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50. TV Dinner

49. Boys clothes

48. Men's clothes

47. Night in

46. Work, Friday

45. Daycare, Friday

44. Friday morning

43. Work, Thursday

42. Daycare, Thursday

41. Early rise

40. Makeup

39. Biff's evening

38. Getting ready for bed

37. Bathtime

36. Jogging

35. That evening

34. Daycare

33. Arriving at work

32. Breakfast

31. Comforting

TV Dinner

on 2021-08-07 08:20:39

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Biff settled on a football game. He was a huge football fan and hadn't seen any games in a while. Jon wasn't as big a fan but he didn't mind watching it as he sipped on his beer. As the game went on het got more and more invested in it. He was shouting encouragement for the team he liked and questioning the referee whenever he made a decision. This would have been normal for him but the melodic tones of his voice made it sound a bit out of place. He threw his hand up and shouted, "Yeah, finally, a decent touchdown. And right before halftime too." What would normally sound like a loud roar instead sounded like a high pitched squeal. Jon was enjoying the strangeness of the situation and his eyes followed Biff's boobs as they bounced around unrestricted by a bra when he threw his arms up to celebrate. Jon finished his beer and wondered if the pizza would be arriving soon. He was nervously trying to get a feel for his bladder, not wanting any accidents. Rather than wait he decided to go to the bathroom now and preempt any need.

As he climbed the stairs all of a sudden he felt an urgent need to pee. It came on instantly and he knew he'd better hurry. He practically ran into the bathroom and grabbed a little step to make it easier for him to get onto the toilet. The step wasn't heavy but his reduced size made it a bit harder to lift. He put it in place, quickly pulled down his pants and underwear and sat on the toilet without a second to spare. A heavy stream of pee flowed straight out of him into the toilet. "That was a close one!" he thought to himself. He washed up and headed back downstairs. He was caught off guard a little bit to see Biff closing the front door and carrying a pizza box into the sitting room. Biff opened the pizza and handed Jon a slice on a plate. Jon sat down on the couch and started to eat. Biff had finished his beer and he went to grab two more before eating his own pizza. Jon watched Biff's butt wiggle back and forth as he walked out of the room. The track pants he was wearing did nothing to hide the feminine curves underneath. Biff returned fairly quickly and handed Jon a beer and placed two bottles for himself on the table. Biff tucked into the pizza. He was sitting, cross legged again and holding the pizza limply in his hand but the speed in which he ate it was anything but ladylike.

The halftime discussion was coming to an end and the camera went back to the field where some cheerleaders were doing a half time show. Biff admired the cheerleaders and made a few comments about them, again sounding strange with his new ladies voice. One cheerleader in particular caught Biff's eye. He looked down at his own chest noting that it was bigger than hers. He wasn't sure if this should embarrass him or if he should be proud. He felt a mix of both emotions. The game soon resumed and Biff was just as engrossed in it as before. Jon was kind of bored. He was full after just one slice of pizza and was half way through his second beer. He started to stretch out on the couch a bit, enjoying the fact that he took up a lot less space. Biff was onto his third beer and was feeling a little buzz. When Jon stretched his feet out the touched Biff's feet which he had curled up under himself. Biff idly grabbed Jon's feet and feeling playful gave them a little tickle. This caused Jon to giggle a very childish little giggle. Biff thought it sounded cute and holding Jon's legs down proceeded to tickle him more frantically. Jon was laughing uncontrollably and between laughs was begging Biff to stop. He pleaded with him, "pwease stop. I'll pee my pants if you keep this up." Biff didn't relent and Jon continued to beg, laughing hysterically all the while. "Seriously Biff, if you don't stop I'll.... I'll..." "You'll what sweety?" Biff replied as Jon suddenly stopped laughing. "I'll pee my pants." But it was too late. The beer combined with the tickling meant Jon had lost all control and he had soaked his pants. Not knowing how else to react, he started to cry. Biff felt bad now. He helped Jon down from the couch and carried him upstairs. Jon's pants were soaked so Biff peeled them off and put them in the laundry hamper. He cleaned him up and put a diaper on him. Jon was inconsolable and Biff wanted to be on the safe side. Biff had bought two pairs of boys pants for Jon just in case something like this happened so he pulled them up Jon's legs and over the diaper, hiding it from sight although the bulge it created around Jon's waist was still very obvious.

Wanting to see the rest of the game, Biff carried Jon back downstairs. He was still crying so Biff sat on the couch and cuddled Jon, holding his head close to his breasts and holding him in a warm embrace until he calmed down. Jon started to relax, enjoying the feeling of safety and comfort he got from Biff's embrace. He kept his head on Biff's chest, feeling Biff's breasts rise and fall with every breath. They stayed like that for a few minutes until Jon had calmed down enough to sit back on his own and watch the rest of the game. He was happy he could still wear these boy clothes for the rest of the evening but the diaper he could feel underneath was a reminder of his new role in life.

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