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550. Iridescent Sun: Dimensional Tr

549. Iridescent Sun: A Salmon Sandw

548. Iridescent Sun: Merlins map

547. Meanwhile, inside the Gordons'

546. Iridescent Sun: A Moon of One'

545. Iridescent Sun: Change of Plan

544. Iridescent Sun: Little secrets

543. Iridescent Sun: Always Somethi

542. Iridescent Sun: Million to One

541. Iridescent Sun: Melanie's ques

540. Iridescent Sun: The Scenic Rou

539. Selene entertains her guests..

538. The Saunders's story...

537. Iridescent Sun: The Guests of

536. Iridescent Sun: Big Damn Heroi

535. Iridescent Sun: Judgment

534. Iridescent Sun: Mothers

533. Iridescent Sun: For Fun And Pr

532. Lilly, Melanie, and Tiffany po

531. Iridescent Sun: Lilly and Jenn

Iridescent Sun: Dimensional Travel Aftermath

on 2012-01-10 23:28:38

412 hits, 5 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Anthro FTM FTP

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"Wow. Lucas, if you hadn't taken those pictures, I'd think you're insane..." - Said Lois.

"I am insane. At least enough to even go there. Doesn't preclude me speaking the truth." - Said Lucas - "I liked the bit where you and Robert got all confused about the perception differences in the pictures themselves. Guess I'll have some of those framed... I could even sell them... Pictures that depend on the observer. Could work..."

"Uhm, Lucas, I will assume you checked it with Miss Selene about this?" - Said Robert.

Lucas nodded. "Yeah, she said it's okay. Of course I won't tell people exactly where I took these pictures and why they do as they do. But if seeing these things were dangerous, I'd not have shown you the pictures. Anyways, you two, I now owe you a huge deal. You saved me from Airstrip Frickin' One..."

"I don't recall you charging me for saving my life." - Said Robert, smiling lightly.

"I'm just glad you're okay, Lucas." - Said Lois.

"Still. I'll repay you two somehow. I have to check with Neruite if I can do one thing I plan to, but, for now, I have one thing I can do. Robert, you do have the number of that big demon guy, right? Sorry, I suck at names."

"You mean Mr. Pitchford? Yes..." - Said Robert.

"Good. Neruite gave us the run-down on what we can and can't do in our private planes. We can't grant anyone else omnipotence in them and we can't come here with stuff or knowledge we create there and so on, but, and I did ask her that, we can fix stuff and bring the fixed stuff back here. Call him, get his help in picking up the bell later on, and I will see to it that it's as good as new. Or as good as very-old-but-in-perfect-condition, anyways. It won't even begin to repay your help, but... As for you, Lois... Do you have any giant antique church bells that need fixing?"

Lois smirked. "I'll call you the next time our fridge breaks down."

"Good." - Said Lucas, as she finished her sandwich. - "Now, Cass. We have an appointment at Jay's network after we're done posting the condition list online. For now it'll be as an isolated page. We'll post the links around later, we just have to have a more or less cohesive list of demands for countries that would accept our deal. Well, we don't actually have an appointment, but, once we're done telling them why we have one, we will. Wait. Did this make sense? Ah, who cares. We'll get to play merry hell with the realpolitik! I can barely wait!" - Lucas's smile widened.

"Doesn't Lucas look a bit like Gomez Addams when she talks like that?" - Whispered Lois to Robert.

"Oh, right, that's who she reminded me of..." - Answered Robert.

Cass smiled a bit, having heard the remarks.

"Hey. Lucas. Say 'Tish, that's French!', s'il vous plait."

Lucas blinked, then noticed how she'd been talking and smiled.

"Tish, that's French!" - She kissed Cass gently, not to make a scene.

"Aww, no kissing her arm and all that?" - Smirked Lois.

Robert blushed slightly, thankful for this semi-rare display of restraint by Lucas.

"I think it's for the best. But I wish you two best of luck. Lucas, is that not risky, however?"

"Nah." - Said Lucas - "I have the strategy down pat. The way I'll play it, they won't be able to do anything..."

"Last time you said you had a plan, you ended up in your personal Hell, Lucas." - Said Lois - "But I guess it won't dissuade you..."

"Me neither." - Said Cass - "I think we have the power to do some long-lasting good with this one..."

"Can I borrow your laptop, Lois?"

"Sure." - Said Lois.

Back at the hotel, while Hawkins rested, Cecilia was busily scouting the Internet for bits of information once again. Her multiple processes allowed her to detect information on a myriad of words and...


"Hey, Hawkins. You should see this... Cassandra Wilkins is the name of the woman that gave that interview on the demon and angel thing yesterday... I don't think she's crazy..."

Hawkins looked.

"I think" - Said Hawkins - "This is a fine afternoon for us to go to the Church..."

Lucas and Cass walked out of the Church, smiling. They had began the afternoon visiting another dimension, and were about to end it by making sure that no country would oppress people or otherwise support oppression if that country wanted easy access and survivability for lunar research. The fact that, along with these conditions, they'd charge for the access and get a good amount of those lunar spaces for themselves to use didn't hurt either.

