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31. Comforting

30. Biff gets dressed

29. Next morning

28. Evening

27. Playtime ends

26. Playtime

25. New outfit

24. Changed

23. Visitors

22. Text messages

21. Learning some more

20. Biff gets dressed

19. Waking up

18. Pizza

17. Evening continues

16. Getting changed

15. Shopping

14. Lunch

13. Heading Out

12. The door


on 2021-08-03 18:38:17

796 hits, 92 views, 1 upvotes.

Body Swap Herm MC MTF Omni Part Swap SciFi TF

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Biff ran as fast as he could in his high heels to see what was wrong with Jon. He went into Jon's room and saw Jon, now smaller than he was yesterday standing up in his crib crying uncontrollably. Biff went straight to him and surprising himself and Jon picked his straight up and held him to his chest. The warm expanse of Biff's new breasts offered Jon some comfort and he nuzzled his head in.

His crying slowed down to a whimper and soon he had regained control of himself. He kept his head buried in Biff's bosom for a little while longer, clearly enjoying the comfort of it. After another minute, Jon looked up at Biff and apologised. "I don't know what came over me. I woke up and didn't know where I was. My diaper is soaked and I was so confused that I just got scared. I didn't mean to cry but the more scared I got, it just came out and before I knew it I couldn't stop myself." Jon told him.

Biff noticed Jon hadn't said anything about his new bosom and he wasn't sure if he just didn't notice or what. Biff gave his chest a little jiggle and asked Jon if he noticed anything different about him. Jon giggled, quite a girlish giggle he had to admit, and he said, "woah, what happened Biff? You got boobies. Big boobies." Biff explained how he had woken up like that and was just as surprised as Jon. As the two spoke, Jon was squirming a little bit and seemed to be growing more uncomfortable. After another minute he was starting to whimper again and his speech was becoming a bit broken.

"Please change me mommy. My diaper is soaked. I hate my wet diaper. Don't wanna wear diapers anymore. Wanna be a big girl like you. I mean a big boy." Jon said, his emotions betraying him.

Biff quickly carried Jon to the changing table and removed his pajamas. He removed his diaper and wiped him clean but when he went to look for a new diaper he was all out. He knew their were some downstairs so he left Jon on the changing table for a minute to go and get one.

While he was gone, Jon forgot that he was supposed to be waiting for Biff to come back and instead he climbed down from the table and started playing with some of the toys on the floor. Biff came back in and knelt beside him and changed him on the floor as it was easier. As Biff knealt over Jon, Jon took a minute to look Biff over. He liked the suit that Biff was wearing. The pants clung to his legs and curved around his now wider hips that Jon was just noticing. His white blouse did a good job of consealing Biff's chest but with Biff leaning forward it was stretched to capacity, clinging very tightly to Biff's chest. With the diaper on Biff got up and sauntered over to the closet to find an outfit for Jon. He gave Jon a few options and was surprised to find Jon being very enthusiastic about each option. Jon squealed when Biff showed him the third dress which had a unicorn on the front. "That one. That one!" Jon enthusiastically cheered.

Biff quickly had Jon dressed in the dress and a matching pair of tights. He put a pair of shoes on Jon too, pink sneakers with velcro straps. To speed things up Biff picked Jon up again to carry him downstairs, balancing him on his now wider hip.

Jon wasn't too happy about his reduced size but he was enjoying being carried around by Biff.

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