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557. Iridescent Sun: a spent evenin

556. Iridescent Sun: Wednesday Myst

555. Lucas sleeps. Or tries to.

554. Steven talks with her mother..

553. Iridescent Sun: The Date Ends

552. Iridescent Sun: Playing monste

551. Jon and Karyn have a talk...

550. Iridescent Sun: Dimensional Tr

549. Iridescent Sun: A Salmon Sandw

548. Iridescent Sun: Merlins map

547. Meanwhile, inside the Gordons'

546. Iridescent Sun: A Moon of One'

545. Iridescent Sun: Change of Plan

544. Iridescent Sun: Little secrets

543. Iridescent Sun: Always Somethi

542. Iridescent Sun: Million to One

541. Iridescent Sun: Melanie's ques

540. Iridescent Sun: The Scenic Rou

539. Selene entertains her guests..

538. The Saunders's story...

Iridescent Sun: A spent Evening

on 2012-01-18 20:03:03

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The sun slowly set as Jenny and Muriel drove home. Both Jenny and Melanie were in the back seats.

This was interesting, thought Melanie. She had never really had a chance to look at the strange object they now resided in. It was not completely beyond her understanding either, which was quite fortunate. This object used energy to move- mechanically? But there was something a little more to it that defied that basic understanding. These people crafted it in a shape and form that seemed... pleasant?

She tried to pull at the handle of the door, to understand it's mechanical aspects.

"You can't open it when we're driving dear," Said Muriel glad for the child safety locks. There was no way for her to open the door.

"It opened before," Said Melanie confused. How did a simple mechanism change its function without a thought applied to it? That was quite unsettling. What force did these creatures master?

"Once we get home it will open again." Muriel explained.

"Oh..." The insect girl said blankly.

Jenny took a look at her strange new sister. She wondered if Muriel would be able to take care of her, or if they would have to go their separate ways. She wasn't sure what she wanted either. Having a sister was such a strange experience. Was she coping well? What did she think about this situation? What did Melanie want in life now?

The insect girl just stared at the seat in front of her. Sometimes with fascination other times confusion. It was hard to tell what was going on inside.

Jenny wanted to know more about the enemy they were fighting- but it didn't look like her strange near twin could give precise answers. It was like her transformation- or separation had also removed that knowledge of identity. If indeed, there was an identity to start with.

"Just like me," thought the white haired girl.

"What is honey?" Asked Muriel glancing over to her.


Her mother smiled briefly. "She does look a lot like you, that is true."

Melanie glanced between them in silence. These creatures did like to speak of the obvious too much at times. Why must the same thing always be repeated?

"Is she gonna stay with us?"

Muriel sighed. "I.. don't know Jenny. We'll have to see." It was certainly not impossible... but it would be difficult. Perhaps she should talk to her parents. Though she had to bite her lip as she wondered what their reaction would be, that she now has yet another child in the space of a week.

Lilly looked appalled at her mother. "I don't wanna sleep! I'm not tired!" It was too early! But despite her protests the squirrel-girl gave a little yawn.

"Dear you are exhausted. You almost fell asleep on the couch. Go on to bed now." her mother seemed to take this quite mirthfully. She had to endure similar things with Stacy after all. Lilly did seem to push herself harder then most girls her age.

"O-Okay mommy," said Lilly. She scampered herself to her bed, and snuggled into the covers, wrapping her tails around her body. It came with such naturalness now.

"Good night munch-kin," Smiled Abigail. Despite what anyone would say, she thought her new daughter was very cute. Even if Lilly herself didn't think so. She wondered if there was any way to show her that her change wasn't as bad as she made it out to be? She patted her forehead, feeling the strange soft fur. The young child gave her hand a little kiss.

"'night mommy..."

Steve was feeling a lot more relaxed now. Her mother always knew how to do that. She wasn't sure how. Maybe... she was right. Being a flower-girl was not great but it could be a lot worse. It seemed to be a rarity for her kind of transformation not to root into ground. Even if she did have terribly girly looking legs, at least she could walk on them.

