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46. Work, Friday

45. Daycare, Friday

44. Friday morning

43. Work, Thursday

42. Daycare, Thursday

41. Early rise

40. Makeup

39. Biff's evening

38. Getting ready for bed

37. Bathtime

36. Jogging

35. That evening

34. Daycare

33. Arriving at work

32. Breakfast

31. Comforting

30. Biff gets dressed

29. Next morning

28. Evening

27. Playtime ends

Work, Friday

on 2021-08-06 16:11:27
Episode last modified by belchest on 2021-08-06 17:38:54

656 hits, 76 views, 1 upvotes.

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Biff felt a little bit odd walking into work in jeans and a top but was relieved to see he fit right in with the women in the office. Most were wearing jeans and sneakers, a few were in casual dresses but nobody was in a suit. The men were mostly in jeans and t shirts too with a few wearing shirts but no ties or full suits.

Heading straight for his office Biff was just getting settled into his work when a friendly colleague popped her head into his office. She had a birthday card hidden in a folder which she's asked Biff to sign. It was another colleague, Barbara's birthday and everyone was signing her card and they were going to have some cake in the office kitchen at around 11. Biff wrote a fairly generic message and handed the card back. He got back into his work and the morning passed by uneventfully from then.

Just before 11 he noticed a few people making their way to the kitchen. He made himself a quick cup of coffee and waited with everyone else for Barbara to show up. When she did they all shouted surprise. The cake was presented and they started to sing Happy Birthday. Biff impressed himself with his new, melodic, singing voice. It was much nicer on the ears than his usual gruff attempts. With the festivities over Biff got back to work. He wanted to get the bulk of his work done as he planned to head to the mall at lunch to pick up a little surprise to give Jon that evening.

He grabbed lunch in the mall and got what he needed. He finished up the day a bit earlier than yesterday and quickly made his way to the daycare, wanting to spend as much of the evening at home with Jon.

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