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28. Evening

27. Playtime ends

26. Playtime

25. New outfit

24. Changed

23. Visitors

22. Text messages

21. Learning some more

20. Biff gets dressed

19. Waking up

18. Pizza

17. Evening continues

16. Getting changed

15. Shopping

14. Lunch

13. Heading Out

12. The door

11. Biff gets dressed

10. Kitchen

9. Sitting room


on 2021-08-02 09:13:47

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Age Inanimate Myth Part Theft Size Super TF Unaware

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Jon slept for about half an hour. He was having a crazy dream where he was back in his own life and in school. It was lunchtime and he was just hanging out with his friends, joking and chatting. As Jon was telling a story to his group of friends, a dark patch started to spread over his pants. He looked down in shock. He was peeing his pants uncontrollably. His friends started to laugh at him and soon enough everyone was laughing. Biff and his jock friends walked passed and Biff made some joke about Jon needing diapers. Jon was utterly humiliated. The scene then shifted to the locker rooms. Jon was just heading in the door of the locker room to get changed for P.E. He took off his hoodie and put it in his locker. He removed his sneakers and put them under the bench. He opened his belt and the buttons of his jeans before noticing the pink, puffy sight of the diaper that he was wearing. "Hey Jon, nice diaper!", one of the guys shouted and again people started to laugh at him. Jon felt himself lose control of his bladder and start to fill the diaper. A whimper escaped his lips which soon turned into a cry. He looked around for anyone to help him. He spotted Biff in the corner of the room at his own locker. It was the same Biff but now he was dressed in a yellow dress and a pair of heels. Biff turned and saw Jon in distress and minced his way over in his heels to comfort him. He welcomed Jon into his arms and whispered in his ear that everything would be alright, Mommy was here now.

Jon woke with a start, surprised to find himself on an unfamiliar sofa holding a baby bottle half full of milk. It took a moment for him to remember everything that had happened. He wondered where Biff was. He felt his diaper with his hand. It was bulging and very full. He got down from the sofa and made his way to the door, his walk a little bit obstructed by the full diaper. When he got to the door he heard the shower running upstairs. As he made his way up the stairs he heard the shower stop and the door open. By the time he got to the top of the stairs Biff was coming out of the bathroom with a large towel wrapped around his body, just under his arms. He also had another towel wrapped around his head. He looked very girly.

"Oh, you're awake. I hope you enjoyed your nap. I was just getting cleaned up to save time in the morning. We've both got a big day tomorrow." Biff said, glancing down between Jon's legs at the slightly sagging diaper that was there. "Just let me get dressed real quick Jon and then I'll change your diaper. I think we should have an early dinner and get some rest. We want to be ready for whatever tomorrow brings."

Jon thanked Biff and followed him into his room. Biff removed the towel and quickly put on a pair of panties. He decided to skip the bra as he had no plans to leave the house again today. He found a pair of pajamas in his dresser, thankful to find at least one pair of pants in there, even if they were pink and covered in a floral pattern. The top matched the pants which he also put on.

Biff took the towel off his head, feeling a bit silly, as his hair was still short so it was kind of pointless but it felt like the right thing to do at the time. He went with Jon into his room and helped Jon out of his dress and tights. Jon stood before him in just his diaper. Biff suggested Jon put on some pajamas too so they could have a relaxing evening. Jon told Biff he'd like to have a shower too as the constant diaper use had left him feeling a bit unclean. He wanted to be ready to face whatever came his way tomorrow too. Biff agreed. He removed Jon's diaper, handed him a clean one and told him to have a shower and meet him downstairs. He'd bring Jon's pyjamas down stairs and he could dress down there.

Biff headed down to fix something for dinner, while a naked Jon made his way to the bathroom. He was able to walk normally for once without a diaper on but he still felt a little wobbly. Shutting the door to the bathroom he decided to try going to the bathroom to see if he could. He lifted the toilet seat and just stood at the bowl. Nothing was coming out. He couldn't even seem to figure out what muscles to relax anymore. It seemed his pee just flowed out of him whenever it needed to but he couldn't force it out now. Giving up, Jon turned and got into the shower. The water felt nice. It was lovely and warm and Jon started to relax. He finished after a few minutes, having given himself a good clean. When he got out of the shower he saw the clean diaper on the floor. He was enjoying the freedom and feeling of normality of not wearing one so he wanted to put it off for as long as possible. He stood at the sink, looking at his reflection. He was the same person he had always been and at least naked he still felt like himself. He was leaning in towards the mirror, checking his face for any signs of spots or dry skin when he felt a warm liquid running down his leg. He quickly looked down and saw a stream of pee going from his penis, down his leg and into a small puddle on the tiles. Jon tried with all his might to stop the flow but it was futile. Luckily, he didn't go too much and was able to clean the puddle up with some tissue which he flushed down the toilet. He cleaned his leg with a wash cloth and before he had another accident he sadly accepted that he'd be relying on the diapers for the foreseeable future. He picked up the diaper and tried to put it on but he just couldn't seem to get it closed right. He tried laying on his back but when he stood up it just fell off again. Having no choice but to ask Biff for help he picked up the diaper and made his way back downstairs.

He found Biff in the kitchen taking some dinner out of the oven. "Hey Jon, we're in look. I found some lasagna in the freezer and it's just ready now. Hope you're hungry." Biff said as he turned and saw a naked Jon standing in the doorway holding a diaper out to him. Without saying a word Biff took the diaper and led Jon by the hand over to the sofa. He lay him on his back and had the diaper securely fastened in a matter of seconds. He pulled on a pink pajama suit that had soft feet built in. Jon stood up and looked down at what he was wearing. It was very babyish. Biff just sat back and looked at Jon and told him how cute he looked.

The pair ate dinner in mostly silence. Biff was trying to make conversation but Jon was lost in his thoughts. After dinner they both decided to go to bed early and get an early start tomorrow.

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