She glanced down at the strange closed buds that her nipple flowers had become. Having such a strange biology was going to be tricky. She didn't even know what form of a 'period' this body would have. Did her stress reaction qualify? It did not seem to be the case in her mind. Plants did certain things under stimuli, and certain things as part of their growth.

Which meant... there were still unknown things that could happen to her.

She took a large cup of water. Water just felt so good to drink. She wasn't sure how or why it tasted sweet to her, better then it ever had before. Her body did need it she guessed, it even drew it in when she had a shower. She just wished that her 'dress' wasn't pink! (And didn't look like a dress either)

Out of some curiosity she took a small mirror and turned her back to the large wardrobe mirror to get a better look at herself from that angle... and gasped a bit. Her back looked- well it looked as a girl's would. Which by now shouldn't be a surprise, but it was still... it was as girly as her legs!

She moved her blouse wondering if she could cover it, but it didn't look possible. Looking in the mirror she wondered if it was wrong to feel a little... attracted to her? Did that mean she was still into girls, or was she just being a narcissist? Urgh! This was so confusing! Her body was certainly 'odd' but exotic... could it be attractive? To her?

She didn't know.

Kimi rubbed her wet eyes. This... just wasn't good. She used to know how to survive this! There was a way to know North by the way certain herbs grew right? But it was all just a blank to her. Maybe this was a stupid act. But what choice did she have? She had to get the cure! But now... she just had to survive.

She continued to walk, hoping her direction was correct- but the strange elven-like girl could easily have been going in circles. Finally, she emerged in what seemed to be a clearing. Had she made it out of the forest? Or even one of the loggers sites?

Glancing around though, it didn't seem to be the case. It appeared to be a small cottage house. But that couldn't be possible! These forests were well known to her. There shouldn't be anyone living about here. Images of the three bears came to her mind. There seemed to be a pot close to the house and some kind of soup. She also saw something near the house door. However unlike that story she wasn't going to stick around long enough to get caught.

She was feeling quite hungry now. She really didn't want to steal (wait- what?) but she really needed to eat something. A little skittishly, she approached the brimming soup. She didn't hear anyone around, so quickly drew a few sips of a meaty broth. The feeling satiated her, but she knew she had to get out of here quickly. The person who lived here might be around, and if he or she saw her ears...

She carefully checked her hood making sure it was still secure. She most certainly did not want to end up as one of those grim fairy tales! Still... something made her want to peek into the window of the house. With some careful reluctance she looked in... and blinked in some surprise. It seemed to be an elderly woman, lying in a bed. She had to be really old, at least in her fifty's. How could someone that old live here? She did not appear in the best of health either. She recognised those coughs as one with the dreaded lung rot sickness.

She then noticed something on the door... it seemed to be a small cup of milk. Kimi had to smile a bit at that. She knew the stories of course that leaving a little food outside might let the 'fair' folk leave those inside about their business. She felt a little thirsty and took a sip of the milk. She glanced up at the door and even saw a horse shoe affixed there to guard against evil.

Someone here was really superstitious. Glancing down at herself she wondered if maybe, She herself had not been superstitious enough? Would such wards keep her away? Farin never explained her existence as both Kiki the fairy, and Kimi.

The young girl sighed. She felt a little bad to eat this woman's food... but... there wasn't much else she could do. It was time for her to go. A sudden breeze of the wind passed through her, sending a little chill... she then felt something on the palm of her hand.

That was strange. She recognised it of course... it was the dust that fairy's produced when they flew. She now had some of it residing on her skin. She wasn't sure quite what compelled her... but she blew the dust into the house from the window.

She observed that the woman was now breathing easier. Did... her dust help? She knew it probably didn't cure her... but she did seem a little better now. It felt... good. She took something from the old woman, it was only right to give something back.


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