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37. Bathtime

36. Jogging

35. That evening

34. Daycare

33. Arriving at work

32. Breakfast

31. Comforting

30. Biff gets dressed

29. Next morning

28. Evening

27. Playtime ends

26. Playtime

25. New outfit

24. Changed

23. Visitors

22. Text messages

21. Learning some more

20. Biff gets dressed

19. Waking up

18. Pizza


on 2021-08-04 13:42:24
Episode last modified by belchest on 2021-08-04 20:01:22

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Biffs nails barely had time to dry when his timer went off to signify that dinner was ready. He got up and headed for the kitchen, his feminine walk with swaying hips was further enhanced by his hands flopping about, fingers separated as he wanted to protect his nails. Both of his elbows were in by his side and his hands waved back and forth in opposite time to his hips.

Biff served up dinner and called Jon to come in and join him. Jon climbed up onto a chair. There was a high chair in the corner and although Jon had shrunk in size, he was still big enough to sit in a regular chair when there was no one else around to raise an eyebrow. Both devoured their dinner in silence, Biff taking smaller bites being careful not to spill anything on himself. Jon wasn't having as much luck. He still had good control of his hands but more than once he had lost concentration, looking away at the last moment and dropping some clothes on his dress.

After dinner Biff carried Jon up the stairs. He was holding him slightly away from himself to save his own clothes from getting messy. He told Jon he'd have to give him a bath. Biff told him he was too small to shower himself now but really he was more concerned that Jon was acting too childish to be left alone in there. Biff carried him in to the bathroom and put him down beside the tub. He filled it halfway with warm water and added some bubble bath. He stripped Jon out of his dress and tights as the tub was filling, leaving the diaper on him for now to avoid any accidents. Just before putting Jon in the tub Biff removed Jon's diaper. He lifted him up and placed him down into the water. Jon was giddy with excitement with both the size of the tub and the mountain of bubbles that were floating on top of the water. He sat down and started to play with the bubbles, laughing away to himself. Biff thought about having a shower while Jon was in the bath but didn't want to leave him unsupervised. Jon made a big splash in the water, throwing a good lot of water out of the tub and on to Biff. His dressing gown was soaked. Biff sat there laughing along with Jon for a minute before his wet clothes started to feel cold. He hesitated for a moment but given the childish way Jon was acting and seeing as it was just the two of them in the privacy of their home Biff took off the dressing gown and hung it up to dry on a towel rail. He sat back on the closed toilet beside Jon and splashed him a little bit, having fun with it. Jon seemed to calm down a bit. He wasn't playing now, instead he was sitting staring at Biff's exposed breasts. The cold dressing gown had obviously had an effect on Biff and his nipples were standing at attention. Biff became a bit embarrassed by Jon's stare. He apologised for being so open about exposing himself but he said this was their home and they were basically mother and daughter now so if they had to act the part a bit amongst themselves what harm. Biff told Jon that his skin was a lot more sensitive now so he felt the cold a lot more than he used to. Jon agreed with everything Biff had said, or at least the bits he could concentrate on. He got over his obsession with Biff's boobs and got back to playing with the bubbles.

Biff asked Jon to wrap it up as he needed to shower himself after his workout. Jon, now in a childish, playful mood, splashed Biff again and told him to just get in the tub so they could play together. Biff didn't have the energy to argue. He was tired from his long day and his workout. If this was the queckest way for both to get cleaned up what harm was their in it.

He turned his back to Jon and peeled his panties off and down his legs. Jon was again mesmerised. From behind Biff looked just like a sexy woman. His butt was big and round and his hips were wide making his waist look smaller. Jon felt his reduced penis coming to life under the bubbles, hoping Biff wouldn't notice. His arousal decreased almost instantly when Biff turned back around to face him. From the front Biff didn't look like a man or a woman. His big boobs definitely screamed woman but his penis was anything but.

Biff asked Jon to scoot down and climbed in the other end of the tub, using some of the bubbles to cover his crotch and nipples, to give himself at least a tiny bit of modesty. He proceeded to wash himself and Jon with a big sponge and some flowery smelling soap.

After a while the water got cold and so Biff stood up and got out of the tub. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his chest, tucking it into itself under one of his arms. The towel covered him up and he grabbed another one and got Jon to stand up. He pulled Jon out of the tub and wrapped him in his towel. Jon, reluctantly, reminded Biff that getting a diaper on him should be a priority. He hadn't peed in a while and had no idea when it might come flowing out of him again. Biff grabbed a pack of diapers from the press in the bathroom and carried Jon to his room. On the way their, Jon feeling playful grabbed Biff's towel where he had it tucked in and pulled it loose. Biff yelped and dropped Jon, calling him a cheeky little monkey. Jon, for his efforts, got another full look at Biff's pendulous beasts, swinging free as Biff reached down to grab his towel. He quickly covered himself up again and giving Jon a playful swat on the butt ushered him into his bedroom..

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