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238. Catgirl goes shopping

237. Jon and Karyn have a look...

236. Iridescent Sun: Bookstore

235. Iridescent Sun: A little about

234. What's going on with Jenny?

233. Iridescent Sun: Re-training a

232. Sarah takes a notional bow...

231. Andy gets a talk...

230. Iridescent Sun: past and prese

229. The Cooper family discusses...

228. Alex and Andy...

227. Visitng hours.

226. Iridescent Sun: A friend at la

225. Muriel talks to Jenny...

224. Iridescent Sun: Sorry

223. Haru goes to the counselor...

222. Iridescent Sun: Saturday conti

221. David meets the family...

220. The grownups talk.

219. Iridescent Sun: Mrs. Daguerre

Iridescent Sun: Trials of a cat girl

on 2011-07-04 18:21:11

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Max couldn't help it as she walked the rest of the way hunched up slightly.

It was just the way Tim... looked at her. Or not looked at her. Or... he really made this awkward. Who's to say there aren't more people with eyes like his, or even better?

This was her first time outside, and to be honest she didn't expect to just find a group to hang out with. It was going to be just a quick sneak in, and sneak out... until she caught her reflection in the bathroom. She also had to buy some cat food- not for herself, for her pet cat Basty. Actually she took a lot of her appearance from her pet... which was... frankly... scary. Family resemblance sure... but a resemblance to your pet? (Though if anyone asked before, she always thought of her cat as part of the family... she loved her a great deal. Indeed she treated her just the same as ever.)

The cat girl recalled her first day transformed and... well... shock was just not an adequate word to describe just how she was. Jon said she was not traumatised, and she had a slug's lower body. Max had a body that could be considered pretty... if it was a little on the odd (make that really odd) sub type of a cat girl.

... could be considered pretty was the key word. She felt more like a freak. Something to be used for shock value then to actually harbour any attraction to. Not that... she wanted anyone attracted to her. Maybe that's what she was reading in Tim... polite disgust.

The way everything in front of her bounced made her think everyone could see... those parts. (She still had not even got used to calling them breasts.) That they all... touched... each other... She was starting to question this whole trip to get some better clothes for herself. Something that would better hide her... freakishness.

A set of bra's (Did she really think that?) was what her mother suggested... even if she had no idea how that would even work. But it was true her chest was rubbing things a little raw down there. Even if clothes were not completely instinctive, she was certainly not inclined to go naked anywhere.

"I.. was recommended to go here," said the cat girl a bit intimidated now that she was here.

"I could use some clothes too," said Karyn looking at the new clothes shop. It had certainly... adapted to the new situation quickly. They even promised quick cut alterations at a low cost. How was that for service? Mind you if they didn't do it, some may not even be bothered to shop.

Max stepped inside, almost forcing herself to.

Inside was an android male and female. Their skin almost looked like the mannequins placed on the window. that strange shiny porcelain although their eyes and face were quite expressive. Actually as Jon looked at them, their eyes seemed just a touch larger then human range. Not obviously so, but it certainly made these mannequin like robots a more unusual breed then her sister Mikey. Perhaps the two were related?

"Hello, how may we help you?" Asked the female android with a cheerful smile.

Max was just... staring, gape mouth open.

Jon glanced at Karyn and Tim.

The android tilted her head slightly at the silence. "I hope my appearance has not startled you," she said softly.

Karyn was the first to speak. "No, not at all. We're... used to it now. Our friend here is a bit new to it though... and was looking for something to wear."

The Android looked at the cat girl. "What can I help you with miss?"

Max took a deep breath (shuddering slightly, at the weird feeling around the torso of her body) "Um- I just need some new clothes. I don't have a lot of money."

"I'm sure we can find you something. We have a private measuring room if you like."

Max gulped. M-measure? No.. she couldn't. This was already becoming a lot harder then it was looking at first. "A-actually... can I just browse... for a while?"

"of course." The android smiled again. "If you need any assistance don't be afraid to ask."

He wasn't sure how long it had been.

Something... felt different. He wasn't sure what. But that strangeness continued... His eyes were starting to hurt at the light around him.

