in.

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