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2. Angela's New Life

1. The Drafting Board

Angela's New Life

on 2021-07-07 08:05:37

1042 hits, 77 views, 0 upvotes.

Age FTP Magic Myth Omni Part Theft SciFi Super

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When Angela heard the washing machine beep, she knew then and there that it was time to hang the washing out. But as she walked through the door to the laundry, everything suddenly went black for a few seconds. Then her vision came back, and Angela was shocked to find herself in an unfamiliar place.

It seemed to be an unnaturally white corridor that seemed to go on forever, with doors that seemed to go on endlessly in either direction. Each door was adorned with someone's name, age and occupation. She looked behind her and noticed that the door behind bore the following...

Angela Myers, 39
Wife and mother

As she wondered the significance of all the doors, she saw a plaque.


You have entered the Corridor of Alternate Lives, a nexus where each door leads to a different life for you to live. Step through a door, and you will have the chance to live as someone else for as long as you like.

While living another's life, your body will be unchanged physically, but you will be treated as the person you have chosen to live as regardless of things such as age or gender. Things such as clothing will be adjusted accordingly, and you will gain any knowledge and experience necessary to live as the person of your choice, such as bank details, personal secrets, passwords, etc. However, once you return to the Corridor and cease living as that person, all information gained to live as that person will be erased from your memory.

Once you step through a door to another life, there is a 24 hour minimum waiting period before you can return to the Corridor and choose another life. Once the waiting period has passed, you need only to return to the Corridor by opening any ordinary door and willing the Corridor to appear.

There are other people with access to the Corridor, and even if you choose to remain in your own life, you will still be able to see other Corridor Users for whom they truly are.

Take care and have fun!

Angela thought about her situation. She had a decent family life with a loving husband and two kids, but she was curious about the prospects of living as someone else for a change. She always wanted a vacation, and this place could easily provide a unique experience.

She looked at all the various doors in front of her, still undecided. She especially liked the prospect of living as a whole other gender or having a second childhood, even if she was still going to retain her physical form.

Eventually, she came across one door. Perfect, she thought. And with that, she opened it and stepped through. But as soon as she was inside, the door automatically slammed behind her, and everything went black. All sights and sounds seemed to fade and there was a sense of numbness coming over her body, until she seemed to fade into nothingness.

When she came to, she found herself in the life of another person.

This was inspired by the interactive stories Hallway of Lives and Door to a New Life, both of which I've contributed to under the username Tolchok.

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