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33. Arriving at work

32. Breakfast

31. Comforting

30. Biff gets dressed

29. Next morning

28. Evening

27. Playtime ends

26. Playtime

25. New outfit

24. Changed

23. Visitors

22. Text messages

21. Learning some more

20. Biff gets dressed

19. Waking up

18. Pizza

17. Evening continues

16. Getting changed

15. Shopping

14. Lunch

Arriving at work

on 2021-08-04 02:56:20

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Biff parked his car outside his office building and took a few minutes to gather his thoughts. He had learned from his email that the company he worked for was a software development company. Biff was fairly high up the chain and was the Head of HR. He had an assistant and a small team working under him. He would have to bluff his way for a while until he coukkd get his head around the job. His strategy was to just avoid people as much as possible and stay in his office.

It was fast approaching 9 which was when work started so Biff got out of his car. Standing up, he straightened his suit Jack and blouse. He ran his hands over his butt and brushed it down his legs. Happy that he looked decent he put his handbag on over his shoulder and made his was inside.

There was a woman at reception who greeted him enthusiastically, "Good morning Miss Meadows. Nice to see you back. Hope you had a nice break." Biff just smiled and said that he did. Lucky for him he spotted a door with his name on it nearby. He made his way over to his office and opened the door. It wasn't a huge office or anything but it was his sanctuary for now, offering him a little bit of privacy. Biff sat at the desk, crossing his legs and turned the computer on. He only had to wait a few minutes before the first person came in. It was a young woman and Biff's first thought was how hot she was. Strangely, his second thought was to compare his breasts to hers and with a bit of pride her figured his were bigger.

"Good morning, Miss Meadows, great to see you back. I've got your coffee for you. Not much on the calendar for today, meeting wise." the woman chirped. She placed a coffee cup on Biff's desk but didn't hang around too long, making her way outside and sitting at a nearby desk.

Biff drank his coffee and started to look through his emails. Before long he was getting in to the role, finding the job easy enough but quite interesting. Later in the morning he felt the need to go to the bathroom so getting up from his desk he sauntered across the office to the nearest ladies room. He made his way in to a stall, opened the button on his pants and peeled them down his legs. He reached into his panties and was about to pull his penis out when he heard someone enter the next stall. Not wanting to arouse any suspicion he decided to play it safe. He pulled the panties down over his bigger butt and turned his back to the toilet and s at down. He put his hand between his legs to aim his penis down and relaxed his muscles. He took a moment to reflect on his day so far and wondered how Jon was getting on.

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