Their mood might help explain why they failed to notice two people approaching them.

"Hello. Are you Cassandra Wilkins, and, I presume, Lucas?" - Said Agent Hawkins.

"Yes...?" - Said Lucas - "And you would be?"

"Agent Hawkins, Bureau of Paranormal Investigations. You posted something online. Conditions for Ease of Exploration and Access to the Moon. Correct?"

"Yes." - Said Lucas, her voice growing more pointed - "May I help you?"

"Is it true? Did you find a way to have easy access to a plot of land on the lunar surface? Likewise, that you can expel people from your place there at your leisure as well?" - Said Agent Hawkins.

"If you must know, we can talk about it somewhere with people." - Said Lucas.

"Very well." - Said Hawkins. The four walked silently to a street that did have some people walking around, but outside earshot.

"We didn't do anything untoward. Your companion found out the page, I take it?" - Said Lucas.

Cecilia nodded. "One of my routines is investigating situations of interest."

"And I suppose taking away the abilities of countries to do certain very-evil things in exchange for help in scientific research qualifies as such?" - Said Lucas - "If you wish to dissuade me, you are wasting your time. Do you know how long I waited to have the ability to twist the arms of those that would use power as if it were a club? Do you know how much pain I can and will prevent with this move? How much oppression will be averted..."

"By the fact that you posted this online..." - Said Hawkins - "I imagine you planned to go public with it? If not the method by which you gained access to the Moon, which you still have to prove for us, the fact that you have it and your conditions?"

Lucas shrugged. "I won't tell anyone ever how I got the access to it. But yes. I do plan to go public about the fact that I have said access, as well as about the conditions for me to grant said access to others. Imagine the looks on some people's faces..."

"And you think those who would, as you put it, oppress and sponsor oppression don't have the power and will to attack you and worse, until you give them what they want?" - Said Hawkins.

"Is this a threat?" - Said Lucas, her hand going to the hilt of her sword, but not yet drawing it.

"Not at all." - Said Hawkins - "I understand your concerns. I really do. One of my former girlfriends is Chilean. It's why I actually had Cecilia hide your site for the moment from those that would try and obtain those things by force, without giving you a dime or respecting any of your conditions. Tell me something. Do you want to make your opponents angry at you for forcing them into powerlessness or do you want to reach your goals safely and in a way that will ensure your goals are permanent?"

"What are you offering?" - Said Cass.

"A way for you two to get what you want without the knowledge of those that would force you to give access to the Moon to them. Your options are as follows. Option one: You go to the news and tell the world about your discovery. This might force some countries to respect that agreement - under penalty of having their scientist groups removed from the Moon and so on. However, by telling the world, you risk forceful action by other, less nice countries or other less nice people within the 'nicer' countries. These people might attack you or Miss Wilkins in a myriad of ways to get what they want, and you might well end up forced to give up even the conditions you created. Option two: I grease the proverbial wheels, put you two in direct, though secret, contact with people that would listen to you and follow your conditions within the 'nicer' countries and even some people within the 'less nice' ones, and you keep mum about this deal. It may or not look it, but I am trying to help you."

"What guarantee do I have that you'd follow through?" - Said Lucas.

"You'd still be fully able to send back the scientists should any country fail to honor the agreement. And you could even go to the media about it then. This fact would not be lost on those people. I would like some proof of your claims, though."

Lucas and Cass looked at each other. Cass nodded. Lucas made a gesture. A portal appeared.

"Estimating the distance and nature of the destination..." - Said Cecilia - "Yeah, she's for real. Aside from a decent temperature and air, which, I'd guess, she put there, that is the Moon."

The portal closed. Lucas smiled.

"Now." - Cass said - "Any deals we make are to be made in public places. No need for it to be heard, just seen..."

"And we are still charging money for the access as well..." - Said Lucas.

"Not my dime." - Said Hawkins - "So go nuts. And yes, Miss Wilkins, we will see to it that the deals are conducted in a safe manner for you... You two really don't trust the feds, do you?"

Lucas shrugged. "I am from South America. I am beginning to trust you, Hawkins, and Cecilia there. But no, in general, I don't. I admit it's wrong to paint with a broad brush, but... Let me put it this way. Did your Chilean ex-girlfriend trust many of them aside from you?"

"Touché." - Said Hawkins - "But you shouldn't let the bad blood between institutions tarnish the people from them... The same goes for you, Miss Wilkins."

Cass shrugged. "Lucas has a personal issue with regards to this, and she will be the first to admit it. Me, I am sure most of you guys are fine people and doing a fine, clean job. But considering what I and Lucas are trying to do, it makes sense that we'd be a bit distrustful."

"Fair enough." - Said Hawkins - "Well, it matters little. Do you two have free time? I might introduce you two to a scientist I heard of. His house is within walking distance. We can discuss the details later on, but suffice to say he'd get the access on the government's dime and with the government following the conditions. Other such deals will follow, I'm sure. As I am sure Cecilia has your list in her memory for ease of access once I put you through the proper channels..."

Lucas nodded. "Lead the way..."

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