"Jenny?" He called. Not really expecting any response... he had tried calling her name for a while, but there was nothing... he took more steps into the bland landscape of light, hoping to run into someone... anyone. He just continued walking in a straight line... that is what they said to do when lost, right? At least then you were not going in circles... he wasn't sure what the chain attached to his wrist was doing. Even though he was moving in its direction, it had no slack or tautness to it. It followed his every move perfectly.

Hunger and thirst didn't seem to exist for him. He was sure it had been a long time now, but he just didn't feel any need for sustenance. This was as much a curse as a blessing however, as he didn't even have a need for sleep. Consciousness tended to come and go randomly, but the times he was unconscious he had no memory of... it therefore meant he was forever aware... constantly acknowledging where he was.

He was lonely... very lonely. He just wanted to get out of here... just wanted...

Suddenly he saw the flickering of snow white hair, in the corner of his eye. Was it the girl? He turned quickly to try and see her... but she wasn't there. "Jenny?" He called again. Where... did she go? A flicker of snow white hair on the other corner made him jump, turning but again... nothing.

he gasped... in front of him, the girl was there again, she also gasped staring at him.

The two stared at each other, their expressions... completely identical.

"Jenny?" He asked.

"Jenny?" The girl said at the same time.

He blinked.

she blinked.

He turned slightly... she turned slightly.

Why was she mirroring his moves? And... why was she as tall as him? (or had he shrunk? He was feeling small before...)

"Where are we?" He asked

"Where are we?" She asked him at the same time.

"I don't know," he said glancing around.

"I don't know," she said glancing around.

He closed his eyes, trying to make this go away... he opened one eye, and saw the girl doing the same thing he was. Closing her eyes... with the one eye slightly open.

Jenny stared at herself in the mirror... why did it feel so weird looking at herself like that? She looked at it with one eye, seeing it do the same... then the other eye... she wasn't really sure why she was doing it. She moved her hand.. as her reflection also moved. She pressed the hand a little closer, touching the mirror....

"Jenny!" Muriel called from downstairs.

"Um- yes?" she asked quietly.

"I'm taking you to the park. Maybe you'll find some kids to play with."

The little girl walked down the stairs shyly. "I-m- no good at makin' friends"

"Don't be silly sweetie. Everyone in the world wishes to be your friend," Muriel said with a smile. "Come on, I know a nice place. It has swings, slides, and a lot of other places to explore."

The snow white haired girl smiled a bit looking hopeful. "O-Okay..."

Caitlin grinned as she walked towards Mikey's house. She couldn't wait to share her experiences with her new friend. Mikey had said where she lived and it wasn't that far at all... anxiously she rang the bell.

She was surprised to see a human male answer the door, given most of them were sleeping.


"Um.. can Mikey come out? I'm Caitlin, a friend of hers."

The father called for Mikey.

Mikey was watching television. Actually... she had discovered a brand new aspect to her abilities. She was able to pick up the signals and convert them into a window in front of her eyes. She had also found that she could expand the view so that it encompassed either the entire view, or just a small space.

What was even more interesting, her digital fairies could share and perceive this view.

She wondered... could she create augmented reality for the fairies to exist in? They were inside her head... it was theoretically possible.

Effie looked at the strange hovering window, sitting on the table. It was a cartoon... of course. Mikey loved it, and she just couldn't ask her host to put on the news or something. She was kind of curious what the presidential address said, but it would have to be viewed on the later news.

Dennis grinned as he placed his arm inside the television window, finding it had... no substance. But what was really weird was putting his hand inside, made it almost look like a real portal... If it was a virtual like environment, it should be safe given it all existed in Mikey's head.

"Its really curious mickey... how are you picking that up? Is that an analogue signal or a digital one?" Effie asked.

Mikey looked blankly. "Er.. its a signal. I just look at it."

Effie shook her head. How could this kid not know what a miracle of technology she was? The potential of these abilities...and she probably hasn't even scratched the surface of what she was capable of.

Mikey heard her father call her, and turned off the signal. Effie and Dennis were prompted to jump back onto her left shoulder.

Her father had the door open, careful not to get into the sunlight himself. "A friend of yours?" he asked.

"Hello?" asked the android girl

"Hello Mikey," smiled Caitlin.

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